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janbb's avatar

Would you care to share your profession or work status?

Asked by janbb (63319points) December 2nd, 2019

I know this has been asked before but since we have some new Jellies, I thought it would be helpful to know people’s careers or what they are doing. As always, feel free not to answer if you prefer not to.

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44 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’ll start. I’m a retired college librarian.

canidmajor's avatar

I did bunches of things including retail book selling, yacht booking, yacht detailing, restaurant work (waiting and bartending) and stuff. Retired now.

chyna's avatar

Office Manager of a hospitalist group.

rebbel's avatar

Woodworker/furniture maker, (house)painter.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Want to do a work visit? Have I got cabinets for you!

jca2's avatar

I was a social services caseworker. Now work for the union, past 8 years. Public employee, paycheck still comes from my original title.

ragingloli's avatar

Architectural visualisation.

rebbel's avatar

@janbb I’ll think about it :-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Public employee in the health field.

@rebbel Can we see pictures of your woodworking/furniture making?

rebbel's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I’m currently working on a farm house table (two in fact, but I’m doing one, and a colleague the other, in a different style).

rebbel's avatar

And I have thrown a few old projects in a folder, here (which I worked on, on some, with colleagues).

Jons_Blond's avatar

Former travel agent and a long time stay at home mom. I’m now working in an upscale deli in downtown Madison and enjoying the perks that come with it. My employer has a suite at two music venues in the neighborhood so that means free shows for the employees. My employer also matches up to 10k in educational expenses so I can finally finish my studies to become a medical coder. I’ll be taking online courses in February. My work is only two blocks from my home. It takes me five minutes to walk from my front door to the break room at work. I got lucky!

My goal is to be working as a medical coder this time next year. It’s a field that desperately needs new people and it pays well. I also won’t have to work weekends or holidays like I do now. :)

hmmmmmm's avatar

Without being too specific, I work as a data analyst for labor unions.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@rebbel Thank you so much for sharing the pictures. Wonderful work!

rebbel's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Anytime, and thank you!

kritiper's avatar

Self employed business owner. Working until I turn 70 before taking SS. I go to people’s houses and clean up after their dogs.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In the past I was a Night cashier/manager at a grocery store and an executive dishwasher.

ucme's avatar

Self employed locksmith & yes…I have staff for that!

Yellowdog's avatar

Petter of cats and dogs

KNOWITALL's avatar

Manager and trainer in media.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Are you really a locksmith? Rather Bond-ish of you!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Retired – - – Aerospace Operations Management

filmfann's avatar

Retired telecommunications worker.

Brian1946's avatar

Retired from working as a communications technician for AT&T.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Put it this way, I could get into your home whenever I want, would that leave you shaken or stirred madam? :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Only if you wear a tux and look dashing lol. And get past the neighbors and dogs. :)

ragingloli's avatar

I was thinking that it was a euphemism for “mercenary burglar”.

ucme's avatar

It’s fine, your chastity belt is safe…trust me!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I genuinely thought you were a sport person :D

I’m a teacher in a language center and occasionally tutor people at home.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If I told you I’d have to kill you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^Looks like @Darth_Algar and I have the same customer.

I’m mostly retired. I have not accepted a project in a while and really like the freedom and lack of stress. I can enjoy my three cute grandkids. (And day trade! Fun!)

Brian1946's avatar


“I genuinely thought you were a sport person”.

Actually, my real job paid me enough money to buy those Olympic Gold medals. ;-D

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cookieman's avatar

Associate Professor of Digital Media Design (which is a dumb way to say graphic & web design).

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Electrical engineer. I did geotech & environmental monitoring for a while, embedded design & software for a bit, now I do control systems and telecommunications for substations.

raum's avatar

Ringmaster of the shitshow.

RabidWolf's avatar

I’m medically retired. The human body can take just so much abuse before it gives you a big raspberry.

jca2's avatar

Before I did what I’m currently doing (representing employees for the union), I was a child services worker for 10 years. We would try to help parents whose children were at risk of foster care. It was not always successful and sometimes they ended up in foster care. I worked in a small city that is very insular.

JackPitter's avatar

An English teacher in China.

gwynnannette's avatar

I have two “jobs”, both of which aren’t steady and I am looking for a more “normal” job to speak.

At the moment, I work as a sex escort and I play rhythm guitar for a local band called Death Dolls. I make a pretty decent living doing both, but the virus is certainly making things difficult. At the moment, I am only taking clients from home and am not only requiring prior testing for STDs, but for Coronavirus as well. I am also severely limiting the amount of clients I take.

As for the band, we’re not getting together a-lot to practice, and we’re not playing in any gigs or venues, and we’re certainly not traveling. We’re currently in the process of trying to make an album, but that’s slow going now.

I just hope in the near future to land a new job since the virus is making things difficult.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gwynnannette Wow, sounds a little dangerous without the testing, be careful!

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