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Dutchess_III's avatar

Which filter do you think I should get?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 1st, 2019

I can get 12 disposable ones for about $3.60 each (about $45,) or one “permanent” electrostatic washable filter for about $43.00.

The electrostatic filter seems to be hinting that it’s a lifetime thing. You don’t ever need to replace it. I am suspicious of it!

Do any of you know about electrostatic filters? Do they work like they’re suggesting?

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10 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Are you willing to clean it that often?

Dutchess_III's avatar

How often do they need to be cleaned? Depending on the season, I have to replace my disposable filters every couple of months. And I’d much rather do a bit of extra work if it saves some money.

canidmajor's avatar

It says on the link that you need to clean it every 4–6 weeks. And this also presupposes that you won’t need a new furnace that may use a different size filter any time soon. How old is your current furnace?

chyna's avatar

I had the kind that you had to clean every month. The first year or so I was pretty good at cleaning it every month or so. Then I got lazy and maybe cleaned it every 6 months. I finally just bought the replacement ones and replace them every other month. Much easier and I have it marked on my calendar so I remember to change the filter.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @chyna. With the ones I have now I vacuum it out at least once before I replace it. I do that about once a month, then replace it in another month.

seawulf575's avatar

We had a washable filter one time. Yes, you could pull it out and wash it. But you couldn’t dry it. You had to let it dry before you could put it back into service. Drying might take a couple days, depending on atmospheric humidity. I felt it was a huge waste of time and money.

Sagacious's avatar

Are you talking about for your furnace? I once bought a permanent washable filter for my HVAC. It was not as effective as a Merve 3 filter, and I prefer a Merve 8, so no, I was not pleased.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Thanks @Sagacious. I think I’m coming to a decision….thanks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

After some sincere soul searching I think I’ll go with the disposable one because I’m a lazy ass! Plus the return is in the floor, above the furnace and Stupper Doodle keeps crappin’ on the vent AND IT IS SO DISGUSTING!! He’s been “accident” free for 3 whole days now so fingers crossed.

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