What was the stupidest thing you have done and injured yourself?
Asked by
josie (
December 11th, 2019
Doesn’t have to be sports, but I confess I sort of get an odd kick out of some of these athletes who hurt themselves while celebrating.
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@josie: “Doesn’t have to be sports, but I confess I sort of get an odd kick out of some of these athletes who hurt themselves while celebrating.”
Do you think schadenfreude informs your beliefs, opinions, and interactions with others?
I don’t think it’s schadenfreude as I understand it. It’s not that I enjoy the injury, or that I don’t feel bad for their pain. It just seems so…stupid.
Sort of like this youtube video of a probably drunk kid trying to shoot a bottle rocket out of his butt. Its sort of like slapstick.
Let’s just say it involved an extremely crude, homemade soapbox car built with skateboard trucks/wheels, a steep hill that terminated in a “T” intersection, a poorly designed, and woefully inadequate braking system, several middle-school kids, inferior personal safety gear, and my first introduction to the concept of the Speed Wobble…
I still have the scar.
A few years ago I wanted to show to my ex girlfriend’s children (and my ex) that I was still very athletic and strong.
So I jumped up onto the 5 feet high high bar (in the playground in front of my apartment building) and attempted a ‘roll over’ (not sure about terminology, but it’s what the girl does, at the 7th second).
I sprained/brused a rib.
Very, very painful, I remember.
I was whistling this while doing chores and was about to go into the basement when I decided not to take the stairs and just jump from the top step.
I hit my head on the overhang and fell to the floor. The whistling faded out exactly like the ending of a cartoon. Lmao!
Amazingly, I’ve never really injured myself!
I say amazing because as a kid I was always climbing buildings & jumping off the rooves, as well as doing “dares” like climbing over fences on bridges & sliding down the lamp posts, felt like Batman!
I play sports & have never suffered anything close to serious injury there either.
Oh wait!
I remember unscrewing a light bulb & sticking my finger in the exposed socket, that shook me stupid & scalded my finger.
I’d like to say I was a kid when I did this. (But I was in my 30s.)
I had a package of shot gun shell primers that someone gave me. They looked like this.
A friend of mine was visiting when we wondered if a BB gun could set one off. Since It would be too hard to hit just one primer with a BB we decided to prop the whole pack up against a concrete block about 10 yards away.
I aimed at the pack and fired. BLAM ! Primer exploded and shot the BB right back into my cheek embedding it just below my eye. We could not get it out so we made a trip to the emergency room. They asked what happened. “BB gun, shotgun shell primer, ... blah, blah blah…” They worked on taking out the BB and as I was being closed up a police officer walked in. Why? All gunshot wounds are automatically reported to the police and this triggered an investigation.
The officer’s report said I had been hit in the face with a shotgun pellet!
He thought the whole episode was really funny and agreed it was just an embarrassing situation and not an assault.
Horseshoe on my ankle, dumbest thing ever.
@lucillelucillelucille Yep. Luckily I was skinny so bf could carry me, but boy it dropped me. I just KNEW it was shattered, but nope, just bruised really badly.
I’ve done a few feather brained stunts, but oddly enough only one took me to the hospital.
(Unless you count legally crossing a street.)
I was six or seven. My mom had arranged all the chairs and sofa in a circle for a family gathering. I hopped from one to the next, distances of three to five feet. I hit the arm of a chair wrong and pop! My knee made a loud sound and down I went.
It was dislocated. The doctor grasped above and below the knee and yanked HARD. If the pain had not rolled my eyes back and momentarily held me at the cliff’s edge of fainting, I believe I would have punched him.
I was riding a 3-wheeler as fast as it could go in a field at night. I was racing a train that ran along the field next to me. I forgot the barbed wire fence at the end. BOOM! I hit the strands of barbed wire. FUGGED ME UP. I lived though. You can’t kill stupid. ;)
@Coolhandluke Yikes, I almost did that on a horse once, luckily the brat dead stopped and just about broke my nose.
Horses see humor in finding low tree branches.
@Patty_Melt Once I was on a friends horse that really took off heading for a tree and I saw a big patch of green lush grass and jumped off. I walked back and everyone was busting up laughing, since I had jumped on the grass around the septic….lol
Horse are my kryptonite. I love them but they mock me mercilessly.
I was trying to open a stuck window, and I refused to give up. The next thing I knew my forearms went through the window and cut them both to the bone. Big ouch. I was rushed to the ER and had to get stitches. Since I was bleeding severely I was put ahead of everybody else.
@RabidWolf My friend did the same thing. When he called 911, he made the mistake of saying he cut his wrist and they thought he was suicidal. This triggered a different response sequence from the operator. He was arguing with them to just take him to the damn hospital.
Thank God, I wasn’t on Blood Thinners back then, My then-wife ran red lights and stop signs to get me to the ER. Me being me I was still my wiseass self and was cracking jokes. Something I do when I’m in pain.
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