Have you ever been chased by bees?
How’d that work out for you?
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23 Answers
If you are near the nest then you will be attacked/chased…so just walk away from that area.
Hiking episode..minor, just walked away.
@Inspired_2write – I was chased when I was a kid but then, I asked for it.
I was chased worse by horse flies and had to jump in the river to get rid of them.lol
Thankfully, no!
Back in the eighties I was frequently chased by fly swarms though, attracted by all that hairspray it took to hold my perm in place…oh how I wish I was joking!
@ucme LOL! Maybe they just wanted to borrow your hair pick??
Bees, no, but I’ve been chased by yellowjackets. They are horrible and deserve nothing less than complete and total extinction.
According to my mom’s dad, never swat at a bee to get it to go away because it only makes them mad and that’s when they’ll sting you. He had never lied to me and I trusted him, so I always stood very still when a bee was buzzing around me.
Yellowjackets are so freakin mean that they will wait for you to come out of hiding so they can try a 2nd time
@SEKA -My friend canoed his head into a nest hanging from a branch while out camping.
He reported a very unpleasant experience.
^ We were told to run for the lake until we found out that they will swarm until you can’t hold your breath any longer and you have to surface
@SEKA -The horseflies did that and when I surfaced, I splashed like a freak. I had to do this multiple times much to the amusement of my friends. :)
As kids we would go out in the summer holidays each holding an empty, cleaned out glass coffee jar. The lid would have a series of small holes punched in & bits of grass & a small flower would sit in the bottom.
We’d then search for bees to catch, this was done over hours at a time until someone was declared the winner with a full, humming jar of them. I never won because I’m a coward mostly & always feared being stung.
@ucme Would you chase them down or just use the jar as an inescapable trap?
@lucillelucillelucille Best tactic was sit down next to them as they dId their stuff on a flower.
You’d then unscrew the lid & gently place the upturned jar over them, so yeah, a trap.
Tricky part was sliding the lid back on when there were a few of them in there, hence the little flower at the base to encourage them away from escaping.
This sounds bloody cruel now, but they enjoyed it…honestly!
Never have I ever, but I have been chased by spiders in response to my having stepped on some. They were everywhere, and I was freaked out big time.
When I was a toddler we were farm folks. I liked to sit in the grass and watch everything. Cats, birds, bugs were all equally interesting. I had bees land on me, and I watched to see them dance, or rest. Butterflies would land on me and lick salt from my skin.
I never had to be told to hold still around bees.
When my daughter was little and experienced her first bee encounter, she wanted to cry and run. I held her hand, and coached her to stay still. She was wearing pants with a floral print. The bee flew all around in front of her legs. I told her he thought the flowers were real. She laughed and told the bee they weren’t real. After that, if she saw any bees when she was wearing those pants she would call to them, “hey, look at these yummy flowers.”
I’ve never been chased by bumblebees, wasps, any of them.
Bees no, hornets yes. Scary! Got stung a few times, killed some of them. We were kids attacking their nest, so we deserved what we got… or worse.
Yellow jackets. Ran the in-ground nest over with a lawn mower when I was about 15. I was stripping down to my undies as I ran into the house. I spent the next few days learning how to kill them where they live. Spoiler: I used gasoline then. These days I use dish soap and hot water.
Fucking hell. It was Easter and we were living on the farm. Here is the house we built. It is rectangle because my dad didn’t like making trusses and had them pre-made and the rectangle was cheapest.
We lived in a single-wide behind that for the years it took my dad and his brothers and my grandpa to build that house. But those big trees to the north of the house were not there when I was.
My mom had a ridiculously large garden that I don’t remember eating anything from where those trees are now at. But it was huge. We used a tractor to till it. And after school we would be made to go down there and pick bugs off the vegetables and drown them in coffee cans full of gasoline before we could go inside and watch Duck Tales.
Now we are getting around to the bees.
It was Easter and it was my mom and my sister and I on the lawn having a picnic. My mom went a bit overboard with Easter. I got stuff like a baseball mit, baseball, and bat in my easter basket along with the normal candies. So my sister hits me in the face with the baseball bat while we were playing. Pretty sure it was on purpose.
But once I recover it was time to eat. And we had watermelon. And I used to like watermelon and really got my face in there. Bees like a young mans face that is covered in watermelon too.
Luckily I am not allergic and got inside before any real damage was done.
We were chased down into a ravine. We sat there for some time because every time we tried to climb out, the bees would come at us again. At one point I felt something in my hair and pulled a live bee out by my fingers. I didn’t get stung but that bee was mad as hell and came after me again when I let it go. That did it! I hauled tail back to our bikes with the two others following, and headed into town at high speed. My brother and his buddy, who were older than me, couldn’t catch me!
Hiking in a National Forest we ran into a bee hive in the ground and the entire hive came after us, hundreds of bees. Ran for our lives but they caught up with us and soon covered head to toe. Ran the mile back to the car and got stung the entire time. I got stung 17 times my GF over 100. The nearest hospital was 15 miles away and took 40 minutes to get there and we were still picking off bees in the ER. I had been stung before and was OK she had never been stung before and in distress and worried about her going into anaphylactic shock. Dr. said no worries if she was allergic to bee stings she would have been dead before we got to the hospital. I have carried Benadryl with me everywhere since that Sunday funday.
I disturbed a very disturbing nest once. I was on extra duty for telling a CPO to get the fuck off my boat.(He was taking my supplies)
As part of my duties, supervised by a base cop, I was going to help them find a small tree in the woods for the police office. Because they liked me, and knew the sentence was bs.
We were hiking the woods looking for a good specimen when a huge patch of dead grass in front of me started to sound like a baby rattle. This was grass about two feet tall all fell over in a crispy mat. It was a good ten get across ay direction. The middle started to ripple, like water coming to a boil. I watched in fascination. When the first half dozen confused bumblebees flew up out of there I didn’t wait for more. I yelled at the cop to get back to the truck before me and have it running.
I explained as he sped the truck away in reverse. We went back empty handed.
I don’t know if they chased us, or just went back to sleep, but the way that grass moved, there were LOTS of them.
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