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seawulf575's avatar

Did Colin Kaepernick just do the practice demonstration as a platform to keep him in the news?

Asked by seawulf575 (17291points) November 17th, 2019

Colin Kaepernick recently was given an opportunity to do a practice in front of any and all NFL teams that wanted to observe. This was for Saturday, 11/16/19, at 3 p.m. Something like 28 of the 32 teams had committed to having someone there to watch. It was scheduled to be conducted in the Atlanta Falcons stadium with their video equipment all set up so teams that couldn’t attend could still get good video. At 2:30 p.m., Kaepernick just randomly decided to move the tryout to a high school field 60 miles away. This seems to be extremely odd for someone that claims to want to be taken seriously as a contender for an NFL QB position. Did he make this change just to show he could? Is he trying to build another case for collusion against him since only 8 teams made the move with him?

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12 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

duplicate deleted

elbanditoroso's avatar

Further, he didn’t just randomly decide to change the location. The NFL tried to force him at the last second to sign a bunch of legal disclaimers that had not been part of the original agreement, and he didn’t like being lied to.

@seawulf575 – next time get the facts.

josie's avatar

He’s done in the NFL unless it’s for minimum.

zenvelo's avatar

It was the NFL’s attempt at heading off his suit against anticompetitive collusion.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso I know about the waiver the NFL offered and the questions it raised. What I don’t know is when they gave it to him. I’m willing to bet it was well before the scheduled workout. That would have been the appropriate time to question it and to work out the details instead of making a scene 30 minutes before the workout was scheduled to start. That is why I still question the last minute move by Kaepernick.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo that case was already settled.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 The NFL is still open to a second collusion suit, as they had not changed their behavior. The waivers included broadly worded clauses against any further employment claims.

The NFL was the one that proposed the workout, and then presented the waivers at the last minute. The PR “show” was all on the NFL’s part.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo Except….well…how did all the media know where Kaepernick was actually going to be? I mean, he announced 30 minutes before the start of the workout that he was going to be at a stadium 60 miles away at the appointed time. If the “PR show” was all on the NFL’s part, how did so much media (that wasn’t all invited to the initial location) arrive and get set up by the appointed time at the new, unannounced location?

zenvelo's avatar

But everyone knew where the NFL had scheduled the workout, there was no secret. So when it got moved, Kaepernicks crew spread the word.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo he didn’t announce his change until 2:30 with the workout scheduled for 3:00. The new location was 60 miles away…through traffic. It is physically impossible for the coverage to move venues in half an hour. Face it…he set up the “PR show” before he announced the change.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 You asked the question so you can espouse your criticism of Kaepernick. Yet you don’t recognize the whole workout, before it was moved, was the NFL’s idea, not Kaep’s. He kept himself from being co-opted by having to sign legal waivers regarding further suits.

Also, if you read the timeline on TMZ, this wasn’t last minute, and the workout started after 1:30, not at 12:30.

elbanditoroso's avatar

And here’s an article that goes into just exactly how the NFL was trying to scam Kaepernick into giving up his rights.


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