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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you remember when you were the perfect or close to your ideal weight?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25197points) December 5th, 2019

I was 100 pounds underweight in university, and I am 25 pounds overweight now. I didn’t notice the transition.
In 2000 I was 129 pounds.
In 2019 I am 262 pounds
6’5” or 198 cm tall.

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44 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Age 38
36 28 36
130 lbs

ucme's avatar

Right now!
I began running seriously a little over 4 years ago & do it every day when time allows.
Distances vary from 3 all the way up to 14 miles & I lost 42lbs.
That has now stabilised & I currently weigh in at 167lbs never felt or looked better.

josie's avatar

6’ 4.5”
210 lbs

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ve kept my weight within a 5 lb range, up or down from my “fighting weight”, 5’ 7.5” at 142 lbs for years.
If I go over or under an alarm sounds and calls me names until I do something about it. ;)

ucme's avatar

Glaring error in my answer…
I looked better with my blonde perm :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme How much did that weigh?

rebbel's avatar

I’m quite good now, I feel (21ish on the BMI)
91 kilo’s (200 lbs), for 6“4or5’ (194cm)
12 years ago I was 135 kilos (close to 300 lbs)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m 5’ 7”

High school and college I was 115 to 120.

Age 22 to 30 I was 125 (145 and 155 at the highest during my pregnancies)

Age 32 BOOM 165!!! Shit.

Age 34 back down to 125 to 130 and I stayed there until I was about 50, then edged up to 145. I decided that was good place. I couldn’t really carry 125 off any more, or even 135, because I wasn’t in the shape I was in then. I just looked icky.

A year and a half ago I quit smoking and went up to 165.

I’m back down to 155, and 10 pounds to go.

I’ll get there.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille About the same as a wet poodle, looked similar too.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was my ideal weight until I had my second child at age 37. I never got back down and have been 40 – 50 lbs overweight since then.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m pretty close, right now. I could probably lose 5 lbs, and be right there. I got down to 240 lbs, when I was trying to drop, but I prefer to be about 265 lbs. According to my primary care physician, I should be 240, but I still do push ups, and dips. I have a a large frame….

cookieman's avatar

When I was twelve.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I was the perfect weight when I was 25. Funny thing is that I thought I was fat…looking back, I was perfect!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Around 23, running with my pittie daily, physical day job in a warehouse. It felt amazing. Maybe 120? Never weighed myself then.

SEKA's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Where can I buy one of those alarms?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@SEKA -Lol! :) I call it the internal clock

Kardamom's avatar

Right now. I am 5’ 4” and weigh 115 lbs. Age 56.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Sounds about perfect @Kardamom. Where have you been??

anniereborn's avatar

From high school to about age 30 I was in my weight range. Than I got divorced, My Bipolar Disorder manifested itself, went on all kinds of meds, and it all went wacky. I am obese now.

anniereborn's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 How could you have been 129 pounds at 6’5”? I mean if you were, how were you not in a hospital?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well..I have never envisioned you as obese @anniereborn.

anniereborn's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Not sure how anyone could envision anyone else on this site properly without photos.

seawulf575's avatar

This morning. I’m 6’ tall and weigh 182. Right where the doctors say I should be.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I would say I’m at my ideal weight now.

Jons_Blond's avatar

When I was 33 years old, before I became pregnant with my third child. I was able to be at my fittest ever in my life after the birth of my first two children. I weighed 118lbs. at 5’3”. I was fit and toned. 15+ years later and I’m about 60 lbs heavier.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m 68, 5’10”, 143 pounds. Body fat is 7%.
I’ve weighed the same + or – 5 pounds since high school.
My wife is a dietitian and tells me that my ideal weight is 150 to 182. But I think that my idea weight is what has always been.
No medical doctor has suggested that I should gain weight.
I very active and feel healthy and strong. At my age it is really hard to gain muscle weight so why gain fat weight?
Most people that are in my canoe paddling club are over weight and over fat. Some often suggest to me to gain weight. Why? To please them? They bring high fat treats to eat at races and practices. Ah. No thanks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Somehow, somewhere, snacks became an everyday thing. Snacks became the norm. Some people, and kids, just snack all day long in between regular meals. The schools even encourage snacking in the classroom. I think that’s a problem too.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@anniereborn I didn’t notice at the time till It was too late. I tried being vegan in the first month of my second year of university.

anniereborn's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I am vegetarian have been for decades. But I still eat some dairy products. Plus a lot of junk food is without meat. I noticed myself getting fatter. I’d plateau and then some horrible life thing would happen and I would just start bingeing.

It just built up over time. It’s not like one day I woke up and said “shit, I’m obese”. Technically I have been obese for like twenty years. I am just extra obese now. We bought a exercise bike and I get on that most every day, but my eating habits are very hard to change.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Exercise, has to be viewed like a bill. You don’t have to kill yourself with it. But, you do it, every other day, regardless of anything else. I usually do an hour and a half, every other day. I used to do more. It’s worth it, but takes self discipline. As far as fatty foods, don’t buy them.

When I was transitioning into a teenager, I stopped even going down the “toy isles.” I view junk food, in the same manner. I wouldn’t buy a toy, or a carton of iced cream. If you don’t buy it, you can’t be tempted by it.

If you like to “graze,” try some edamame beans, with sea salt. There are several brands available, that you can stick in the microwave oven. Salt, and sugar, are both electrolytes. Salt isn’t good in large quantities either, but you usually don’t consume all the salt, from edamame beans. It’s on the hull, which is indigestible.

I love boiled peanuts too. If you are in the American South, they are available, almost anywhere, and in a variety of flavors. I prefer cajun.

Wasabi peas, aren’t that bad either, and they’re great at clearing your sinuses out.

Chewing gum, can be good too. Get the stuff that has xylitol, instead of sugar. Just keep it away from any pets, especially dogs…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wouldn’t buy a…carton of iced cream. If you don’t buy it, you can’t be tempted by it.
That is my philosophy, too, and it works. However, it’s is a sore spot between my husband and me. He has been methodically putting on more and more weight for few years now, and every time he goes to the store he picks up cookies and junk. Sometimes he does it in the guise of buying it “for me.” He knows it’s bullshit. He knows that handing me this sack of peanut M&Ms isn’t going to make me happy. In fact it is going to frustrate me and make me un happy but he keeps doing it. I guess he’s kind of like an alcoholic who doesn’t want to drink alone.
If I ever do ask for something, like raw chocolate chip cookie dough, watch out. He’ll be bringing home cookie dough for the next year. It’s like he can’t do things in moderation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. Watching a loved one willing to make themselves obese, is rough.
My parents are both overweight. At this stage of their lives, they have lots of orthopedic pain. No meds help, so they are basically wasting away, and can’t do anything they enjoy. I keep telling them that weight loss, would probably improve their quality of life. Bit their pantry is full of junk food.
As I have said, when I was bouncing, I weighed 315 lbs. Now that I’m 250, my knees, and lower back pain, are vastly reduced…

anniereborn's avatar

“Willing to make themselves obese”

Many people who are “willing” have mental illnesses.
Binge Eating Disorder along with Anorexia Nervosa are BOTH in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM 5) for Psychiatric Disorders. Yet we are treated differently in many ways, including the availability of medical help.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why is that @anniereborn? Do you know?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. My parents do have any mental illness. I guess one could be addicted to sugar. Alcohol, is a sugar…

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Maybe there would be a social backlash against labeling obesity as a “mental illness?”

anniereborn's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Well “Binge Eating” is a mental disorder. It wouldn’t be labeling obesity as such. Just like being very thin is not. But Anorexia is.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What is “binge eating?” I know what I kind of assume it is, but I could be wrong.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well it’s not opening for me. Guess I need to update my phone.

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