Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If prostitution were not burdened with its ages old stigma, how common would it be today?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) November 25th, 2019

Compared to today and compared to other professions.
Would you see brothels sending recruiters to high schools, like the military?

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10 Answers

rebbel's avatar

It is common.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It seems to be more common than most of us realize!!! Young girls look for a sugar daddy which is an old john giving her money in exchange for sex.

cheebdragon's avatar

….because who wouldn’t want to fuck old, fat, middle aged men? ~

prostitutes were sexually abused as children.

ucme's avatar

Put it this way, Jack the Ripper would come out of retirement.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@cheebdragon I wouldn’t…NOT my cup o’ tea!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

There will be more prostitution agencies than five star restaurants. There will be UberEats ( yes that kind )

Oh wait, you didn’t say legal just burdened with stigma so I take it back.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think it would be any more common than it is today. I think that the only thing that would change is we would have many different types of women making money that way. Women who wouldn’t dream of having sex for money now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@LadyMarissa notice the tilde, ~, at the end of @cheebdragon‘s comment. That means she’s joking.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I was a child I thought that solicitor general was (NSFW). Also Barristers and Solicitors.

Pinguidchance's avatar

@ragingloli Would you see brothels sending recruiters to high schools, like the military?

Only if the government ran prostitution like the democratic imperative that is parliament.

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