Meta Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What is the largest number of active answerers you have ever seen on a Fluther question?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) November 20th, 2019

You probably know what then someone is actively working on a reply, a green pencil appears to the right of the question, along with a numeral that shows the number of people actively answering. (Only when the number of answerers is 2 or greater).

Today for the first time I saw four active answerers – I have often seen two, and sometimes three, .but never four.

What’s the highest number you have observed?

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9 Answers

rebbel's avatar

In the olden days it happened that, with a controversial topic usually, around 10 people were crafting (right now when I am writing this, this moment in time, it’s two) a response.
These days, mostly three.

ucme's avatar

Double figures certainly & then only reserved for arguments or picking on someone.
Some of these sad bastards actually pm each other to come on threads where they spy trouble or the chance to gang up on anyone, usually a new member they suspect of trashing their precious little site.

Be nice if lots of people responded on a fun or genuinely interesting thread, but that’s how some here roll I guess.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Probably around 10 or so. It was more active here years ago.

jca2's avatar

Back in the day I’ve seen 5 at once.

That was in the hay day of Fluther, when things were very active, Augie was mod, there were a lot of questions being asked and answered, lots of lurve being thrown around.

Brian1946's avatar

This thread, which served as live coverage of the hunt for and capture of the Boston Marathon bombers, had a swarm of activity.

I don’t remember what the peak number of simultaneous response-crafters was, but just about anyone who posted there got an Exhibitionist Award.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ve received the Exhibitionist Award (Answer a question while at least ten people are observing).

I don’t remember when !

So TEN observers anyway.

Patty_Melt's avatar

When I was Jonesn4burgers I saw six. We still had Ibstubro, and a couple of others who were quick to hop on a new Q.
I’ve never landed the award. Isn’t that for ten?

Jons_Blond's avatar

When some of the moderators thought Fluther was getting stupid after an influx of users from another site so they decided to ask stupid questions themselves to prove a point. There was a question in meta about this and there were at least two dozen if not more people responding at once. I’ll see if I can find the question, though of course it won’t show how many people responded at one given time. There was a large exodus after this question appeared.

The only other question I can think of is when whatthefluther proposed to Sherry. There were dozens of us on that as well.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Actually, this thread was so busy my husband’s phone couldn’t keep up. Too many people at once were trying to answer.

Two dozen may be an exaggeration but well over a dozen I have witnessed at times.

It’s interesting what busy questions some of us remember. I remember mostly fun times such as the marriage proposal, the CIA thread, the Astrochuck invasion or Yarnpocolypse. Others like to remember the negative.

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