Will someone explain why the Sondland torpedo is not sufficient to sink the SS Trump?
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Because the Dems paid him to say all that crap!!!
If you honestly want to know, don’t just listen to the questions from one side only.
Both sides spent time sounding like they had switched teams. There was tag teaming, switch hitting, and a diplomate who realized she was a pawn duped and ready for throwing under the bus.
There was no torpedo, just some guys throwing trout kinda hard.
That is absurd @LadyMarissa.
Sondland might be enough Stanly, but they want to make an air tight case.
Fiona Hill rocked it today too.
@LadyMarissa do you suppose the Dems refunded Sondland the million bucks he paid the fool for his job?
The one thing certain about Sondland is that he has no intention of going down with the ship. He’s the one person in the list of witnesses without a stellar and impeccable reputation of public service. It must have come as a catastrophic surprise when he broke the chain and refused the prospect of selling his soul.
They’d better be. Spinning this turd into a gold brick is the sort of alchemy I don’t believe possible.
Part of the reason I find it interesting is that they’re allowed to give their impressions of certain situations, the other person’s body language and such. They say things like “My impression was….” Pretty sure you can’t do that in an actual trial.
Another reason I’m liking it is the decorum and dignity with which it is proceeding. So utterly unlike the infantile trump and his foolish supporters.
Nothing is REAL until the Senate gets involved.
Maybe Putin will offer him asylum before the Senate gets involved !
The Republicans wanted this. They squealed like stuck pigs, but NOBODY has anything on the president except guesses.
This process is gathering a cast of characters they wanted to have under oath. With Dems in control of Congress, they would have to be the ones to get the ball rolling. Who they do have stuff on are Biden, Hillary, and Obama. To go after any of them they needed Dems to call the inquiry.
Now everybody is knee deep, and can’t pull out. They can now get the testimony they wanted. They dangled a worm and Congress swallowed it whole.
Bonus, Putin takes it up the chimney. His credibility will go to zip.
You…haven’t been watching the proceedings, have you @Patty_Melt. Neither Hillary nor Obama have even been mentioned. And they won’t be because they have absolutley nothing to do with the Eurkraine issue. Zero.
Now, now @Dutchess_lll It’s always Obama’s and Hilary’s fault you should know that.
Sir Trump alot can do no wrong and he never lies,it’s all a witch hunt because the dems can’t stand the best President your country ever had is a Republican.
Any news source that says anything negative about sir trump alot is either fake news, or just left wing propaganda.
Your real news sources are Bright fart, or Faux now they tell it like it is.
Now excuse me I have to go barf.
That doesn’t make sense ms melt. The time to go after Obama and Clinton was when the Repubs held both chambers of Congress. But then as now, the charges cooked up against either of them would betray the conservatives for the tasteless pandering dumbbells they most assuredly are.
@stanleybmanly ^^ The real difference is the Repubs are prudent enough to know the time and place to contest anyone elected to office is at the polls and we will see that in spades this next election cycle.
The transcript was enough to sink trump.
I just can’t stop from wondering whether it was Pompeo, Pence, Giuliani, Mulvaney and others who were also real American patriots who instead of sufficiently warning trump that he’ll get impeached stood by and played along. They all knew trump was Putin’s asset.
Really @Vignette ?? Is that why the Rep/cons did non stop bitching about Obama for 8 straight years?
@SQUEEKY2 I never said no one bitched, Republicans just didn’t feel it necessary to fuck around in Kangaroo courts and instead focused on elections the way it should be handled and guess what…it paid off. All this goofing around will cost the Dems dearly in state wide elections especially in swing states. All the Dems have right now is we aren’t Trump and that is not going to be good enough for independent voters like me to pull a lever for.
Not only did I watch, I recorded. I’ll see if anyone was honest enough to post it.
The Republican argument that this impeachment is simply because people hate trump is bullshit. He is an ass no doubt and he is HATED. But if he did nothing impeachable there wouldn’t be any impeachment hearings.
@mazingerz88 I would agree with you under “normal” circumstances. And using metrics of old that have been applied to previous impeachment proceedings I myself have yet to see any offense by Trump that comes close to that level. Using the same evidentiary metrics that the Dems are using on Trump to justify these current investigations, the entire crop of Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators and Congressmen past and present should all have been impeached. Hating someone and hearsay is simply not sufficient reason to impeach a sitting President. Do expect Pilosi to finally put a lid on Shiff’s nonsense investigation in order to salvage what is left of the 2020 campaign and the Dems to break out Deep Fakes in a desperate last ditch effort to sway voters before November.
To answer the original question, Sondland’s testimony he quoted Trump saying he wanted NOTHING from Ukraine, no ‘quid pro quo.” That pretty much ends it.
Sondland was the only one with actual first-hand evidence / knowledge who was allowed to testify. The only others were testifying based on what they heard second / fourth hand, or how they felt, about nothing involving anything illegal. No real evidence was allowed at the hearings except for Sondland’s testimony, which negated Chairman Adam Schitt’s entire premise.
The Dems will probably vote for impeachment and then it will go to trial in the senate. Real evidence will be admitted, the Whistleblower and Schitt will have to testify to their own misdeeds. Hunter and Joe Biden will be exposed, and criminal referrals brought forth.
These will probably coincide with the criminal referrals for those who altered documents to get FISA warrants to spy on Carter Paige and the Trump Campaign, and those who fabricated the dossier / Russia Hoax.
And I bet you have a T-shirt that says I would rather be Russian than vote Democrat .^^
When the courts rule that Trump and his cronies are in no way exempt from Congressional subpoenas or alllowed to withhold Federal documents on the “trumped up” excuse of executive privilege , the whole house of cards will collapse in a puff.
@SQUEEKY2 The Obama administration’s friendship with Putin is why the Ukraine was defenseless against Russia to begin with.
Obama withdrew missiles and withheld funding, providing only blankets, while Russia invaded and took Crimea. Trump provided military aid and funding.
^^Bullshit @Yellowdog Just say you like Putin more than Democrats and you’ll be credible.
@stanleybmanly I’m not saying you are crazy. I am just saying, have you EVER been right about who is committing serious crimes and what is uncovered?
Many of these Dems will be voted out next term. Some who were involved in the origin of the Russia hoax will be going to prison. Does this not concern you? Can you not see the writing on the wall?
@mazingerz88 So, who did all that happen under, if not Obama?
Who took away Ukraine’s missile defense? Who left Ukraine open and defenseless when Crimea was invaded? Who did it happen under? Who was tight with Putin during those years?
trump defenders you are all living in a fantasy world. Wake up. Or don’t wake up. Lol
Keep twisting @Yellowdog. We
are all entitled to believe what we want to believe and see things how we want to see them. I just see you as total nuts if not downright insane about trump.
I did watch the entire fifth day’s testimony, but only portions of proceeding days. I was going to find specific segments in answer to @Dutchess_III, however that kind of sorting for her benefit is a waste of my time. It is there to be found, for any American citizen who cares enough to spend time to know the truth.
This will be going to a Senate Trial because of the Dems and Adam Schiff,
Only real evidence, and real actual witnesses, will be allowed to testify.
Doors will be opened and old cases reopened as criminal referrals / indictments are brought forth.
Obama and Putin were tight. HA HA HA HA HA!!! You’re freakin hilarious @Yellowdog!
How, then, did Russia get away with all they did under Obama?
Since it’s impossible to ask Obama himself, I suggest read all the articles since Obama became President that were related to his Russia policies. Articles, events and unbiased opinions that your beloved Fox News ignored.
Where did the Russian dossier come from that Hillary / the DNC paid for, that started the Russia hoax?
The Obama administration was very tight with Putin. Trump has been the strongest opponent of Russian aggression, and the Ukraine has its defenses back.
Side point, did anyone watch enough hours to catch the part about a boy setting Fiona Hill’s hair on fire?
trump has been the strongest opponent of Russian aggression. HA HA HA HA HA!!! @Yellowdog you’re killin me.
Yeah, Fiona Hill is no push-over and seems to me she has class. I would have preferred she kicked that boy’s nuts. And then continued with her exam.
The Republicans specifically requested Kurt Volker to testify….who told everyone that yes. Trump sought an investigation into the Biden family.
This is a comedy. I don’t see how Jr. can see it as boring. Of course, he doesn’t understand half of what people are saying.
The whole trump family (except maybe for Melania) has no idea most Americans, even trump voters see them as a joke. trump’s sons actually think people admire and respect them.
Imo they’re just being looked at as entertainment the way the Kardashian family is a source of entertainment.
But the Kardashians don’t have the launch codes.
@Yellowdog I don’t know whose tea leaves you’ve been reading, but it occurs to me that my prediction was that the fool’s close cronies were prison bound, and I told you AND the smokewulf that the crooked fool would never see a full term without being impeached. That he lasted 3 years is nothing short of miraculous. As for your prediction of dems being voted out of office—are you paying attention to what happened earlier this month? The stench of Trump has cost the Republicans the elections in Kentucky, Virginia, Louisiana—all states redder than a beet. Scott Walker has been run out of Wisconsin in disgrace. The Repubs were forced to watch in disbelief as the gerrymandered guaranteed Republican district in Pennsylvania flipped to the dems. You might not have noticed, but Republicans are retiring and declaring an unwillingness to risk re-election in record numbers to avoid the clearly visible approaching storm. When THIS fool topples, unlike Nixon, he’s taking the whole of the Republican party with him.
As for Obama being close to Putin,uh who do you think put the sanctions on Russia?
It sure wasn’t the Rep/cons.
AS for Dems being brought on charges or facing jail time, guess they can keep most of Trumps inner circle that are already there.
I have never seen any President except for Trump being so cozy with Russia.
Trump wants the sanctions lifted,and I bet you agree.
His blatant treachery is mind blowing.
@Yellowdog “Sondland’s testimony he quoted Trump saying he wanted NOTHING from Ukraine, no ‘quid pro quo.”” was only on the* Fox News* for fourth graders. Sondland’s words were; Trump was in it for Quid pro quo
So, the sound bites are fake?
@Yellowdog You are basing your beliefs on sound bites? WTH?
Everything that supports impeachment of the NYC Don is “FAKE NEWS”.
Proof – - – just ask the DON, “I never did any of those things I said I did” !
@Yellowdog you are not making sense, it is circular logic. The Bozo (Trump) is can’t keep a story straight because he has some many many many stories and 15,000 lies since his inauguration !
Trump did not even testify.
We are discussing Sondland.
^Are you going by soundbites or did you actually watch any of it? Many Trump supporters won’t watch because they don’t want to hear the truth.
trump declined to testify. He was invited and he peed his pants, the chicken shit.
His tweets @Yellowdog his fucking tweets, he’ll never testify !!
He’ll be in Moscow, on a Putin jet (in a New York heartbeat) if they try to put him in the witness chair..
^^Come to think of it, first he left NY…..wouldn’t be surprised if he left Florida for Moscow. Lol
Regarding Sondland, he tries to save himself of course while still trying to protect trump as much as he can but one thing is pretty obvious, he knows he would be thrown under the bus so he did it first by implicating Pompeo, Mulvaney and well….just about everyone. Pretty smart imo.
I’m wondering how Giuliani would do…
But But Trump must be innocent because he said he is,isn’t that enough?
And we know he never lies right?
^^No,he never lies and as a matter of fact he is being victimized right now by never trumper schemers.
He is after all the lost Republicans’ Great White Hope who builds walls, cages kids and isn’t Obama.
If he shoots someone on 5th Avenue, his fanatics would blame his victim for standing in the way of their Majesty’s bullet.
A US President after lying 15 thousand times should be impeached imo.
Not only impeached but take the whole good ole boy Rep/con party with him.
Innocent of what, @SQUEEKY2 ? What’s the charge?
Geez you are one of his super fans ain’t ya?
Obstruction of justice.
Quid-quo -pro
Threatening witnesses via Twitter.
Lying 14thousand times since he took office.
Sleeping with a porn star while wife was home pregnant.
Refusing to believe climate change is real and needs to be dealt with- not a hoax dreamed up by a foreign power.
For needless starting a trade war that will most likely send the world into a global recession .
I know you think the idiot should be knighted for saint hood but a lot of us see him for the dirt bag he is.
And profiting off his office of President, by getting his whole entourage to stay at his resorts.
@SQUEEKY2 for missed him hanging around his BFF Putin, in private (NO US CITIZENS IN THE ROOM) and dressing in bad taste !
Yeah that didn’t make any sense either.^^
He will never understand and I don’t know why. What, in his early childhood, made him so resistant to logic and truth and the obvious?
@Dutchess_lll Do you think his father beat him ??
Maybe for telling the truth too!!!
It’s not just physical abuse. And abuse isn’t always violence. It’s psychological abuse, insidious…but often backed up by physical threats.
I’m just flabbergasted that the question was posted in the first place.
Sondland testified when questioned that Trump, when asked directly, said he wanted “NOTHING from Zelensky, no Quid Pro Quo” and that the only reason he had for thinking some kind of a trade-off was wanted in exchange for military aid. only his own assumptions.
So, your star witness, the only individual allowed to testify with actual contact with Trump and first hand knowledge, quoted Trump directly as saying he wanted NOTHING from Ukraine. no Quid Pro Quo, Yet that is your proof of guilt.
Then, even while claiming the moral high ground, you insult me with personal attacks about me and my childhood and parents. Your arguments, with reference to turds, and other skatological potty talk and vulgar insinuations, and your very real desire to overthrow our government and put an elected president in prison, shows how the ‘resistance’ has become a real psychopathic enemy force within this republic.
Be that as it may, your evidence of guilt is a proclamation that Trump said the opposite of what he’s accused of. How ironic, and how insane is that? The Sondland Torpedo sunk your own case. End of story.
Who said you were a turd?
Few have said Sir Trump a lot is a turd, but haven’t seen where anyone called you a turd, or insulted your parents.
Are you watching these proceedings on anything beside bright fart and Faux news?
Bright Fart? Is that Eric Swalwell’s testimony on MSNBC?
Trump started that no quid pro quo nonsense ONLY after his slimy ass had been caught! When it was evident that the scheme had blown up in his face—THEN he told Sondland “I want nothing!”
Actually, the accusations and whistleblower came later.
You have to go by the witnesses, testimony, evidence, etc. You can’t just make stuff up and think it counts.
Only gullible people would take trump’s ridiculously lousy and to be more accurate, dumb verbal excuses seriously. Only gullible people would buy trump’s downright idiotic circus antics. It might be painful to admit but the truth is staring at these gullible people right at their faces. Denial is a bitch.
Stay away from Hannity, Judge Pirro, Dobbs, Limbaugh, Tucker and Ingraham for a month and allow your rational brain to work again. Also high time to be a real American once more and a patriotic one at that. Enough giving Putin orgasms.
@Yellowdog YOU are seriously going to defend the fool with a statement like “You can’t just make stuff up and think it counts.”???
For anyone who’s interested in hearing from the guys who started FusionGPS, here’s an article they just wrote. FusionGPS
No Republican has denied Russian meddling in 2016, @mazingerz88 Fusion GPS used Russian sources extensively, and the Dossier itself is of Russian origin.
It looks like the New York Times is trying to rewrite the narrative because they think enough time has passed. But investigations into that have only been going on a couple of months. Some of the findings will be out on December 9 and testimony before Senate will be December 11th. The Times is up to its eyeballs in this so it makes sense they would want to rewrite the narrative before the first report is released.
Trump has denied any Russian involvement (remember no collusion ? ? ?) DUH ! is he a Russian Socialist now instead of a Republican ? ? ? Asking for someone that thinks the turd/gangster has had enough time in WH and may have FUCKED the next generation of US citizens. Especially if the like having clean water and air !
@Yellowdog As a self proclaimed Christian, man of God and preacher, how do you back a man like trump that has cheated on 3 wives, talks and treats women horribly (grab them by the pussy) lies about his trump University, owes taxes, the list goes on and on. There is nothing Christian-like about this man. I am a Christian and trumps morals alone keep me from backing, supporting or in any way taking up for what he stands for.
But…... @chyna he’s against all the moderates and liberals (with real Christian values) ! Oh @chyna you missed he wanted to date his daughter !
Not sure which is worse, Putin has something to blackmail trump so he does want Putin wants or trump is just laying down foundation for more business ventures after he leaves the WH.
I am more of a Christian than trump is.
Though I have never met you in person,I bet you are to.^^
Regardless of what the good ole boys think Trump only does things that benefit himself.
The telephone pole in front of your house or the dust on your keyboard is more Christian than the fool!
Well he is Christian enough to pry the vote out of the evangelical right and that is all that matters to Sir Trump a lot.
The evangelical right is stupid and gullible.
That I do believe! They voted for the guy that alone says it all.
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