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raum's avatar

Is there a solo artist that you like more than the original band?

Asked by raum (13670points) December 5th, 2019 from iPhone

Bauhaus > Peter Murphy
The Smiths > Morrissey
The Police > Sting

I’m having a hard time thinking of one.

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23 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Paul McCartney

Eric Clapton (post-Cream, post-Derek)

Neil Young (although CSN&Y were great as a group)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Sting tops my list.
I dislike The Police. This song is like a menstrual cramp
brings out rage
His solo album Nothing Like the Sun is excellent.

Coolhandluke's avatar

Ozzy from Black Sabbath

janbb's avatar

Sting came to my mind immediately

ragingloli's avatar

Uh, Robbie Williams from Take That?

ragingloli's avatar

Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5.

raum's avatar

Have to say I’m enjoying listening to all of your answers. :)

Darth_Algar's avatar

Peter Christopherson (formerly of Coil, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV). Although he never really recorded under his own name (save for a track or two on some benefit compilation album), his post-Coil project, the Threshold HouseBoys Choir, was a solo project. And the two releases he created under that name are, in my view, the finest material he ever did.

raum's avatar

Man, I’m getting schooled on my own question today. Love it.

I was actually listening to Coil and Psychic TV this morning. But have never listened to Peter Christopherson.

Also discovered Derek and The Dominos and Take That today.


filmfann's avatar

Peter Gabriel from Genesis
Joan Jett from The Runaways
Stevie Winwood from Traffic and Spencer Davis Group.

janbb's avatar

^^ I really liked Stevie Winwood in all his groups and solo.

Arguably, Paul Simon after he and Garfunkel split up but they were great together too.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Phil Collins>Genesis
Rod Stewart >Jeff Beck & Faces
Eric Clapton>Cream & Derek & the Dominoes
Stevie Nicks>Fleetwood Mac

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Linda Ronstadt—Stone Poneys

SEKA's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Listen to as much Linda as you can. She’s in the process of losing her voice and will be silenced in the not too distant future

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I know @SEKA Sad sad !

anniereborn's avatar

Peter Murphy from Bauhaus
Peter Gabriel from Genesis

Are the only two I can think of, tho there may be others.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I can’t think of anyone who left a successful group who fits. I like George Harrison’s solo stuff as well as the Beatles, but not better.

I was surfing Youtube for Linda Ronstadt tonight before seeing this question. In my mind the Stone Poneys are just a little step in her career, not her “original band”.

raum's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Yes! That’s what it is.

It feels like there’s two distinct groups. One group where they leave a successful band to go solo. And another group where the band they left is more of a step in their career.

Yet, are we gauging whether they belong in one group or another post fact?

janbb's avatar

@raum Post fact is the only way we can judge it.

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