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Vignette's avatar

Based on the life you live right now, what award could you win?

Asked by Vignette (2890points) November 9th, 2019

Which award would you stand a better chance of winning right now? The Olympic medal, an Academy Award or the Nobel Peace prize? Why would you be in the running to win this award?

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9 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Which one do they give to couch potatoes?

Pinguidchance's avatar

Gastropod of the Decade.

Olympic Gold in the 1k Do Not Walk.

Academy Award for Best Non-Producer.

Nobel Peace Prize for Going To, Being and Nothingness.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Academy award – best director.

The only way I could hope for an Olympic medal would be if they made endurance sitting an event.

Peace prize? I’m too short tempered for that.

Due to my limited capacity, I must hire people for odd jobs sometimes. It takes some directing skill to orchestrate a best performance and optimum results.

rebbel's avatar

A Michelin Star: for attempt at best boiled egg.
Nobel Peas Price: ca €1,59

seawulf575's avatar

I think I might be up for a Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award.

ucme's avatar

Sarcastic Lovable Rogue Award
Multiple champion already, would be cool to win one more time…old times sake.

gondwanalon's avatar

Patience and perseverance awards. I am the master.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The “Queen of All She Surveys” party platter.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Champion recipient of sustained undeserved good fortune

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