Social Question

If a friend is staying with you for 2 weeks or more, do you expect to cook for them?
Let’s assume you don’t have to cook for family anyway.
I’m alone at home, and I have a friend visiting. She has her own rental car, and used to have her own house here, so she’s not friends that in me while visiting. I have plenty of room in my fridge and pantry, and told her she should feel free to use anything in the kitchen, or any of the food, and there is plenty of space for her to buy whatever groceries she’d like to keep here.
Even before she arrived I asked what she likes to have for breakfast or snacks, bread or cold cuts, etc., so she wouldn’t have to go to the supermarket right away. She kept saying, “it would be what you have in your house anyway.” My thought is, don’t be so sure. Everyone else either gives me their list, or says they’ll go to the store when they arrive, something along those lines.
We went grocery shopping and she didn’t buy anything. She did bring some instant oatmeal with her that she has eaten a few days in the morning.
I’ve tried to plan having lunch or dinner at home, I’m happy to cook something, but can’t quite nail her down on that, and so there isn’t much food in the house if she is home. I don’t want to buy food that will go bad, or I wind up eating all of it when I don’t want to. That has already happened. I don’t mean she has to plan being with me for lunch or dinner, I just mean even if it’s that same day, so I can make sure I have something for us, and make sure it’s something she will like.
I could give you more examples of what is frustrating me, but I won’t drone on.
When you have guests do expect to cook for them? When you visit people do you buy some of your own food to keep in the fridge?
Remember I’m talking about two weeks or more, not just a few days.