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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is this quote true?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) November 10th, 2019

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.- G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
Humor and serious answers welcome.

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12 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Actually, yes—it sounds like the natural cycle of things.

Thanks for posting !!!

ragingloli's avatar

No. It is not.
I mean, Hitler had a hard time in WW1. You think he created “good times”?

LadyMarissa's avatar

In my opinion, it’s a true quote. When times are hard, people become tough in order to survive. As the tough people survive, things seem to get better. Once things get better, people become complacent which makes them weak. Once they grow weak, there is nobody to stop the hard times. So, the hard times return & the cycle starts all over!!!

I think I’ve lived through this cycle during my lifetime & we are heading back into the hard times just as my life is coming to its end!!! I’m NOT sure that I have the energy to become tough once again. Many of my REAL friends assure me that I’m a tough old bird now, but I’m feeling tired & worn out!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Loli, Hitler created hard times for others which made them tough. Once made weak, Hitler was defeated & then the good times followed. He did NOT create the good times; however, he was a catalyst for them. He made many people aware of what hard times truly were, so anything better was considered good times. Those he starved felt blessed to have food on their table every night. They weren’t picky about what they ate…just happy to have food!!! Those who watched their family die, were comforted with what little family they still had with them…another blessing!!! NONE of these people would have chosen that life for themselves, but they were strengthened from the hardships that they endured!!!

ragingloli's avatar

“Hitler created hard times for others”
Which is exactly where that quote fails.
Because Hitler fought in WW1, it should have made him a “strong man”.
So either his hard times made him a weak man, which contradicts the quote,
or they made him a strong man, which means he should have created “good times”, which he did not, which also contradicts the quote.

The same with Stalin, who was born into poverty.
Or all those veterans, who come home with PTSD, and start beating their families in a booze fueled stupor.

The quote is simply nonsense.

filmfann's avatar

It’s generally true.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s a proverb designed to help people overcome adversity.

LadyMarissa's avatar

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!!

Inspired_2write's avatar

“So either his hard times made him a weak man, ”
( He WAS weak and it became a challenge for him to become a leader.)

or they made him a strong man, which means he should have created “good times”, which he ..”
( He created HIS good times,partying and celebrating as others suffered.)

seawulf575's avatar

Yes…it’s pretty cyclic Hitler didn’t disprove this statement either. Weak men created hard times which Hitler capitalized on and not in a good way. He was more of the hard times. His impact was to make stronger men…men that were willing to work and resist o avoid his rule. These good men went on to make good times.

josie's avatar

As stated above. It’s a proverb, a life lesson. Sort of like “Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations”.
Sometimes true, sometimes not.

I’m not sure that reading post EMP apocalypse books about wars with Canada is healthy in 2019. Based on some of your posts about your diet, I would suggest Joy of Cooking

LostInParadise's avatar

There is some truth to the statement, but is an oversimplification of what happens. The Roman Empire experienced hard times toward the end, but there do not appear to have been enough strong men who were able to rescue it.

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