Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

Is Antifa the new KKK?

Asked by seawulf575 (17190points) November 12th, 2019

I heard this comparison and I started to think about it. I understand Antifa isn’t about race, but they are about ideology. And really, at heart that is what bigotry is…an ideology. But I started thinking about the comparison: both were formed from the Democrats, both were supported by the Democrats, both wore masks to hide their identities, both ganged up on lesser numbers, both used violence to push their beliefs. The similarities are there. Your thoughts?

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15 Answers

Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
zenvelo's avatar

Your premise is false on many levels.

Bigotry is not an ideology, it is discrimination based on heritage.

Antifa stands up to violence and violent people espousing violent ends. To that extent it does not initiate, it reacts to announced plans of violence.

Does your linking to the Democratic Party mean the Republicans will co-opt Antifa in a few years as they did with the KKK?

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
josie's avatar

Always nice to see interest in differing points of view.
Why not just make your argument for or against the premise?

Demosthenes's avatar

Are we going to have another argument about the Democrats and Republicans of the past having little to do with the Democrats and Republicans of today? Because despite how this sounds, I never get tired of that argument and I have some new and better and information to present this time.

To answer the question, no, I don’t think it’s a good comparison. The KKK was a group with hierarchical structure and organized membership that sometimes committed murders, something the loosely-aligned group of marauders known as Antifa bear little resemblance to. I was reminded of the KKK when I saw the torch-bearers shouting “Jews will not replace us!” in Charlottesville.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why do you subject yourself to the ridicule you most assuredly deserve? To pretend the current Democratic party of today the equivalent of reconstruction era Democrats assumes an unbelievably insulting stupidity on the part of anyone hearing it. You should consider hmmmmmm’s advice, regardless of who’s paying you.

mazingerz88's avatar

Is the KKK against white supremacists and Neo-Nazis? If white supremacists and neo-nazis would all commit suicide by blowing themselves up Antifa would probably not exist. If Antifa existed in Germany during Hitler’s time, that asshole probably would have been punched in the face before he could rally people into murdering millions.

@seawulf575 Just say what your neo-nazi friends would want you to say here instead of being coy.

ucme's avatar

Ooohh, I love Marvel movies…when’s it out?

LostInParadise's avatar

How can we match this question with an equally biased one? Is the present day KKK a subsidiary of the Republican party, or maybe vice versa? David Duke is a big Trump supporter..

stanleybmanly's avatar

The question itself is ludicrous unless you are willing to accept the outlandishly stupid premise of Antifa as the reprehensible equivalent of the abominations to which it is opposed, our idiot President’s argument of “good people on both sides”. Anyone proposing such foolishness only betrays the fact that they are seriously shortchanged of the knowledge required to discuss the topic.

Demosthenes's avatar

The right tries to blow up Antifa into being much more than they actually are. What I see are people smashing windows and fighting with equally belligerent alt-righters and acting like punks. I don’t see the sophisticated terrorist organization that the right claims they are. I don’t much care for Antifa, but it’s possible to dislike them without comparing them to the KKK or other terrorist organizations. Even the protesters in Hong Kong have gone way further than Antifa ever has and yet they’re supported by both sides of the U.S. political spectrum.

mazingerz88's avatar

If those HK protesters who lit that guy on fire were genuine Democratic protesters they should be charged for that crime. I just have this nagging feeling what if those were actually pro-China HK residents planted there to make the protesters look really bad? The Chinese Communist Party, like Putin is terribly good at this game. Just look at how Putin is still successfully playing Americans.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I say screw them all. Let Antifa and the white supremacists beat the shit out of each other. They all deserve it. Both are overblown, and much, much smaller than we are lead to believe. I would not call them equivalent. I hate antifa but I hate Nazis more. That does not mean I will support antifa in any way. I see them as another small but dangerous fringe group.

Sagacious's avatar

I’ve heard this a couple of times before.

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