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mazingerz88's avatar

Do you have nice tasty recipe for left-over rotisserie chicken?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) November 3rd, 2019 from iPhone

Your sharing it would save a lot of tasteless left-over rotisserie chicken from being tossed out. Thanks.

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29 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Reheat it with leftover (or a new batch) of rice, or better yet, rice pilaf or rice and wild rice.

Or, make a sandwich on whole wheat bread, mayonnaise, some lettuce, and a dollop of cranberry sauce.

Either way, it’s lunch for the next day.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Cut it, or shred it to bit size pieces and add it to a Caesar salad.
And ya got a great chicken caesar salad.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Cream of chicken, carrots, peas, potatos, top with a tin of biscuits for a quick pot pie casserole.

filmfann's avatar

I heat it, and put it between bread slices with mustard.
Simple, but delicious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate mustard too!

It’s hard to make anything fresh with it. I had a Vietnamese neighbor come and show me how to make chicken egg rolls. When I commented that she was putting raw chicken in the egg roll she said, “You Americans always cook your chicken twice! The chicken will cook when you fry the egg roll.”
I have never used precooked chicken in a chicken dish again.

I go with Zenvelo. Warm it up with some rice.

Vignette's avatar

Ha! I am making a chicken noodle casserole with the same as I type. Great way to combine all sorts of veggies you have laying around.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Toss it out the window of a speeding train.Let it fly free again.
Then go have some Capn’ Crunch. :)

janbb's avatar

I would make a chicken pot pie as @KNOWITALL suggests with biscuits or put it in a pre-made pastry shell with the soup and cooked veggies and chicken and bake.

Or a stir fry dish with snow peas, mushrooms and onions, soy sauce over rice.

ragingloli's avatar

Fry it up in a pan, then serve with potato salad and spray it all with mayonnaise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now I’m craving chicken and dumplings and stuff like that!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I know! Make your rice. Mix an egg into the water when it starts boiling. Dice up an onion and fry in olive oil. Mix into your cooled rice. Then cut up your chicken and throw it in the rice too. Stir fried rice! I’d also throw in some peas and stuff.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Soup, chicken salad, club sandwiches. Breakfast—chicken reheated in the oven, ice cold orange juice or orange slices, applesauce, waffles and maple syrup. Life can be sweet!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know if you remember Auddie chiding me for my homemade syrup. But I taught Onna how to make it the other day! I miss Auddie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Adirondackwannabe. I guess I meant “Addie.”
And God yes I miss Auggie. I still can’t wrap my brain around it.

SEKA's avatar

Cut up or shred the chicken, add mayo, pickles, chopped boiled egg, and anything else you prefer to make a chicken salad. You can then turn it into a sandwich, add it to your favorite salad, or eat with a side of soup.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Leftover!!?? Are you kidding?
Me and rotisserie chicken, picture any movie that shows king Henry VIII having a meal. Lol

tedibear's avatar

Don’t forget to save the carcass to make soup broth!

stanleybmanly's avatar

I do remember wannabe.

Sagacious's avatar

I did this week before last. I bought one at Samsclub. We ate the breast for dinner and after dinner I pulled all of the meat from the wings, thighs, and legs. Skin was thrown away at the outset. I just pull it into bite size pieces and then heat in a little olive oil with diced vegetables of any kind…I used broccoli, a diced onion, and a bit of shredded cabbage. When the veggies were about half done I tossed it with penn pasta and added some parmesan. It was great and another two meals. For two.

Even if I didn’t have a plan for the left-over chicken I would take the meat off the bone. I think part of why I life the breast is the lack of bone. It is much more appetizing to pull a bowl of diced chicken out of the frig to be creative with than an ugly mutilated chicken carcass. Gag!

snowberry's avatar

I debone the chicken, and put the skin aside or if preferred, I chop it up with the meat into bite-size pieces and throw it in the pot. I have on hand every color vegetable I can find in the grocery store red green yellow orange the more color the better. I cut up the vegetables into bite-size pieces as well, fill the pot to the top of the food with water and put it on to cook.

I cook it until The vegetables are soft and continue adding water to prevent anything from burning. Serve.

JLeslie's avatar

Buy some tortillas, make some pico de gallo, or salsa verde (or buy it) and whatever else you like on a taco and let people put together their meal. Or, you can cook up quesadillas, but that’s way more work. You do need to heat up the tortillas though, best if they are grilled, but you can just do it in a regular nonstick pan.

Throw the chicken into a paella. Saffron rice, shrimp, sausage, the chicken, etc. The problem with this idea is you create more food, and it will only be good as long as the chicken is good, because it’s mixed together. By good I mean ok to eat.

I like chicken in pasta. Either with a red sauce and melted cheese, or you can do olive oil, oregano, salt, a little garlic, and roasted veggies.

Chicken pot pie is a good idea too, I saw that above.

Is there drippings leftover from the chicken? I love a mushroom chicken I make with cream of mushroom soup, but it’s better if the chicken cooks in it. You can still do it though. Cream of mushroom soup, squeeze half a small orange, a lot of sliced mushrooms, a little garlic, and a little chicken broth since you don’t have the drippings. You can add white wine if you want. Cook on the stove so the ingredients marry, maybe 5–10 minutes. Serve over white rice. I like peas or green beans on the side.

josie's avatar

Put it in some chicken stock with chopped up carrots, celery and onion, salt pepper and turmeric.
Simmer for a hour and add Reames Noodles and some chopped parsley.
Mix a little flour with the stock and dump that in. Let is simmer a while longer.
Chicken and noodles to die for.

mazingerz88's avatar

Suffice to say, I now have enough recipes for left-over rotisserie chicken to last for several years. Luv yah jellies, thanks!

JLeslie's avatar

Freeze some of it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazingerz88 Well, what did ya make?

mazingerz88's avatar

Chicken with spaghetti. And what else, vodka sauce. Easy. lol

But rest assured there will be more rotisserie chicken left-overs to come in the house.

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