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ucme's avatar

I love helicopters, what do you have to say about them?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 13th, 2019

I mean, they look & sound awesome.
Far more nimble & charismatic than an aeroplane.
Feature heavily in movies too.
I want one!

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42 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I got a chance to go up in one and it was cool. Make sure they have their auto rotation skills up to par.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I dream of owning one, they’re so bloody cool. Even the landing & take off, so much more civilised than all that rattle & hum of an aeroplane.
No, I’ve decided…where’s that piggy bank?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme- Do it! I only went up the one time at a snowmobile festival so I was fortified with beer.Woo-hoo! It was fun

Coolhandluke's avatar

Yeah, I’m a fan. I build them.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I bet it was!
My obsession with them is beginning to get out of control, every time I see one irl or in a movie, I yell HELICOPTER”
I wish I was joking :D

ucme's avatar

@Coolhandluke I want you for a daddy :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Coolhandluke -Full size or remote controlled?

ucme's avatar

If It’s full size we can start talking $$$$$$

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme—Maybe he works for a place that builds them?

ucme's avatar

@ucme Are you talkin to me?

ucme's avatar

This place is bloody mad XD

Coolhandluke's avatar

I’m a lead inspector at an aviation company that builds, inspects, certifies and repairs them of all sizes. We do a variety of aircraft. Nothing leaves this facility without my stamp of approval.

ucme's avatar

I may have an erection :D
Seriously though what an awesome job…I’m jealous man.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Coolhandluke Do you often get phone calls after crashes? Or is it always operator error?

ragingloli's avatar

Get to the choppah!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Coolhandluke Whew! Are you also a pilot?

Coolhandluke's avatar

No, unfortunately. I want no part of that.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I’m not a huge fan of flying. I can go up in one at any time though.

ucme's avatar

@Coolhandluke My faves are the old Bell UH-1—(huey) they’re just fantastic to look at let alone hear. I see they retail at somewhere north of $2mill…hmmm!

Coolhandluke's avatar

We also build parts for the Blue Angels. You being a foreigner and all, you may not know what those are but damn, ‘Merica!

ucme's avatar

Hey, I knew about the hueys & not from Rambo movies either, so there yankee man :p

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

oops got carried away

josie's avatar

They’re noisy

Patty_Melt's avatar

Most big machines get my juices going.
I was stationed in Annapolis the early 80s. President Reagan frequently choppered in to the Academy. It was rumored that he did so when some issue weighed heavy on his mind, looking over the young future officers helped him to find resolve for what needed to be done.
I usually stopped what I was doing to enjoy the arrivals and departures.

mazingerz88's avatar

Ahnuld : Get to the choppah!!

Sagacious's avatar

Being in one was one of my most frightening moments.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Facinated by them since I saw one flying over our home when I was about 4 years old.
Love going to the Air shows as well.
Had a chance to go on a helicopter tour for the day at only 400$ ( CND $) but had to round up three others to get that deal. Couldn’t afford it then and in the present the costs are WAY too much for just a 20 minute ride over the Mountains!
Will wait and save up for as well as a better camera for that kind of scenery.Want to make the most of it , so want to prepare first.
Added to my wish list for years now.

Also love Hot Air Balloons too!

ucme's avatar

@Inspired_2write Not a fan of those balloons, I have no intention of dying surrounded by basket work lol

Inspired_2write's avatar

International Balloon Festivals are all around the world and very few have accidents.
If its offered to tourists it is checked for safety regulations are followed.
If I die having an adventure then I’d die happy.
Just a note about fear of flying:
Friend who was into Reincarnation books etc told me that whatever one fears in this lifetime is what they died of in a past lifetime. Interesting but not researchable.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I went up in a balloon once. The noise was a lot more than I expected. It took the joy out for me.

mazingerz88's avatar

I have a Batman LEGO chopper, an Airwolf model, an Apache chopper model and RC Apache in my collection.

seawulf575's avatar

I have to wonder…do they only fly because we all believe they can?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh now you’ve done it!
Quick everyone! Clap your hands!

raum's avatar

My dad flew a Huey when he was in the Air Force. And holds the record for highest number of passengers on a Huey.

It was during the fall of Saigon and a matter of life and death. He and his co-pilot threw off everyone’s belongings and tore off the doors.

They flew thirty-nine people out of Vietnam that day. The limit is fifteen.

raum's avatar

@ucme Thanks for asking this question! Reminded me that my dad had gotten interviewed about this story for a book on the Vietnam War. Just found a copy of it on Amazon. First Christmas gift crossed off of my list. :D

Patty_Melt's avatar

Name the book!!!!!!!

raum's avatar

Haha…not sure if it would interest anyone except for a certain niche. It’s a long and in-depth history of the Vietnam War. Even the positive reviews say it’s a difficult read.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I tried to interview war vets to research for a book I ended up never writing. That is because none wanted to relive their experiences.
I would like to at least give the book a look see.

raum's avatar

That’s funny that you couldn’t get anyone to relive their experiences. My dad talks about it pretty much any chance that he gets. All of his Air Force buddies are the same. :P

(I’ll PM you.)

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