Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How much of your Christmas shopping is done on line, verse retail stores?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23505points) November 24th, 2019

More less?

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10 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A good 80% is online.

Vignette's avatar

About 50/50. Some things you still need to try on or see/feel in person.

rebbel's avatar

I don’t do Xmas shopping, but in general shopping, I would say 40–60.
40% online (mostly clothing, shoes, electronics, tools).
60% brick and mortar (groceries, clothing, nicknacks).

Demosthenes's avatar

Most of it is done online. It’s much easier, especially given how hard some of my family members are to shop for.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Gift cards at Walgreens plus cards, one and done.

canidmajor's avatar

Very little, only specific things that I can’t find in a brick and mortar.

jca2's avatar

I’d say 75% online. I do Amazon and online a lot.

I dislike going to stores for specific holiday gifts. It stresses me out and I don’t have a lot of time to do it. I may buy the teacher gifts at stores and maybe books or clothes at Costco, because I’m there anyway.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Virtually all of it, aside from the debit cards, cash and baked goods. There are always a few things that I buy on impulse throughout the year, when something is spotted that elicits “that would be perfect for….?”

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