@Vignette I’ve posted this before, so I’ll give you an example.
My mom’s had cancer for the last 8 years. There are times she feels great, other times she’s weak as a kitten, so I keep an eye on her.
Earlier this spring, she was sick during a big storm when everyone was hunkered down (March I believe.) She told me she was fine, I didn’t need to come to town to check on her or bring her anything, just let her sleep. So I accepted that, and sat back to spend a winters day relaxing indoors.
The thing is, I could NOT sit down. Literally. It felt like ants were dancing on my spine and I kept getting a nudge to go to my mother. I kept pacing around for at least an hour and my husband said, call her so you can chill out. I did and no answer. Finally, I said, I have to go babe, somethings wrong.
We got there and had to bust her door down, blood everywhere from a blood thinner interaction with her chemo. Her bp was 39 so we called an ambulance. The ER doc chewed me up one side and down the other, and said she would have died in about an hour if we hadn’t got her help.
You can call it whatever you want, but it was a very strong a push that I couldn’t ignore, because I tried. That was God.
My besty and I were spending a weekend in KC with her rich uncle. We were set to leave and drive back home Sunday. Well Saturday night, we were hanging out watching Faces of Death, and I got the push again. I was urged to get back home immediately. So since my friend was a Christian, I told her about it and she blew me off. After another hour or so, I remained extremely upset and told her I really feel like we need to go home right now. So knowing I am not dramatic, she said okay, let’s go.
It took about two hours to get home that Saturday night, and unfortunately she hadn’t listened quite soon enough. All our guy friends had come to our duplex to party and realizing we weren’t coming back, they took off and got in a wreck and one of them died. If we’d been home, they’d never have left.
Again, you call that push whatever you want, I call it God. When lives hang in the balance, I feel like He’s proven to me that He is very serious. So yes, I trust and obey.