Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How does a person whose life is based on deception live with himself/herself?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33692points) October 31st, 2019

I’m thinking of people, usually in politics, whose professional responsibility is to lie and obfuscate.

Or people who design advertising (usually political) that shows up on Facebook and related media sites.

Do these people have consciences? How do you live a wholesome life if your job is deception?

How do you have personal relationships when your job is to lie?

Do these people see themselves as religious and upstanding?

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16 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

They lie to themselves that what they are doing is for some “greater good”, whether it be for power or money.

rebbel's avatar

They maybe tell themselves (or they are convinced) that they use different facts.
Or use different angles to look at facts.

If research shows that 15% of students are afraid of being involved in a school shooting, I’m sure that different parties will explain these numbers differently (where there are 15% of students being afraid, there are 85% who are not (the opposing party might say)).

Or they are just ruthless freaking consciousless lying bastards.

josie's avatar

I’ve often entertained the notion that politics and advertising as we know it exist as a “legitimate” hiding place for liars and the like, in order to keep them out of the mainstream, where they would do more damage.
It is sort of a balanced arrangement.

They get to feel legitimate and justified with their bullshit, and you get to openly despise and ridicule them and exorcise those negative emotions. so you don’t project them at your difficult neighbors and relatives.

kritiper's avatar

Everyone is a little crazy, some more than others. If someone can live with themselves, as you mention, they are some of the craziest.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Politicians may think they are fighting for a good cause. After all people elect them to represent the entire country or at least something bigger than themselves.

Advertisers have less reason to ‘fight for a greater good”. Their only goal is to get their products seen by as many people as possible. Many advertisers are hired by companies to help promote products so they have less sentiment to the products than the companies. They just put their conscience aside to earn money.

I have much less respect for advertisers than for politicians.

Demosthenes's avatar

One thing I’ve learned by paying more attention to politics in recent years and subsequently lamenting the increasing polarization in this country is that people believe their lies; they believe they are speaking “the truth”. I’m sure there are some smarmy individuals who know full well that they’re lying and ignore and justify doing so, but most don’t. They genuinely believe what they’re saying. So I don’t know how you deal with that.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Acting! That’s the excuse you can feed yourself. People can justify literally anything to themselves. From spies through undercover cops, medals and honors are lavished for straight up fraud and deception. But even in a world with dishonesty as the norm it remains essential that Trump be stomped into the ground. I’m fully prepared to accept rampant dishonesty, but the idea of galloping turpitude at the sustained command of an empty head is unbearably insulting to anyone with a functioning brain.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have read that one in four people are sociopathic.
That would then make it very easy for many individuals to deceive others, no problem.

LostInParadise's avatar

Some people say that those who get ahead are those who lie and cheat. It is what you have to do to get ahead. If you don’t do it, you will be beaten out by someone who does.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Here’s my take, on politics, from my experience with it and from others higher up that I know.

When you start, you are idealistic and want to foment positive change. You do everything you have to do to win your race, you speak to your voters and let them know where you stand on issues, everything’s good.

Then you win your election and it all changes, as soon as you learn the ‘rules’ spoken and unspoken. You learn to play the game and it’s heartbreaking. That’s the reality.

ucme's avatar

It’s not sinister or nefarious in all cases, although those can be destructful & unhealthy.
Some people who live like that are maybe serving a deep psychological need & are to be pitied more than chastised.

LadyMarissa's avatar

They justify it to themselves…especially when it’s work related. It’s so normal to them, they don’t see it as a deception!!!

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snowberry's avatar

@LadyMarissa so true. And everyone ever born does it. Another name for it is called having a blind spot. You can’t see it, but it’s glaringly obvious to everyone around you.

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