I am quite aware of double standards. And you all have made valid points.
But where you get it wrong, is that I never invited any of these women over to my house, or led them on, in anyway, without their wanting me to be there. When a girl says they aren’t interested in me, I drop it there.
When a girl invites me to their place, or wants to come to my place, I assume that there is already interest. Is that wrong?
I would call what most men(no, I’ll just speak for me,) do is seduction.
Women always say “I know if I want to be with a guy, the second I meet him.”
That’s the game. I have NEVER, nor will I ever force myself on a female. They invite me over, or come to my , place, knowing that they/we have chemistry.
And that some sort of sexual event, i’s inevitable. It’s always up to the female, weather or not this event will take place.
But, that (to me) means, that they want to be seduced. I dance with them. I make them laugh. Eventually, they start getting close to me, or finding reasons, to touch me.
They say “I’m cold,” or “I wish someone would rub my back.” Things like that. We kiss, for awhile, and then they back down a bit. But the evening persists. And we may kiss again, or more.
Then, there is what seems to be a natural progression of us getting closer, and closer. Then I make my moves. Of they decide that i, or they should leave, I respect that I, and do as they say.
You’ve got it all twisted. I only persist, if they seem to want me too. I don’t do anything that makes them uncomfortable. In fact, if I feel it’s going nowhere, I’ll leave, or ask them to leave…
The stories I tell about being groped, are 100% factual. But I never gave those women a sign, that that was ok. They took it upon themselves, to touch me, when, I never gave them the slightest hint of consent, or desire.
I find your perception of my talking points offensive. I am not a gentleman. But I’ve never imposed my will, on a female. And I find it even more offensive, that I’ve stated that many women have groped me, without any hints from me, that it would be acceptable.
I have personally been sexually involved with at least two women, who persisted in their advancements, until I gave in.
Forget your “pity train.” I’ve NEVER asked for pity. I only raise those incidents, to make women think about their behavior. No one, should pity me. But I’m tired, of the man bashing, that goes on here.
I don’t want pity. I want accountability. The reality of life, is that women are just as guilty as men, when it comes to “sexual assault.” They just face no consequences. There is your “double standard.”
Attempting to seduce a female, in either her place, or mine, is VASTLY different, from a female groping me, at the front door of a venue.
It’s also drastically different from when several rich women decide to grope me, at a venue they have power at…
Don’t you dare, call it the same.
You aren’t stupid enough to compare the two…
I find your perception of my attempt at being genuine, HIGHLY offensive…
I don’t know what it’s like to be a female. I don’t understand their mindsets. I will concede that.
But you would do yourself a great favor, by trying to think of a male’s perspective. I’m trying to give you that. But. You are just ignoring it, and judging someone who you don’t really know…
I apologize for trying to be genuine, and honest. Instead of thinking about what I’ve said, you went straight into defense mode. Knee jerk reactions, show the inability to even try to understand the world around you.
@josie was right. This was a trap, from the start. I try to insert a genuine answer. Giving you insight into the male thought process, and you could have learned something. Instead, you blasted me, for rare honesty. I guess I should’ve just ignored the whole question. Which would have been a disservice, to the whole idea of Fluther. The exchange of ideas, and understanding of each other.