Social Question

ucme's avatar

How has your hairstyle changed over the years?

Asked by ucme (50047points) November 13th, 2019

As asked.

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55 Answers

ucme's avatar

I have shaved mine for a number of years, but in the past…boy oh boy :D
As a kid of the 70/80’s I had very long black hair with a fringe (bangs) that could cut paper.

As a late teen I dyed my hair blonde & had a perm, yes that’s right, a perm XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A perm,eh? snickers
I grew up in the 80’s so I had a hard time making it through most doorways.
I did give myself a perm once (why idk) and I also gave myself a rectangular shaped bald spot 1“x2” right on the top of my head. It looked awesome! XD
I had to do a comb over which was even more awesome! I mean HOT! lol
I ran into my sister that same night at a club & when she asked about my unusual hairdo-I confessed. She almost lost her mind laughing. !@#$%
Currently,it is usually on the medium to long side and is very wavy if I don’t beat it to death as I dry it.
If I could wear a shaved head and look good, I would do it.Not kidding

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Sounds like I could’ve used your bald spot as a landing pad for my chopper lol
I hope your sister’s laughter meant tears flowed from her eyes or else it don’t count.
I think you might suit a shaved head, we could be brother & sister or maybe i’d look more like your carer :D

rebbel's avatar

I had a bang that swung to one side (Tony Hadley?) when I was fourteen.
Millimeter cut when I was sixteen.
Kinda curly when I was around twenty.
After that, long hair.

kritiper's avatar

Higher in front, thinner in back.

ragingloli's avatar

I used to have long hair, but you burn through an ungodly amount of shampoo cleaning it, and it got in the way too often, so now I keep it hedgehog short.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme- Lol! Awww! You care

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I started high school with a pixie cut after I cut my hair in the girls bathroom in 8th grade. I got it cute a few times but now, in college, it is back to long again. Just not as long as it was in 8th grade.

chyna's avatar

@rebbel Wow! Nice looking!
@ucme @ ragingloli @kritiper pics or it never happened.

josie's avatar


Can’t stand bed head or hat head

Patty_Melt's avatar

OMG @rebbel, SO HOT!!!

josie's avatar

I left out spikey
Before tight

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@josie -Let’s see Mohawk and I will not show you bald spot. lol

ucme's avatar

I am unable to show photographic evidence,,because I burnt them :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme – Like I burnt my hair off? Delightful!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I remember the sweet smell of the perming solution being rinsed through my deluded head & how heavy it felt when the haidresser finished putting all the curlers & clips in. The amazing thing is I had it done several times, like I actually went back, asked & paid for the same daft curly look.
This was a period of celibacy for me :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Well, as good as mine looked,and it was free, I never repeated that style again.
I do wish I had a photo.Looking back, it’s funny as hell :)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh so funny, in my defence I was 17 & it was 1984, I blame George Michael lol
There will be some photos somewhere, but no one in the family will admit to custody, seriously, my mum & aunt have had this long running feud as to who has all the photo albums from years back…they’re keeping something from me I know it :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve done everything. Cut it off, grow it out and destroy it again.
From a perm to big, bleached blond Motley Crue chick, neck short to long red, long blond, now its a brownish red. I cant leave it alone lol.

I actually do have a pic of my tight sweet perm from 8th grade I’ll post as a profile pic here for a day. GQ ucme!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Beg her for the photo.:)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yep. In my teens I had a great big bushy head of hair.

I started losing it in my 20s.

Now I am bald.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lucille I’d pay to see him in a perm. Fr.

@ucme Come on, I did mine, even pre-braces. Pretty please.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Aww, you look like butter wouldn’t melt, sweet thang :D

kritiper's avatar

@chyna It’s happening, even now. Chalk it up to getting older and heredity. Don’t have time to finish up roll of film in camera by taking pictures of my head, have the film developed, then send you pics.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille & @KNOWITALL Oh if it were at all possible, I’d show, trust me when I say though, my kids have never seen these pics, they’re like the holy frickin grail of prints.
Been so long I can’t fully remember just how much of an arse I surely looked, will ring my mum in the morning…fingers crossed lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme With two Princess Leia puffs on the sides. Ugh, so gross. I thought I was the height of fashion at the time lol

Now your turn.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL As I said to the wife on our wedding night…all good things come to those who wait :D

LadyMarissa's avatar

When I was a toddler, my Mom cut me some bangs. The rest of my hair didn’t get touched with any cutting tool. Mom wrapped my hair around her finger & let it hang down. I had Shirley Temple curls…ringlets flowing down my back. My hair grew below my waist & I kept it like that until I was 14. That’s when I decided that it was too much trouble to take care of & I went in & had it cut into the Mia Farrow (little boy) styled cut. The longest hair on my head was maybe 1 inch long. My Mom cried when I walked in to door.

From 14–19, I kept my hair cut short & I wore a long fall (half wig) to give the illusion of having long hair. In my 20’s & 30’s I wanted really long hair once again so I worked toward that end. It did get long, but NO where near my waist again. I had my stroke 6 weeks after my 40th birthday. That’s when I discovered that it was almost impossible to keep my curly hair long & style it one-handed, so I got it cut in a reasonable short style that I could control with one hand. Since then I let it grow a bit longer until it starts to be too much trouble & I have it cut short once again. So, over the last 30 or so years, I’ve kept my hair short enough that I can style it myself…boring but functional!!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme & @KNOWITALL -Aww! the curls :)
Here I am! :)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I genuinely laughed out loud, that looks like a lawn mower accident :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme – I wish I had a picture of it but believe me I did not want to immortalize it in film. XD

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lucille Wow ha!!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Probably for the best, I’d laugh so much I’d pop a rib & we can’t be having that :-)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme – There was another time my sister thought I needed my hair thinned and used a gadget that you rake through your hair. She thinned the hell out of it and went on to became a champion sheep shearer! That last part is untrue

jca2's avatar

When I was a teen, the trend was the Farrah Fawcett cut or “wings.” Then it was a body wave, which was essentially a looser version of a perm. In my 20’s, I had long hair with layers. 30’s, I had it somewhat short for a time.

It’s been on the long side for a while now, at least l15 years. It was past my shoulders and now is longer, with some type of shorter layers in the front. Often I wear it in a ponytail.

My natural color was a brownish- reddish color. I started getting highlights about 20 years ago and now it’s blonde.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well I always wanted perfectly straight Indian hair so I could wear the headbands that were so popular in the 60s but it was not to be. My hair was too poofy.
Fast forward from the early 70s to the 80s. My best friend was a beautician. She permed my hair into long curly locks every few months through the early 90s.
Then I got so poor I could not afford a perm so I stopped getting perms.

But not long after I realized what the hell! All I had to do was scrunch mousse in my hair and.I had curly hair! Like perm style curly hair! See my current avatar! No perm. Nothing but mousse.

What was the question?

YARNLADY's avatar

When I was very little, my mom used to roll my hair in paper, with hairpins, and brush it into a pageboy.
Most of the time I was growing up I wore my hair very long , down to my waist, usually in a pony tail.
After I grew up I had many, many different styles, One time about a dozen years ago, I had a reaction to a shampoo and my hair turned white, then fell out. It grew back over time and looks silvery now.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Haha, your sister sounds like my cup of tea, great sense of humour :-)

ucme's avatar

<<<< So, the photo of me with a blonde perm actually turned up…don’t I look fierce? :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Funny lady…she and I have gotten into fist fights before . Lol!
As for your perm? You are truly stunning! I mean it this time.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Cheers mate, I just threw that thing on as it was warm out.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme I “can” see that.

ucme's avatar

Okay, so as I thought, those photos couldn’t be found.
So instead, my profile pic is of me, my wife (with a perm) & my son on the day of his christening.

Demosthenes's avatar

It hasn’t changed all that much. It’s more or less been the same for many years, at least since I was in high school. I have periodically let it get a little longer, but l’ve been getting the same haircut for as long as I can remember. Sorry it’s not more interesting. :(

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -You have a nice looking family!
This is the night I picked up my future husband.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Great pic, your wife has such a nice face! You as well, of course, but that’s old news…lol Ya lucky devil!

rebbel's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Your then future husband, I suppose?

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Thanks for your kind & highly accurate words :-)
It looks like you’re clearing away a cardboard cutout of him…I mean, there’s no effort to your lift at all :D

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Cheers pet, she’ll love you for that lol
Luck plays no part, you either got it, or you ain’t :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel _We were just starting to date-right after I carried him out the door. Lol!

@ucme-I used to carry him around a lot. He is 5’11”, 225lbs I didn’t have a problem with this and he would jump on my back to get carried that way as well. That’s sounds crazy but we have a lot of laughs.:D

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Your core strength impresses me lol I hear ya though, often my wife will get tired before me & asks for a piggy back ride to bed…I happily oblige.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Thanks
I have not done this in awhile. I believe I could lift him but my walking skills are compromised and if I have heels on, I will auger into the ground.
We actually got pulled over by the police in the parking lot of a convenience store for doing that.
When we got to the store, I said I didn’t want to go in so he offered to carry me on his back.I jumped on, we grabbed a few items,paid and walked out to the car with me still on his back.
A cop pulled up, asked if we were drinking and told us to stop it.He was tightly wound XD

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Haha fantastic!!
Must have been a cash & carry.
Whatever gave him the idea you have to be drunk to behave silly?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme – Officer Uptight had no sense of humor.
As for my hub he makes me laugh on a daily.
When we have a few drinks, we probably need to be jailed as a preemptive measure.:)

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