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mazingerz88's avatar

How is the US economy doing under Trump?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) October 31st, 2019 from iPhone

Saw this video which made me wonder. Thanks.

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15 Answers

SEKA's avatar

He keeps telling me that it’s doing great, but my checking account indicates just the opposite

Sagacious's avatar

@SEKA you must take advantage. Money is not going to magically appear in your account.

The economy is great. All of my investments are looking fantastic.

SEKA's avatar

@Sagacious I’m happy for you

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Based on my experience & what I do for a living I have no complaints.
People don’t blow their money on artwork when they are broke.

ucme's avatar

It’s doing so well he wants to buy our beloved NHS
Three little words Don…not for sale!

stanleybmanly's avatar

The economy moves along in spite of him, but his trade war means damned near anything you intend to buy for Christmas is going to be more expensive. The compensation doled out to farmers has already exceeded the combined Federal revenues layed out for all the Hurricanes and other disasters of Trump’s reign, and there apparently is no resolution to the disputes in sight. Meanwhile critical Federal agencies limp along with unfilled vital leadership positions. Those positions which have been filled are notable only for the consistently cloying and scandalous ineptitude of the toadies appointed. While the fool squanders the remaining momentum of Obama’s recovery, it appears that the coming collapse he has assuredly engineered is due to arrive just as his flabby ass is removed in disgrace from office.

josie's avatar

Seems ok to me

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think the jury is out.

The big corporate tax cut didn’t help the economy, but it made a lot of people temporarily rich. The tariff stupidity is hurting us, taking money out of the economy, and screwing up the world’s conditions as well.

Dumb moves like not renewing NAFTA and not doing the Asia trade treaty will have a long term bad effect.

And the stock market is up, propped up with the support of Trump and lower interest rates, which is what Obama was criticized for supporting.

Bottom line: US economy is better than the rest of the world’s but isn’t all that hot.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Its been outperforming almost everyone’s expectations including mine. Employers are hiring and jobs are hard to fill because skilled labor is in demand. The housing market is way up and people are still buying. If a slowdown is going to happen I don’t think it will be overnight. The “trade war” has yet to affect much and I don’t believe it will. In the end there will probably be a net benefit to negotiating with China.
It’s hard to predict where things are going, so far so good. Trump is just volatile enough where there is this tickle of fear that have people on edge when it comes to the economy and I’m one of them. If he fucks something up really bad I’m ready to pull the trigger on my stock sell off. I can’t be the only one either so there is that to ponder.

gondwanalon's avatar

Maybe it takes a while for the trickle down economics to kick in. Anyway….
Consumer spending is high.
Unemployment rate is very low.
Stock Market is close to all time high.
It happened while Trump is President therefore Trump gets the credit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Trickle down economics,” have been tried and tested. It doesn’t work. Currently, lots of people have two jobs. That’s how they keep the house afloat. People are working 60 hours a week. It makes employment numbers, and incomes look good on paper. But, it is NOT a sign of a good economy…

mazingerz88's avatar

The metrics on that video seem to imply that the economy or some aspects of it are not doing well.

LostInParadise's avatar

The Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the third time this year They see possible problems on the horizon, possibly exacerbated by the various trade wars. The economic growth rate of about 2% is typical and is below Trump’s promise of %3 to 4%.

SEKA's avatar

^ Yep, if we were doing so great, they wouldn’t need to keep cutting the interest rates. All indications are that they will be cut again in December. Can’t get reelected if the economy is tanking

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