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luigirovatti's avatar

Do you think that the people who experience true love can be linked through their DNA (details inside)?

Asked by luigirovatti (3025points) November 2nd, 2019

I’ve taken the idea from “The One” by John Marrs. Here’s how he explains in pseudo-scientific terms the idea:
“We have roughly 100 trillion cells in our bodies and inside each of then are 2 metres of DNA – if you unravelled them all, they’d stretch to the sun and buck a hundred timed, and the sun is 98 million miles away from Earth. Women produce pheromones and men have receptors thay bind the pheromone molecules, and that can create an attraction between the two. [What if] when certain people are brought together there’s a variable genes inside us that allows both sexes to produce pheromones and have receptor genes. [...] It’s actually intergenerational Matches that have helped to cause a drop in birth rates around the world.”

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22 Answers

luigirovatti's avatar

Which makes me wonder… For the testing, how would you stop kids from taking it, or paedophiles being matched with them?

rebbel's avatar

How do you come from “people experiencing true love” to kids (who are “taking” what?) and pedophiles?

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. Wishful thinking but total bullshit.

If he can prove his theory in any rational way, it might be worth listening to, but right now it sounds like the kind of thing that a guy at a bar would come up with after too many drinks.,

kritiper's avatar

That sounds pretty far out, man. Maybe we feel more drawn together if our natural frequencies match. You know that dial tone we hear in our ears?

raum's avatar

@elbanditoroso Who the hell do you go drinking with, dude?!

johnpowell's avatar

It isn’t about DNA and harmonic frequencies.. It is about rods and cones and inverted eyesparkles. We covered this with Pathfinder in 2008.

ucme's avatar

The stench of bullshit is so strong, it feels like i’m near a field in Spain.
Oh & the sun is 93 million miles away.

luigirovatti's avatar

@rebbel: taking the test.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I tend to agree with @kritiper on this one. Attraction is, for me anyway, about scent and energy, aka frequency.

luigirovatti's avatar

@rebbel: Oh, and, it’s because I wrote much that I changed topics so radically.

ragingloli's avatar

If you mean like siblings, then sure, why not.

luigirovatti's avatar

@ragingloli: No, I mean like lovers.

raum's avatar

Not entirely crazy idea.

Not sure if “true love” translates into scientific terms. But attraction and pheromones elicit an environmental response.

zenvelo's avatar

The stated evidence of “dropping birth rates” is flat out ludicrous, because it implies this occurs much more frequently with a larger population of more diverse exposure.

If this were a real factor, it would have been anti-evolutionary.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Witchcraft and magic spells are more reasonable explanations than so embarrassing a bucket of nonsense. Honest to God Luigi, you make me wonder if your primary motive is to force us to make fun of you.

raum's avatar

Pheromones can activate genes.
So that part isn’t entirely crazy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Men and women produce and are receptive to pheromones, agreed! But as primary factors regarding the attractiveness of human beings to one another, I believe speculation on such things as falling birthrates from genetically induced causation to be misdirected blind alleys.

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