General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

What's your experience for being evicted?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) November 10th, 2019

According to one of the not-so-latest statistics by sociologist Matthew Desmond, Richmond is one of the cities with the most eviction rates in the USA. Even him couldn’t say how widespread it was. Surveys of renters have tried to gauge it, but the government has not sufficient data. What Desmond did find was that the displacement is more rampant than ever.

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24 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’ve never been evicted.

rebbel's avatar

I’ve never been evicted either.

chyna's avatar

I’ve never been evicted.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve never been evicted.

luigirovatti's avatar

@Darth_Algar; @rebbel; @chyna; @Dutchess_III: Sorry, but it is kinda repetitive, don’t you think? I’ll write it for you in case you write again: This question is addressed only to those who have been evicted, thank you very much :-).

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I haven’t been evicted but my dad owned many rental properties and occasionally had to evict.
He did that as a last resort.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I got evicted on Christmas because I didn’t like the food. Had to spend a night in a homeless shelter. Luckily I got an apartment the very next day.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’ve never personally had it happen to me, but I’ve certainly been involved with others in the midst of their experiencing it.

luigirovatti's avatar

@stanleybmanly: Ah, okay. Just a question: Did you ever have 4 consecutive answers written in almost exactly the same way? Puts even MY questions to shame.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But other than “no”, isnt “I’ve never been evicted” the most succinct answer, as well as the most polite. It not only tells you “no”, but extends you the courtesy of telling you why. It is the answer you should naturally expect from those lucky enough to avoid eviction.

luigirovatti's avatar

@stanleybmanly: The reason I was writing this is I think they copied each other. And, anyway, we can’t even know if they considered lucky to not have been evicted before they read the question, or, more importantly, they remembered not to before they answered.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I understand. But you must consider that if their experiences are identical, there is no shame in piggybacking on the best and shortest answer available. More to the point, there isn’t a.single one of them I might suspect incapable of arriving at the answer independently.

chyna's avatar

@luigirovatti Sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention. I have never been evicted, nor do I know anyone personally that has.

Darth_Algar's avatar


You didn’t address you question only to those who have been evicted. You just asked for our experience without asking anything or really saying anything meaningful beyond that. My experience is that I’ve never been. Considering the small pool of regular users on this site I’d say you’re not likely to find anyone here who has been.

snowberry's avatar

My only experience in eviction was evicting spiders out of my house.

raum's avatar

I’ve been evicted.

Back in college, a few of my friends mentioned that they had bumped into my brother on campus. This was unusual since my brother lived six hours away. I told my friends that if they saw my brother again to NOT invite him into their place. My friends all thought that was a terrible thing for me to say about my own brother.

I tried to explain that my brother had been struggling with addiction for years. And stealing anything and everything had become part of his personal repertoire.

At any rate, my friends all thought I was being a dick. And invited him in despite my warning.

Unsurprisingly, he repaid their hospitality by stealing their checkbooks.

Even though my friends instead that it was their own fault for not listening to me, I still felt that it was my responsibility to pay them back. So I asked my coworkers to cover their shifts at the bookstore to pay them all back. (Three separate friends. Two were roommates.)

Working double time I was able to pay them back. But I didn’t have enough to cover my own rent. (Which was actually only $450/mo, it felt like a lot at the time.)

Ended up getting evicted and crashing on a friend’s couch.

I know my brother stole their money, assuming that I would just ask for money to pay them back from my older sister. He often stole money from my parents, assuming my sister would just give them more. Which she did. But I was tired of the bullshit cycle where he stole money with no consequences.

Yes, I know it’s dumb that I essentially decided to accept the consequences of his actions. When I could have asked my sister for help and avoided being evicted.

But I wanted him to understand that his actions had consequences for me. That I wasn’t just another route for him to steal from my older sister who he saw as a money pit.

jca2's avatar

I have no personal experience with being evicted. I have never been evicted.

seawulf575's avatar

The step daughter was evicted several years ago. She, her boyfriend, and another couple sub-let an apartment. They apparently never paid a days rent…spent it on drugs instead. They got the required notices and then the sheriff showed up with the eviction notice. They were given one day to come back and get all their stuff. After that, if it wasn’t taken, it was forfeit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What, exactly, is it you’re looking for @luigirovatti? As a teacher I can tell you that you have kids transferring in and out of different schools every three months because that’s how long it takes, legally, to evict someone. Their parents live eviction notice to eviction notice.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I’ve never been evicted (sorry), but I can tell you that in the twelve years I lived in an apartment building (11 units, in a pretty nice part of town), I think I probably saw at least 4–5 eviction notices for others in my building per year. That always blew my mind!

stanleybmanly's avatar

My first apartment when I hit town was the result of a girl’s self eviction ( of which I wasn’t aware). A few days after getting the place, I’d baked up a batch of my mom’s brownies and was preparing to ice them as they cooled on the rack. There was a knock on the door & when I answered it, I must have gasped or pulled some other 3 stooge appropriate double take because—there before me stood this stunning woman about my own age with the sort of chuckling smirk on her face she might bestow on a naughty pet. “Nice apron” were the first words from her mouth, but mockingly like “nice apron sissy!” “Oh oh” thought I “fight’s on”. But she just giggled and explained that she had come looking for some mail. I told her I was busy with brownies and couldn’t be bothered with checking the mail for some ill mannered floosy. So I tossed her the key to the mailbox, and while it was still in the air she announced. “Don’t put any icing on mine. I prefer my brownies unfrosted. I’ll be right back.” I went straight to work. I wanted to make it my business to frost every exposed inch of that pan of brownies including the bottoms before the insolent but lovely scamp could return. But she was quick, and before I could spread the frosting over the top her voice was approaching up the stairs and through my open door. “They smell really good. Perhaps you should leave half of them unfrosted.” But this time I was ready with “Perhaps I should call the police!” Ignoring me, she grabbed 2 dinner plates from the cabinet and said, “let’s split the brownies while I tell you a story”. I replied “only if you eat the entire half before you leave. Whoever doesn’t finish their half must forfeit what’s left to the winner”. Her reply “Got milk? YOUR brownies probably aren’t worth eating anyway”. Thus the contest ensued, and I’ve never seen anything to match it. That lovely pig devoured my brownies like a steam shovel, yet did so with an illusion of daintiness that left me aghast. I fell behind just trying to puzzle out how the hell she was doing it. We drained whatever was left from the half gallon of milk and when the disgraceful show had ended, there wasn’t a crumb or speck of chocolate on that amazing pig. She daintily dabbed the corner of her mouth with her napkin, (which she hadn’t bothered to unfold) and beheld my chocolate and crumb laden face and clothes with that same knowing smirk. She bested me with absolutely no appearance of rush or urgency, and told me the story of why she left (as promised).

Dutchess_III's avatar


Darth_Algar's avatar


I think you left out the part where you two fuck.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The story was that she left to escape the landlord/owner’s constant pressure for her to sleep with him. She had no sexual interest in him (or any other man.)

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