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ucme's avatar

What's an outdoors aroma that you love to breathe in?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 11th, 2019

A particularly fragrant one, flowers/plants etc. or something else, like the ocean perhaps or maybe you like the smell of burning rubber & gas…I dunno see!

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24 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Alba semi-plena roses,honeysuckle,bonfires,fresh air in winter weather.soil in the garden,ocean,BBQ,fresh cut wood to name a few.

rebbel's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Neroli?

Freshly burned off lairs of old paint.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel-It’s not native to where I am :(
Freshly burned paint??

rebbel's avatar

My father was a house painter (as was I, for a few years) and I loved it when he used his blow torch, to burn off paint from, for example, window sills, or a door.
That smell I can recall vividly.
Together with a scraper you can fast take off several coats of paint that way.
Nowadays, open fire torches are prohibited for that method.

Not sure if this works on polyurethane…;-)

zenvelo's avatar


Zaku's avatar

Fresh on the tree pine needles.

Coolhandluke's avatar

Fresh cut grass.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel My dad handed me a wire brush and scraper to do that. He must have been mad at

Sagacious's avatar

Freshly cut grass makes the whole area seem fresh. I love the scent of lilac and honeysuckle. I love to be walking and suddenly smell either. The smell of bread baking outside the bakery is also a nice surprise. If you have a huge commercial bakery in your area you know that a whole town can be enveloped in that delicious smell.

rebbel's avatar

Possibly not so much mad at you, as careful and caring that you wouldn’t burn the house down with an open fire torch :-) @lucillelucillelucille

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel Well. there is that.:)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mmmm, my favorite Question in awhile, I have a great sniffer.

Fresh cut hay fields, dirt after a rain, French lilacs, roses.

And just to throw you off, I adore the smell of fresh tires, weird but true.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hot dry winds blowing through the pines in the high desert in California, Big Bear Lake. The smell is terrific !

chyna's avatar

The smell of a campfire.

ucme's avatar

Apologies for taking a while, life called :-)

@Sagacious There’s a bakery practically on our doorstep & so I know & love that gorgeous smell too well.
@KNOWITALL Glad you like it pet :-)
You did throw me a little with the tyres, although to be fair, I see what you mean.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme I’ve never met anyone who liked new tire smell….are you saying you do, too? lol
It makes my husband giggle so much.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Kinda, yeah lol
I know I loved the smell of my tyres whenever I got a new bike as a kid, same thing right?
I also love the smell of car showrooms, that wonderful aroma of brand new machinery & upholstery hits you like a kiss from an angel :D

elbanditoroso's avatar

Cow pasture, the fresh earthy essence of a recently created cow pie.

Nothing says “natural agriculture” like a cow pie.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Fresh air after a rain.
Fresh air off the mountains or lakes.
Lilacs and most fragrant flowers.
Cooking meat on a BBQ.
Fresh baked bread and other goods just out of the oven or cooked on an outdoor grill.
Cooked salmon.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Ozone, petrichor, geosmin, herbs, and websites smouldering in the early evening.

ucme's avatar

Other than the bakery, I can smell the sweet aroma of V-Bites

It’s a factory manufacturing vegan products & again, It’s right on my doorstep.
Don’t know if you guys remember Heather Mills?
She was briefly married to Paul McCartney a few years back, she owns the plant…true fact!

kritiper's avatar

Burning leaves.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper You’d love my neighborhood, they’re all obsessed with burning leaves. When I pulled in last night, my neighbor had his entire fence line burning, surrounding his house…lol

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