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elbanditoroso's avatar

Could Trump's unscheduled visit to the Walter Reed Military Medical Center be a possible setup/excuse for future resignation?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33577points) November 17th, 2019

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Is my theory totally loony? Could Trump be setting himself up to resign ‘for health reasons’?

After all, he is facing impeachment, possible conviction. To save face, and not look like a loser, would he come up with an ostensible “health excuse” as a way of leaving the presidency?

Or am adding 2 plus 2 and coming up with 5?

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37 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, he wouldnt go out that way, his ego wouldnt allow it. He’s simply pandering to Reps pro military thought process for 2020. Or he actually cares, who knows.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He needs to stay in office. Otherwise, he’ll end up in prison.
His safest bet, is to win in 2020, and let his lawyers drag things on, for as long as possible.

The courts have approved that he release his tax records. But, his lawyers, will now take that to the SCOTUS. The strategy, I assume, is to hopefully drag it into his reelection.

seawulf575's avatar

I suspect it is pretty much what the WH said it was…more of a spur of the moment decision on Trump’s part. If it were something serious, he wouldn’t have taken the motorcade. If it were something serious he wouldn’t have been in and out in 2 hours. And I really doubt he would be trying to set this up as some excuse for anything. That makes no sense.

rebbel's avatar

Maybe the old bone spur thing reared its head?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Its not a requirement!

Guess we should force you to vote even though thats not a requirement? Geez.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s what I’ve said all along. Voting should be mandatory. It would change everything.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm But its not, so you dont. Same for Trump. Make it mandatory for everyone or stop acting like not showing it is a crime. Geez.

Vignette's avatar

Quote from your link, first line as a matter of fact… “President Donald Trump underwent a “quick exam and labs” as part of his annual physical exam on Saturday, out of anticipation of a “very busy 2020,” the White House said.” Why is that not sufficient explanation for you? From CNN no less.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . I never claimed it was a “crime,” to vote for Trump….

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm I never said you did. We are discussing tax returns voluntarily being released,

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. He’s going to go to prison. He claimed that his father left him. $1million. Turns out that it was over $400 million. He didn’t pay taxes on that. What qualified him the enjoyment of that?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I don’t think it was ever verified what was actually left to each of the Trump children from old Fred. But that really isn’t what they are looking for. Fred died 20 years ago, the SDNY DA is only asking for the past 8 years. They are ostensibly looking for hush money payments. In reality, they are just trying to open up any other avenues the Dems can use to try getting at Trump. I mean, do you really believe his tax records, if released to the SDNY DA, would remain private? It’s not like the DA would be under obligation or probably even ethically allowed to release them to the public, but you can bet good money on the idea they would be “leaked” to the liberal press. Probably starting with the NYT and/or WaPo with CNN and MSNBC getting copies. I can understand not wanting his tax records released…it’s nobody else’s business really. Especially 8 years back. That predates even IRS audits. It predates his run for office by many years. And here’s the kicker, it even predates the statute of limitations on tax fraud. So really, all the SDNY DA is looking for is a way to help Democrats.

rebbel's avatar

Sincere question: are (American) presidents not obligated to turn their tax papers in (to be published maybe even, as an extra question)?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm I had no idea you were an attorney fully versed on NY tax, trust and inheritance laws. Please feel free to list the laws he or his father broke that the IRS, state or Feds did not charge him with all this time. Curious that it wasnt prosecuted before 2016.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Clearly you are. Educate me in NY tax laws?....

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Its your claim, so back it up. What law did Don break?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel No they are not.

seawulf575's avatar

@rebbel The POTUS releasing their tax returns has become a standard practice since Richard Nixon released his. It is NOT required by law, but most candidates have done it. Not all, but most. But if a POTUS decides he doesn’t want to release his returns, he is not obligated to do so. Even if his taxes are all above board, his political opponents could/would use things such as taxes paid, deductions taken, charitable contributions, etc against him any way they could.

rebbel's avatar

@seawulf575 Thank you, that’s clear.

mazingerz88's avatar

Interesting. Walter Reed’s a few minutes from here. Didn’t smell any——oh wait, this is in General.

To the OP, didn’t see the link. But I get the point. Just couldn’t see how this visit to Walter Reed could have anything to do with any possibility of him resigning.

If he has a serious medical condition then he has a serious medical condition. I find it hard to believe it would be a part of any resignation related set-up.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think it means much of anything. Although, it’s unusual on a weekend, but he is the president. The way I remembered it, and I just asked my dad, and he said it’s still the same now, the internists schedule their appointments M-F.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . Trump claims he received $1millon , but other sources account for him receiving over $450 million.

That’s called tax fraud.

And if true, it was. Need I say more?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I would have to question the “other sources” and how he “received” over $450M. If he took over the family business, someone might say he “received” the value of that business when, in fact, the company might be incorporated and all Trump got was control of it. He would have gotten a salary he had to pay taxes on. I don’t know how much he got. It might have been more than $1M or it might have been $450M. But I would suggest that the IRS isn’t that stupid. I think they would notice if $450M went missing from when Fred had it until he died.

ragingloli's avatar

He was probably just diagnosed with Ligma.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm If the proof was there it would have been used before now. Theres a vetting process you know. Peace.

josie's avatar

Probably not

chyna's avatar

Judging from his eating habits, I would guess he has high cholesterol.

Patty_Melt's avatar

There are always lab techs on duty. If all he was doing was getting labs out of the way, then dropping in on a weekend wouldn’t be an inconvenience for anyone.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna We already know he has high cholesterol. They announced a couple of years ago they raised his medication dose.

Not that I think it’s a big deal his cholesterol is high.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I think the stress is freaking him out. He’s having genuine heart attacks. Or panic attacks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL that did go unnoticed. That’s the fun fact about Don. That’s the charge he faces, in NY. A charge he cannot pardon himself from. All his lawyers can do, is drag the case out. But he will have to own up to that, eventually. If it’s true… That will land him in prison.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 As it should for anyone-if there’s viable evidence of a crime.

Even on the local level you have to swear you don’t owe any back taxes or you’re ineligible to run for public office, it’s a big deal if you lie. One of the local city council in another town had to resign because she lied.

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MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . Politicians are interesting people. You’re the only one I know, and you seem grounded. I think that to ascend , to the level of POTUS, one needs to have some level of corruption…. Just my opinion.

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