Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever succeeded in beating something only to fail right after?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) November 6th, 2019

Like paying of debts or loosing weight or stopped smoking, ect… Only to be back at step one? What’s the point of putting oneself through greif of trying? Is it better to have a healthy balance instead of trying to fit in through the endless treadmill ? Humor and serious answers welcome. Edited Just rationalizing bad habits.

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6 Answers

josie's avatar

Isn’t that sort of how it goes?
Life is kind of a roller coaster

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The first thing that came to mind was beating an old BF who happened to be the most competitive guy on the planet, at a game of golf…by one stroke.
That bothered him and he bugged me to play another round which I did. I then lost and all was right in his world until I fell in the mud while wearing his new jacket. XD

zenvelo's avatar

The question has a faulty premise. If one “beats something” (like smoking) and then starts smoking again, then you really haven’t beaten it.

Same with fluctuating weight loss off and then on again. That is not goood for you and is hard on your heart.

Yes, a healthy balance is preferable, but what you describe is accepting unhealthy habits as a way of life.

ucme's avatar

I made an omelette once, tasted like shit.

KNOWITALL's avatar

All you can do is keep trying if its important to you. If you just do it to pacify your doctor or friends, it fails quite often YOU have to want it.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Of course lots of times in my lifetime, but I just picked up the pieces and tried again.

Life is like a walk in a valley of peaks and valleys ,some you master and others you get better at in the long run.

Eventually it gets better and one learns what is best for oneself.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, life is hard at times and even the best of us get into slumps.

I would rather be around people whom had gone through ups and downs and overcome falls

then a perfect person who never had never fallen and picked themselves up.

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