Several high ranking WH officials have declined to attend a closed door meeting as part of Trump's impeachment proceedings. What does this mean?
Does this mean their voices just won’t be heard, or does it somehow interfere with the process?
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17 Answers
Cover-up. Remember, in Nixon’s case, it wasn’t the Watergate breakin that brought him down, it was the cover-up and the lying about it.
They are just rebelling the process and if required they can be legally required to present evidence .
It is too bad that they don’t attend as then they have no idea of what evidence is being presented.
Yes, but later, too late to probably do anything?
I suspect these are Trump supporters doing his bid to prolong the investigation?
Anything to keep it in the News and to become yet another obstacle to justice.
Trump is like the annoying relative that gets on everyone’s nerves by causing chaos.
Well, if they’re trumpers and not attending means they can’t do anything, or have any influence, then yay for us.
To me, the most relevant parts of your article are below and clearly explains why they aren’t appearing.
Here is another relevant article:
“The Office of Legal Counsel deemed the subpoena “invalid,” and Butler said Ellis had “been instructed not to appear.”
“Michael is respectful of the legislative branch and will cooperate with a valid subpoena,” Butler said.
Last month, head White House counsel Pat Cipollone said that White House officials would not cooperate with the inquiry, arguing that it “violates fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due process” and privilege and immunity for the executive branch of government.”
They can deter and play these games all they want but in the end the truth will be revealed.
A few years ago before Trump was Sworn in as President on the news was a Ukrainian or Russian (?) Journalist who gave a prediction that in a short time ( two years ?) that Trump will be impeached in his 2nd year.
This journalist also stated to take whatever Trump says with a “grain of salt” as he is just spouting off to get a reaction.
I don’t know where to locate that article but it was when the Election was over.
^Pretty much everyone has predicted the same thing.
Here is one article about an American predicting in 2016 of Trumps downfall.
In 2016, this prof predicted Trump’s presidency — and his… › radio › as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.5307276 › i…
It means they’ve got trouble, REAL trouble, with a capital “T” and that rhymes with “C” and that stands for CRIME.
As with the mueller investigations, the people around Trump now find themselves confronted with manifest difficulties simply for being in the room or on the line when the fool took the fatal phone call. Before Trump is toppled, the careers and reputations of people good or otherwise must disappear down the sewer he has dug for them with his big mouth.
Same bet as before. Discredit the process as Hail Mary pass. Up to the people now. Politicians will always be politicians.
Why can’t we have an emergency vote and actually leave it up to the people?
Hearings, testimony is best in the light of day.IMHO
You mean it shouldn’t be behind closed doors?
They might recognize that “secret” hearings are generally done not to protect the witnesses, but to keep the narrative from expanding in a direction not desired by those conducting the hearings. These people refusing to testify probably don’t want to be taken out of context when their “secret” testimony (or part of it) gets leaked.
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