Is Franklin Graham correct when he said those who oppose Trump are almost a demonic power?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
November 27th, 2019
from iPhone
Apparently he made the statement on a radio podcast the same day Sondland testified last week in Congress.
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53 Answers
Of course! Those who oppose the embodiment of the seven deadly sins are demons.
Makes perfect sense.
Lt’s just say that I think Franklin Graham is very conversant with demonic power.~
Makes sense anybody who opposes the mob usually meet their doom.
All I can say is that Franklin Graham is NO Billy Graham!!! Billy may have voted republican, but he gave spiritual guidance to the Dems just as well. God has promised me my special place in Heaven & NOWHERE did He say it was contingent on my voting for trump!!!
Billy Graham was a democrat and a friend of both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
So what is the point @Yellowdog ??
Trump identified as a Democrat before turning Republican.
No. That’s just more of the Republican propaganda to scare people. (If there was an anti Christ, it would be Trump.)
@Yellowdog Billy Graham was not a Democrat after the Civil rights legislation of the 1960s. He was quite close to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. He may have been independent, but he was no democrat after the white separatist democrats like Storm Thurmond and George Wallace switched to the Republican Party. Why do you make up stories like that?
Are you taking lessons from Trump @Yellowdog ?
Why fabricate a story about Graham being a democrat,and if you truly believe what your saying then it’s high time to post a link to back your statement .
Billy Graham was a lifelong Democrat. He and his son had political disagreements.
Why do you Dems not want to accept him? You could rub it in our faces.
Sorry you are going to have to post a link to your claim .
@zenvelo George Wallace was also a lifelong Democrat.
Storm Thurmond became a Republican in 1948, but never renounced his segregationist views.
You are free to look up for yourself whether Billy Graham was a Republican or Democrat.
A lot of information is at your fingertips.
Uh Your great friend Wulfie always requests a link when we state something and gets quite rude with @stan when he doesn’t, so show us where he was a democrat.
What about Jimmy Carter? Was he a Republican also?
@Yellowdog What are you talking ABOUT ? ? ?
Get back on your meds!
So what if Billy Graham was Democrat or not. He liked to ingratiate himself to as many political leaders, especially heads of state, as he could, regardless of their stripe. That notwithstanding….
This is about Franklin Graham, not Billy Graham.
Nah, demonic is a bit much.
It makes me proud to be a demon.
Possibly. Satan is supposedly the Father of Lies. And those opposing Trump use an awful lot of lies to do so. So there is a certain logic involved.
And I can hear the liberal head’s exploding about Trump lying and yes he does. But not nearly as much as the left makes it out to be. Lies and deception are the push from the left…that is their favorite tactic.
So much projection from this acolyte.
Satan ONLY wants those who are doing the work of God. So, IF opposing trump is demonic, then it must mean that we are doing God’s work!!! Strange that Satan doesn’t see Frankie important enough to even bother to tempt him!!!
Never realized demons could do something good like opposing trump.
@LadyMarissa where does it say Satan ONLY wants those who are doing the work of God? I’ve never heard that in my life. He will tempt any and all he can. That sort of puts a pin in the rest of your statement.
I got to give you some respect for your absolute blind loyalty and dedication to the conservative right @seawulf575 , thinking Trump doesn’t lie as much as he does, and he truly is the best your country has seen.
It’s just all of us that take Trumps lies out of context, a lie is a lie regardless of context.
Your buddy ole Trump is Putin’s puppet, and the worse thing the entire world has seen happen to the US, but he has the good ole boys snowed over, and the rich love him, just to bad it’s at the expense of the rest of the worlds population.
@SQUEEKY2 I have to say the same for you, though I have to question where your blind loyalty comes from. And I have to confess I don’t really have respect for your loyalty. Trump announced his candidacy and the media scoffed. You all took it as a joke. Then he started gaining in the polls and the media said he couldn’t win the Republican nomination. You all laughed at how pitiable he was. Then he was a solid lead in the nominations and the media told us all that he could never win in a general election against Hillary…only Jeb Bush could. And you all cheered. Then he won the nomination and started moving ahead of Hillary in the polls. The media told you all that it was a fluke and that they were right…he couldn’t win. And you all felt better again. Then he won the election and the media literally cried on TV like it was the end of the world. And you all cried with them, sure we would be in a war within a year. Then came the Russia Collusion hoax and the media told us all it was likely that Trump worked with Russia to steal the election. And you all called him a liar and a cheat. Then the investigation began and the media told us each and every day that Trump was just days from being hit with all sorts of charges and you all echoed that. Then came the final report and it showed No Americans had anything to do with Russia trying to interfere in our election. The media tried spinning that into saying that didn’t really mean Trump was innocent. And you all were sure he somehow hid everything so well that no one could find it. And the story goes on and on and on. At every turn, the media gave you opinion and innuendo presented as facts and you all ate it up without once questioning anything. When Trump would say something, the media would twist it and you would all call him a liar. “Very fine people on both sides” or “Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama” or even “I had nothing to do with Russia” were all perfect examples of the media twisting stuff and you all not questioning at all. In fact you had to ignore actual facts to buy into the story. Over and over you have been lied to and yet you continue to either refuse or are not able to question the veracity of what you are told. The media has even tried making things in this country “guilty until proven innocent” and you have all bought into it. God help you if you ever get accused of something!
So yeah, your blind loyalty and unquestioning belief are amazing, but a little sad as well.
You missed the operative phrase @seawulf575 “Trump is Putin’s puppet” !
How are things with Putin’s Chef by the by ??
The Obama administration was very compliant with Putin, disarming most of Europe at their behest, producing the dossier, etc etc. Donald J. Trump has been the most anti-Russian president since Reagan.
Everything you accuse Trump with the Russians happened on the watch of the Obama administration. Including the disarming of Ukraine when the Russians took Crimea.
I don’t understand why you can’t be cozy with Russia since you idealize those who were and hate those who oppose Russia.
Okay @Yellowdog when did Obama go into a secret meeting with Putin and NO ONE FROM THE USA ???
Oh I know you don’t believe is happened, I feel so sorry for view of the world and Putin’s puppet.
Trump is Putin’s puppet !
@seawulf575 Seriously, trump had been an ass since the beginning. You may have all the right to vote for an ass in the WH and be loyal to that same ass till your children’s hair turn white but voting for an ass defines you and all your fellow trump fanatics.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, another Trump hater, is also a friend of Putin and has made Deutschland dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. If you support her and oppose Trump, you are a fine NATO ally.
WAIT WAIT you are deflecting ! ! @Yellowdog
When did OBAMA go into a private meeting with Putin??? Answer or….. !
He didn’t ! !
Next you blame Winston Churchill !
Obama’s famous Open Mike moment, ‘Tell Vladmir I will have more flexibility after the election.”
Why do we keep asking that guy for proof?
I am not currently on a system where I can post links, but it is very easy for you to google Obama Open Mic or Obama Open Mike. Obama speaks clearly and plainly with the Russian president.
Obama wants more time for the removal of missiles in Europe because of his upcoming 2012 election. The removal of missiles from Crimea enabled Russia to take Crimea without much resistance. Trump restored aid and missiles, yet you say he withheld them. How ironic.
@Tropical_Willie Trump met with Putin at the G20 conference. Here’s a clue: Trump is the leader of a nation and so is Putin. Both are powerful nations. It isn’t really nefarious that they would meet and really, what they talked about shouldn’t be released unless Putin agrees.
As for Obama, he did tell Mendevev (then President of Russia) in reference to missile defense that after the 2012 election he would have more flexibility to make those decisions and he wanted that information to get to Putin.
Now, compare that with the idea that Trump has been harder on Russia than Obama ever was and which one looks like the Putin puppet? Sorry…the more you try deflecting, the more you look like you are doing the typical liberal projectionism.
Come to think of it, you are uber-left. That puts you FAR closer to socialism and communism than me. Putin enjoys the idea of socialism and communism. You are rabid about trying to discredit Trump in every way you can. Putin would like that since Trump has been harder on him than Obama was and Hillary would have been. Putin would love to see nothing more than strife and discord hit our nation and keep Trump from actually working the way he wants to work. So who is Putin’s Chef? Got any good recipes you want to share, comrade?
You are coming through loud and clear, Putin is paying you for all the time on Fluther ! Deflect deflect deflect!
Back to the time Trump and Putin were together with *no USA personnel in the ROOM!”
When did that happen with Obama ????
I don’t see it in your Snopes fact check. Are Flexibility with actions toward Russia and private time with Putin the same ???? I don’t think so but you do. SMH
Sooo….you really didn’t address how your ideological bent is so much closer to Putin than mine. You also fail to address why Trump is so much harder on Russia than Obama ever was. Seems to me YOU are the one deflecting. And projecting. That is, after all, a classic liberal move: accuse others of the crimes you are committing. If you point the finger and yell loud enough no one will look at you for the crime. The “Russia Collusion” was just that….Dems using Russians and Ukrainians to dig up dirt on their political opponents and then accuse the opponent of doing that exact thing. You continually accuse me of being on Putin’s payroll, yet your words are far closer to helping Putin than mine. I think I’m on to something here! How’re things in the kitchen these days, boy?
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