Social Question

ucme's avatar

It's just a question of time before...what?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 1st, 2019

Make your replies the same as the song about a glimpse of stocking, you know…anything goes!

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14 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

….that “global warming”, “climate change” becomes another Ice Age.

rebbel's avatar

…I’ll be finished writing my second answer.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

She shows up on your front lawn to serenade you!

filmfann's avatar

The mods delete your answer for no good reason.

cookieman's avatar

…the United States is no longer the leading super power.

…I eat another cookie.

…@ucme references his “staff”.

kritiper's avatar

…the food chain collapses completely.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Sun goes down, for sunset. Maybe with a Green Flash !

janbb's avatar

Life on earth is not sustainable for humans….or most other living things.

ucme's avatar

I do declare mister @rebbel you just can’t get enough of me you giant piece of Dutch cheese :D
@lucillelucillelucille I just know she could crack walnuts betwixed her thighs.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme That’s how she makes you hit the high notes.

ucme's avatar

@filmfann Is that the generic your or did you mean me personally?
I just gots to know!
@cookieman Not a fan of the staff huh? :D

ucme's avatar

I’ve got to get to you first
Before they do
It’s just a question of time
Before they lay their hands on you
And make you just like the rest
I’ve got to get to you first
It’s just a question of time…

filmfann's avatar

@ucme actually, I was thinking about an answer I posted, which was both humorous and pertinent, that some mod didn’t like and deleted. Today!

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