Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are the things that could happen in America that would lead to Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and nationalists ruling over the country for a thousand years?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) November 12th, 2019

Things that could truly happen in real-life considering all that’s happening today, socially, economically and politically…

And what do you think the USA as a nation would be like if these people were in power?

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12 Answers

Vignette's avatar

Try taking away our guns and you will find out. Even then the Neo nut jobs don’t stand a chance of ever getting more traction than they think they have now. They are parasite of convenience and give them any meaningful resistance and they will run and hide.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^All your guns?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think it comes from the overbearing insistence of one group or another for attention.
I don’t say this because I am against the rights of anyone to live or worship. Some just apply so much pressure that people less secure than me get freaked out.
Look at native Americans. Sure, reservations suck big time, but nobody is targeting the red man anymore.
I would honestly like to see what direction things could take if for one year everyone chill, and not get overly defensive. I think it would make fewer targets.
Yeah, I know some monsters just go out looking for trouble in the midst of innocent citizens who are just living their lives, but I think there could be a huge decline.
I guess we can never know for sure.
On the other hand, they could be like weeds, and if you back off any at all…

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Violence. Mindless dispassionate violence to make things the way you want them to be. No discussion, no negotiation, no education, no logic, no intelligence.
Planet of the Apes.

josie's avatar

The US has been around for less than 250 years and already people are openly trying to avoid the Constitution.

Might be presumptuous to imagine it’s going to make it for a thousand.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What ideology has ever held sway for a thousand years? There is no key more convenient to the gates of authoritarian reality than an ignorant population confronted with persistent economic decline.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Name me one regime or dynasty in history that has lasted a thousand years.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^So there’s zero chance neo-Nazis and ilk could reign over the USA for a thousand years. I get that. What about 100 years? And as I asked what are the things that could happen for real that would lead to their holding power? Or is that not possible at all as well?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Just keep backing illegal immigration, resisting border security and protecting sanctuary cities. You are literally creating more racists with these policies, as I’ve been trying to tell you for the last few years.

In a perfect storm, if you had an actual real racist Presidential candidate who swayed his party in Congress, it could really happen again, in the name of National Security (a la the Patriot Act.)

Only 33% of federal employees are minorities, that’s a lot of old white people running the world still.

ucme's avatar

If Pee Wee became President.
Hey…you never know!

Coolhandluke's avatar

I’m with @Vignette here. These people are lunatics and couldn’t whip their way out of a wet paper bag.

Besides, I’m ready. I have enough guns to supply my neighborhood with protection.

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