Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on the ubiquitous public marriage proposal?

Asked by ragingloli (52368points) December 6th, 2019

I find it disgusting.
It is unethical, and emotionally manipulative, because you are putting the other side on the spot, pressuring them to say yes, to avoid public humiliation.
It should be illegal, and those that break the law, should land on a sex offender list.

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22 Answers

raum's avatar

Hate them.

Told my now-spouse that if they ever proposed that way, I’d say no. Prepare to be crushed on the Jumbotron and indefinitely on YouTube. LOL

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I agree that it can be manipulative.
One would have to be pretty confident to go that route.
I was once asked to a high school dance in front of the class.
I said that I didn’t have a dress.
That’s some quick thinkin’, right there. (eye roll)
I didn’t like being trapped that way.
@raum- Lol

janbb's avatar

I don’t like them but each to his own. I find it stagy and show-offy and think these generally should be private moments. I also don’t like couples who say we’re going to get engaged when he gets the ring as if the ring is what makes the event. But usually nobody asks for my opinion!

zenvelo's avatar

I agree with everyone that they are awful.

The ones on live video, like at a ball park, are worst. But even the sign we saw on a freeway overpass (“Maria Quinn will you marry me?”) are stupid.

Proposals in my mind are private intimate moments.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree, they should be kept private ,and pressure less.

canidmajor's avatar

Smacks of a overblown narcissism to me.

Zaku's avatar

I agree when there’s an audience that might matter, but not on the “sex offender list” part.

On the other hand, I saw one happen at a waterfall in a well-attended public park. That seemed to work out fine as I don’t think they knew anyone there. ... Come to think of it though, I don’t know that was really the proposal. IIRC there was a photographer there.

I do think it’s most considerate to have a private conversation about it and as little pressure as possible. I think it’s best if it’s as much clearly the unencumbered wish of both people, as possible.

josie's avatar

Definitely not my style.

But I didn’t last very long in my first marriage. If I ever do it again, it will be pretty quiet.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It would embarrass the hell out of me, and I’d probable say “No,” just to get even.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think it should be initially private, but recreated as the opening of the wedding ceremony, at which time friends and family are assembled to share in the joy.
I would redo the whole order of it all, a much better way things could be done.
Nobody asked before.

ucme's avatar

I proposed to my wife at work.
We met, became friends & fell in love through work.
All of our colleagues were in on the surprise…thank fook she accepted!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

One of my teacher’s met her future husband while he was riding his motorcycle and just proposed to her. She said yes and they rode out of town together.

seawulf575's avatar

I guess it depends on the people. Maybe the proposer knows the proposee will be excited by such a PDA. I would hope their relationship was at a point where the proposer knows the answer would be yes. Of course the public marriage proposal might be manipulative, but it also runs the risk of being a great big crash and burn situation if the proposee says no.

KNOWITALL's avatar

For myself, I would die, turn red, probably have a heart attack or something.

I mean, for someone else, I suppose if you are very confident in your answer or pre-asked, it’s fine. Not my cup of tea, although I kinda like to see them. Especially if they say no…lol

Patty_Melt's avatar

My first husband proposed in his car, in the barracks parking lot. He started blubbering, and making no sense. I said, ” If you’re doing what I think, you better do it right.”
He got out, walked around to open my door, turned me sideways on the seat, brushed the gravel away in one spot, and bent to one knee. At that point he had gathered the composure to speak.
Hint: do not surprise a former football player who is kneeling in front of you. I got tackled across them bucket seats. Ow!
He walked me in the barracks and bellowed the news for all to hear. There were surprised looks, congratulations, and a couple girls stomped away to their rooms and slammed the doors.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Awww thats sweet!! Officer and a Gentleman!!!

Maybe a good idea for a new Question. Be fun to see everyones proposals in our minds. I cant on my mobile tho.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lol RDG, what a bunch of losers. None can fight, and none are attractive.

Pinguidchance's avatar

@ragingloli I find it disgusting.

I find it’s everywhere so I wonder how I could have lost it.

I blame ubiquity.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t like it. Makes me cringe a little.

SEKA's avatar

I was dating a guy when I was 23 who tried to pull that crap on me at his sister’s wedding. He waited until after the “I do’s” had been completed. Before everyone left the church, he got up and proposed to me. It was a sweet proposal, but I don’t know what he was thinking. Before it even sunk in what he was doing, I had replied “No effin way”. He was shocked and later admitted that he never dreamed that I’d say no in front of everyone. I reminded him that any time that he had mentioned getting married that I had told him that I wasn’t ready and that also meant that his friends watching wasn’t going to change my mind. I broke it off with him after that. I met my perfect man and the former boyfriend died from lung cancer about 15 years later.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wow. On somebody else’s special day. How crude.

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