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janbb's avatar

Does shampooing carpets really help them look brighter and cleaner?

Asked by janbb (63365points) November 11th, 2019

As asked. Debating whether to have it done.

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15 Answers

Vignette's avatar

Yes. As much as I think I have a clean house, a good carpet cleaning will almost always reveal it was money well spent. I say this though my cleanings have been in the wake of years of kids and a dog. Areas that are or were off limits to pets and playdoh were not a visibly different. If you REALLY want to know how worth it having them cleaned is, just watch when they empty the vac reservoir.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. Smell better, too.

ucme's avatar

It does, but if the carpets are particularly dirty, then stains will have sunk through to the underlay. That can result in a temporary immaculate clean up top where you see, but those left untreat beneath will eventually be visible through everyday tread.

raum's avatar

Carpet cleaning is a glorious thing. Worth every penny, in my opinion.

Though to be fair, I have kids.
I might be less enthusiastic
about it if I didn’t.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes,it does. I have rugs that get cleaned a few times per year & it does brighten them up.

filmfann's avatar

Be carefulto make sure the cleaning solution isn’t so strong it removes the scoth-guarding.

JLeslie's avatar


I used to have a Bissell upright and it was great. I’ve been thinking about buying another. I have their smaller spot cleaner and use it on my entire carpet, because my carpets are small in my current house. I should use it more than I do. It does make a difference.

A professional carpet cleaning can be magical. If the fibers are still in good condition, but the carpet is just dull or stained in some places it can make the carpet look brand new again, or help keep it looking new longer.

The trick to keeping carpet looking new is to vacuum regularly to get the dust and dirt out. Those particles fray the fibers. The deep clean helps get what your vacuum is missing. Plus, the chemicals to get stains out, but that’s a separate reason to do it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I bought my own machine. It was less than having it done, and this way I can do it when the mood hits me.
Having a service come in, I find, many use too much solution and don’t get it all back up, leaving an unpleasant smell.

marinelife's avatar

If the carpet itself is in good condition, then cleaning it is well worth it.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. The trick is to not get them too wet or use too much soap that can’t be rinsed out.

Sagacious's avatar

Yes. Do not let them just “clean around” your furniture. Have them clean every sq. ft. so you don’t have different shades of carpet. There can be a little fading in the process which can translate to brighter and cleaner. But yes, it’s worth it but, for me with no animals in my house, it’s done about once between buying new carpets. I only have my bedrooms and stairwell carpeted. My whole living space downstairs in hardwood.

Sagacious's avatar

@Patty_Melt I had a Bissel steam extractor cleaner which did an excellent job for years. When I moved I left it with my daughter and her messy kids. Moving the furniture would be too much for us these days I think. But I really like knowing the equipment was only ever subjected to our own dirt. :)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Once a year is suggested.
It depends on the use.
I take my shoes off when entering my apartment, as it doesn’t track in the dirt.

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PaisleyFaye's avatar

Yes it does help, I remember my Mom wanted a bright canery yellow carpet in her bedroom, once she got it put down it was beautiful, but then overtime there was lots of ware from constant walking on it, so we had it shampooed and dried, wow what a difference it made, getting a textured runner helps Preserve the life of the carpet.

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