Let's pretend it's the end of the world.
No electricity, no government, cash is useless, no businesses of any kind left.
You’re trying to get home to your family but run out of gas. What will you trade for gas?
For food?
For warmth?
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119 Answers
@rebbel You won’t be trading that to me, bud.
Give me a sandwich, a gallon of gas and a long hug and you won’t hear me sing this
If I was younger I’d say “My body,” and be home in a jiffy.
Since there is no government, no business, no cash, I will just go to the gas station and remove the plate and siphon the gas out of the tank into my tank. Since the roads will be clogged with cars that have run out of gas, I’ll be on a motorcycle or scooter to get around the traffic jams.
Yes, I read The Stand which had this same scenario.
Insults followed by lots of bitch slapping, first one to cry is the loser…I don’t react well to crises lol
Bullets. The only true currency of an End of the World as we Know It event.
I’ll fight the other to the death. Winner takes whatever he/she wants.
I’ve seen the end of the world & it’s not pretty…Belgium they call it.
I guess the question would be…why was I away from my family when the shit hit the fan? and how far away was I? Something like this wouldn’t happen during my normal work day.
That’s why the premise won’t hold. Right up to the very end, people will have urgent necessities for which they will barter.
@seawulf575 Caution there. A normal day at work is EXACTLY when our enemies would strike. Remember 9/11
Sooooo I’m guessing you don’t keep your gas tank full @CoolHand? lol.
All the farms around here have gas, I’d siphon or steal, but I’d get it no problem-o.
And in your scenario, how far are you from home that you’d need to find food and a warm place to stay?
As far as trade, if the shit really hits the fan and we’re in our car, we really don’t have much except our bodies, so I guess you’re stuck with rando sex.
No judgement at all, but I’m really surprised how many women were willing to barter sexual favors for survival (hell, I would—except with a man). I would have expected a lot more “I’d rather die” comments (and perhaps those would be dishonest in a real scenario?).
“Rando sex.” That’s a new one!
It’s a life or death situation @gorillapaws. Our families lives are at stake. Sex is not that big of a deal for most adult women. 4 minutes of your time, and you can think about other things while you’re at it.
@gorillapaws In our defense, we don’t know what @CoolHand looks like, and hey, even @rebbel would put out!
It is the end of the world you know, could be the last sex we’d ever had.
@Dutchess OMG, 4 minutes, that’s awesome….hahaha!
Me, for one tank of gas I charge one hour of sex.
I would offer up…. my extensive knowledge of English literature.
@rebbel You can go an hour??
Ya’ll are comical! I’m a straight male so Rebbel is out. I don’t want sex though, sorry ladies. I would want something more meaningful that my family will also benefit from.
Do you actually think any woman is going to pay to have sex with you @rebbel?
In gas, yes.
Why the surprise?
@Dutchess_III yes, I do think that. I’ve had women offer up some pretty interesting things when I was younger.
Well, you ain’t getting no gas from me! I mean, why the hell would I pay for something that’s mine for the taking everywhere I look? Or used to be, anyway.
I know a young lady who has no problem using sex to get repairs made around the house. If she’s fine with it, then go for it.
@Coolhandluke I’ll be honest, if I wanted it and you had it, I’d knock you out with my tire iron and take your vehicle. Hey, it’s for my family so anything goes.
@KNOWITALL No, no you wouldn’t. I get the power behind taking care of your family but that wouldn’t happen. You can’t take from me what you need but you can take from me if I gave it to you for help.
I’m disappointed in nearly every answer here. In no way was anyone willing to help anyone. As soon as the lights turn off, everyone goes into chaos and immediately starts having sex and bashing in heads. You need to barter in honest ways and offer help. That’s the only way of survival.
And what’s wrong with having sex?
We urbanites would die from lack of potable water. Sure, there may be streams and rivers nearby, but the water is polluted from pesticide and fertilizer run-off, vehicle leaks and spills, and other surface contaminants. Boiling water will kill bacteria, destroy parasites, and remove some impurities (ammonia, chlorine, and certain heavy metals), but many pollutants will remain. It’s possible to build an effective water purifier (http://www.hutchbook.com/Bottling%20Water%20&%20Filters/default.htm), but most of us wouldn’t have instructions (no more internet) or the necessary materials.
For anyone living with cold winters, the next problem is heat. Even if a building has oil heat, the furnace needs electricity to run; also, when the tank is empty, there won’t be any more heating oil deliveries. The only way to survive winter is with a wood-burning stove or plenty of fireplaces.
These obstacles are followed by the dangers from other human beings. Chaos and desperation don’t bring out the best in people. If you have a warm, safe home, someone will try to evict you and move in. If you have plenty of food, other people will fight to steal it. No more government means no police, no courts, and no jails or prisons; people are free to harm or kill for what they need, and many won’t hesitate to do so.
@Love_my_doggie you have a solid grasp on things. Now you need a plan to prevent any troubles from forming.
Learn these skills now.
@Coolhandluke Your question did not suggest asking for help in this scenario only what we would trade. I said bullets because ammunition will be the only real currency anyone would want for payment of an item or service outside of a straight on barter. Civility in any shape or form will vanish quicker than you can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and you will have to have an exceptionally good talent to lend to the survival of your tribe or become food for their pig farm because the last thing any group fighting for survival will need is another mouth to feed. To offer sex for a ham sandwich will not fly after the first 24 hours because those with the bullets and the gun to fire them will be getting all they desire.
Breeding? I’m not talking about breeding.
Yes. You specified “trade.” Sex is the easiest trade in the world for women.
@Dutchess_III What makes you think that it’s not for the taking wherever and whenever I want it?
Where’s Pat Benatar when you need her?
Well, that’s rape, for one thing @rebbel. And I’m pretty sure there will be plenty of that going on at the end of the world.
@Vignette learn to make your own bullets and you’ll live like a God.
Rebbel, Dutchess just wants to have sex to get her supplies. I hope it can get her more than a can of peas.
I’m not sure we really have to pretend very much.
Wow, this went to an very odd place.
@Coolhandluke From past Q’s, there are several survivalists here, but your scenario was kind of weak if you were looking for actual RL barter situations.
And frankly I’m not sure what surviving means in relation to kindness….I mean in your scenario you’d be a stranger, not our friend, which makes you fair game. If we have to go thru you to save our families, then I’ll bet most people here would go thru you or die trying.
@Coolhandluke Pretty much! I got the bullet part down…it’s the blending of the gun powder I have not tried my hand at. Can’t be that much to it. Now that you said what you said about bullets I am now thinking I should add a couple Blunderbuss’s to my arsenal. No bullets needed as even a handful of buttons will do swimmingly.
Because of your wording @rebbel. ”What makes you think that it’s not for the taking wherever and whenever I want it” I’ve never consider having sex as taking something. It’s giving something.
And maybe you could just go out and take sex whenever you wanted, which leaves the question of why the hell were all the other man so bloody desperate to have it all the time?
@KNOWITALL Duly noted however, I never said I was the gate keeper here. I asked you guys what you would trade. The question was weak? Compared to what? Because I didn’t give specific details? It was only meant for brief discussion and to strike thoughts into the minds of normal thinking people. You never want to think normal.
@KNOWITALL made a really good point…how much do you carry around in your car to barter with? Sex is something t hat all that women have at all times.
@Dutchess_III Okay…..
”I’ve never consider having sex as taking something. It’s giving something.”
”why the hell would I pay for something that’s mine for the taking everywhere I look?”
I’m pretty sure not all women are in line to have sex with me, but there is a possibility that there are men in this world that can get/take/give it whenever they want.
Without force.
Time for a musical break
LOL @lucillelucillelucille !!
How’s this one, here’s looking at you @Dutchess_III
”(And now it’s time for a breakdown)
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it (whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa)
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never get it”
If I were truly desperate, I would probably resort to charlatanry to trick my victims into thinking I had knowledge/powers/etc. that was useful to them. I might even start up my own cult, come to think of it. Ever see “The Postman?”
@Dutchess_III nope, never.
In case you don’t know, it’s a song by En Vogue. I’m full of wonderful but useless 90s music references.
Good. Don’t want it anyway.
I know the song, silly.
And what are you implying? Spit it right out.
I’m flattered!
Short line tho…:-)
So what is the barter you two?
So is one of you going after Biden? ~
@Coolhandluke “I’m disappointed in nearly every answer here. In no way was anyone willing to help anyone. As soon as the lights turn off, everyone goes into chaos and immediately starts having sex and bashing in heads. You need to barter in honest ways and offer help. That’s the only way of survival.”
I can’t help but chuckle at the irony of this statement combined with the avatar you’re sporting.
I’m having a tough time following here.
Are some people asking for sex in exchange for gas and others refusing sex in exchange for gas?
Hey, @rebbel, how bout we do a little exchange, some gas for some food, then we can just boink for fun.
My answer wasn’t about sex at all.
Dutchess seems to think that everyone will be wanting sex with her when the world is coming to an end.
@josie I was actually getting my own gas way up there.^
I just was enjoying the prurience.
After further review, the most accurate answer is bullets. Everybody else might be flattering themselves
Woot, way to go…we’re fucking with gas!
That is not what I am thinking @janbb. That was snarky, rude and uncalled for. What I said was if I was younger I’d have no problem bartering sex for gas. What the hell else would I have in my non running car to barter? Old Diet Coke?
Hahaha, @Dutchess_lll, it sounded to me like the Penguin was teasing. Why so angry?
If sexual favours are being dished out at the end of the world, it has to be a blowjob surely.
A-cock-to-lips Now
@ucme No way, everyones going to be filthy. Have you seen Walking Dead, Mad Max, Waterworld-all nasty! Ewww
@KNOWITALL Mad Max came to mind as soon as I saw this question…fancy that eh?
@ucme Great minds think alike.
@KNOWITALL Okay, if you can guess what i’m thinking right now I shall retire to bed a content man…I’m so easily pleased like that :-)
@Dutchess Maybe @Coolhand has a good idea, car survival pack. I dont have one but the longer this thread goes, sounds like we ladies REALLY need one haha!
I got the impression it was an unexpected thing and we didn’t have time to prepare.
What did the men say they’d barter for things?
Beside bullets, items like opiods, insulin, xanex, clonidine, 20 year old scotch, feminine products will be super valuable items to trade with. One bottle of 60 Oxycontin might just buy you a whole gas station come TEOTWAWKI.
Sure…IF you have time to plan
@Dutchess_lll Wrong answer. Your IF will put you in direct competition with the other 99% who also didn’t plan.
Wrong answer Vignette. We need to ask the OP if we had time to plan. In his details he said ”You’re trying to get home to your family but run out of gas. What will you trade for gas?” If we had time to plan I wouldn’t have to “Get home to my family.” I was be with my family.
@Dutchess_lll I think that is the ‘fun’ of the question is to see peoples answers as to what they would do now if this happened. Often in survival situations it’s not so much what you immediately have on hand, it’s what you know and how mentally fit you are to take on a sudden change in your environment. How creative and resourceful are you is what will keep you alive.
Drinkable Water
Are all that should be on your mind in that order. Trading for gas should be the least of your worries.
I’m trying to get home to my family. That’s #1 for me. I can’t do it without gas.
@Dutchess_lll You will just have to get creative and think of a way to get home possibly without gas.
It would depend how far away from home I am. The OP didn’t give us any specific parameters beyond getting home to our families.
Are we overseas when the world ends? In that case we’re screwed without gas. 100 miles? I’m walking. I figure 20 miles a day. 5 days. I.can go without food for 5 days…or steal from grocery stores along the way. Water would.be my main concern. Shelter would depend on what time of the year it is. But again, if needed I’ll break into places.
@Dutchess_lll Could be a trick question to think your only concern was to get home to your family. You just may have bigger fish to fry with potential utter chaos unfolding all around you. If your family is at home they are relatively in good shape…you are the one who is exposed and you have to do something to improve your situation and pretty quickly.
It’s a random fictitious scenerio dreamed up by a Jelly, not some deep reaching psychological test! Lighten up!
Ah. You’re here. So how far from home are we? And how much time to prepare did we have?
@Dutchess_III We’re 53 miles from home so you’ll need at least 5–7gal of gas because we’re driving an old 1979 F250. We’re coming from a supply run for our family so we have stocked up on some canned goods, first aid kit, and we ran across some ammo and a couple guns.
I’m happy that you’re thinking this through!
Where did we get the canned good if all the businesses are destroyed? Nice truck, BTW!
I have an M60 bullet belt!! With a 65 round count! These bad boys can help you hunt and protect your Family! But ill have to give you a few per trade, you know, when you dont have much to go on, you have to stretch it out for the long haul!!
But why can’t I get them cans here in town? Why do I have to go to Wichita? And who in Wichita has CANS? And do they want sex for them cans?
@Coolhandluke Do I simply overlook the fact that you just left a supply depot and quickly ran out of gas?? Ooops! I love a challenge but…
@Dutchess_III haha! Sex for cans….that’s funny.
I decided that not only am I bashing @Coolhandluke, but since he likes Walking Dead, I’m taking his vehicle and his body, too…..no hunger for my fam. :)
The place didn’t have gas, geez lol!
I already barter sex for canned goods, so I guess the apocalypse won’t be much of a change for me. There’s just something so compelling about cling peaches in heavy syrup and mushy, bitter asparagus.
I tried bartering sex for canned goods. I almost starved before I gave up and went to the grocery.
I could train your dog. Even in this type of scenario a dog’s behaviour can cause trouble in his family. Dogs might even become quite important in ways they weren’t before. I could teach your dog to bark and growl at strangers, keep kids warm by curling around them, detect unstable surfaces, find money or food…endless possibilities.
I’m also willing to “rent out” my very loving Labrador for traumatized people to cuddle. He would approve.
I could trade baking skills (nothing fancy, but certainly tasty), writing, translating, childcare, tutoring (since there won’t be schools), and I would do an okay job at consoling people. I’m good at listening when I put my mind to it.
Well @Coolhandluke Since the depot is out of gas that means everyone is out of gas, so we best be prepared to barter for bicycles or mules if we want to get home quicker.
You guys are forgetting the prime directive here…we’re desperately trying to get home to the family. We don’t have days and days to train dogs and children and people! We gotta be able to do / trade something quick!
@Dutchess How about just giving up the useless vehicle for a ride or even a bike? I mean we can hike home fairly quickly for 50 miles.
Maybe someone along the way would barter on good faith? Veggies and morels in spring or fresh deer or turkey. A days labor for an old bike.
But the useless vehicle now has canned goods that I can barter with so I don’t have to have sex for cans.
Actually, I would have never left home. We would have snagged our camper, loaded up on all the non perishable food in the house and moved to the lake. We’d have to boil water.
@Coolhandluke I had a 79 Ford, too, three on the tree and a dream. I get it.
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