Social Question

SergeantQueen's avatar

What made you get up today?

Asked by SergeantQueen (13130points) November 14th, 2019

I had to get up today because of class. :/

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58 Answers

Vignette's avatar

Coffee. I love my morning coffee. Then off to work the real reason I got up.

johnpowell's avatar

I heard the garbage truck rumble down the street so I ran out to put the cans down on the curb.

But I looked out the kitchen window and someone had beaten me to the punch… Then I just stayed up.

Kardamom's avatar

Well, for starters, insomnia, but I also needed to take my dad for an early doctor appt, so it was OK that I was already awake. Then I had some coffee. I would have gotten up anyway, because I needed to do some things to get ready for an event that I am going to this weekend, with friends. After I did that, I did some errands that were very specific to the day of the week, that I had already planned to do today.

zenvelo's avatar

I woke about a half hour before my 4 a.m. alarm, but I lay in bed listening to a podcast until the alarm went off. Then I got up, made my bed, and got ready for work.

Jons_Blond's avatar

An alarm to take my son to school.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My home aide was banging on the door.

YARNLADY's avatar

My alarm woke me at 8:30 to take my dil to work.

Darth_Algar's avatar

My back. My back begins to ache if I stay in bed too long.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Work as well as the fact that If I didn’t have that and the need to take care of husband and dogs, I would probably rot in bed and never leave the house.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He’ll of a question! Nice job @SergeantQueen.

SergeantQueen's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I honestly wonder sometimes if people get up because they have to or because they want to.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Because they have to. It’s what makes them go to bed at what time they do the night before.
I simply love schedule.

anniereborn's avatar

I had to go to Walgreens to pick up some meds. I wanted to get out and back before the sun went down. I got up at like noon.
@Dutchess_lll I don’t get up because I have to. I go to bed when I am tried and wake up when I am not generally. I hate schedule.

SEKA's avatar

I didn’t sleep at all and I got tired of just laying in bed trying to go to sleep. The opposite of going to bed is getting up

ucme's avatar

Well, It’s 8:30 in the am here & I have been up & about for an hour. What made me rise was the need for my early morning run which I’m about to have.

cookieman's avatar

A wet nosed dog, an ever-present to do list, and a nagging need to be productive and prove I’m not useless

canidmajor's avatar

I get up because I want to. I have always been a morning person and I can’t lie in bed unless I am sick or broken. I love the morning, I love the quiet before the bustle, I love the fresh air, whether cold or warm, that hits my face first thing when I take the pup out to pee.
Whether I’m working or not, morning is my favorite time of day.

janbb's avatar

Teaching a class soon.

josie's avatar

Carpe diem

Vignette's avatar

Once again coffee and work.

zenvelo's avatar

I got up at 4 again, because it takes me an hour to get out of the house by five to walk to the 5:11 train.

longgone's avatar

Like most nights, the doorbell. My uncle brings a young pug over every morning. She stays at my house while the family is at work/school.

mazingerz88's avatar

Nature called. Along with the need to survive by way of job.

stanleybmanly's avatar


SergeantQueen's avatar

Today I got up because I have to work.

Patty_Melt's avatar

¥+_$++&!!@*$# PHONE

Gosh Lucy. My condolences.

seawulf575's avatar

The damn dog.

ucme's avatar

Well, us 12yr old girls are woken by our mommys & mine did so because she needed to do my plaits XD

Dutchess_lll's avatar

My eyes opened. My dog was prancing and collapsing all over me. Burrowing TO FIND MY FACE WITH HIS TONGUE STOP IT CATO!!!

SergeantQueen's avatar

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤I love doggys

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nothing woke me, so blissfully slept until mid afternoon.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Jesus. Once I’m awake his idea of fun is to drop his lard ass heavy ass onto my body in a freefall.

zenvelo's avatar

Up at 3:30 for a 6 a.m. flight to NY…..

SergeantQueen's avatar

@zenvelo Yuck. I went to bed at 3:30am

Patty_Melt's avatar

Today because I couldn’t breathe. The rigidity which plagues my muscles every day went to my lungs while I slept. I could only force them to suck in breaths of air about a quarter the amount normally inhaled. I had to force with all my will to get that much. After straining so hard for over half an hour, I was too up to go back to sleep.

Everyone take a moment to slowly inhale to full lung capacity, and as you do, notice how sweet it tastes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It was rough, but I’m having a productive evening. I’m also feeling glad for the smooth function of my organs. Whew!

seawulf575's avatar

Hang in there, @Patty_Melt. We like having you with us.

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Patty_Melt's avatar

Today was a rough get up too. I use a crutch and a cane to get around.
The cane has multiple uses, including pulling stuff closer, using the hooked handgrip to pick things up, and it makes turns better than crutches. However, I need the crutch for stability. When in bed, the cane helps me roll over, by pushing off a wall and using that momentum. I have actually developed doing this in my sleep. Drawback, when I wake up, sometimes I can’t find my cane. It is similar to looking for glasses when you can’t see without them.
Sometimes it falls over and lands under the bed. Sometimes, apparently, I throw it.
@seawulf575, thanks for your concern. I do often feel quite isolated when these things happen. Your kind words help.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ms Melt Regardless of your fierce stranglehold on independence, it appears reality now dictates measures be undertaken to counter the foreseeable risks ahead. I’m fully aware that you realize this, but since I cannot personally be there to kick you, nagging at a distance remains my feeble alternative. I do have one useful suggestion involving your cane. It’s the one I found for my glasses. If you were to post some pics of your cane (or the one you would prefer) I have a feeling that enough of us here would see to it that canes litter your household.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lol. There’s the Stanley I love!
I do have a set of grabbers in every room. It has improved life much more than the average person might expect.

(Big hug) big kiss <3

stanleybmanly's avatar

You cannot love BOTH me and that fool. The other reason, I shall never nag you in person is the certainty that one of us be swiftly indicted on a murder charge!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I would simply start tickling you everytime you attempt to go there.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I cannot conjure any vision as horrifying as the discussion here around the news of one of us kicking the other to death. It’s just too romantic and passionate a concept to tolerate. I prefer the other fantasy of the women here (angry or not) smothering me with hugs and kisses (and cooking).

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly has such sweet pillow talk

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575. Too bad Putin won’t pay you to disseminate THAT

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Patty Melt Show us your cane (please). I have one in mind. It reads down its side “Bernie 2020”. Whadda ya think?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I dunno…how much do you think Putin would pay me to disseminate stuff? It might be a pay raise for me. How would I get in touch with him?

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 I think your friend in the White House could help you contact Putin.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 I shouldn’t worry if perchance you aren’t working for him. He is almost certainly aware of you and no doubt has you directly behind the fool as stellar nominee for the medal of Lenin!

seawulf575's avatar

The Medal of Lenin! Wow! What’s that?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The correct term as you undoubtedly know is “the medal of the order of Lenin”. Your exemplary work here more than qualifies you for induction into the order, though for understandable reasons the honor must subsist only in your secret file.

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