Would you participate in the following "ask a question as a different Jelly" setup?
Asked by
rebbel (
December 12th, 2019
The plan is as follows (this, assuming that it is okay):
Volunteers are going to ask a question in the style of another Jelly (that has given permission).
It is all going to happen in this thread.
Jellies that don’t mind to be impersonated can join in impersonating other Jellies that have noted that they don’t mind.
Everybody that doesn’t allow it, can’t play, only watch.
It’s supposed to be only fun, positive, fun impersonations.
But, of course, one might feel a bit weird, a bit awkward, a bit annoyed maybe even, when one sees how other Jellies perceive them (or their style of asking questions, that is).
So, when you play, be prepared for that potentially happening.
I don’t know if I have a style, but (obviously) I give permission myself (to be made fun off ;-) ).
A question, for those that want to play; shall we name the impersonated Jelly, or let it be a quest(ion)?
The first bit of the thread can be for Jellies to give permission, and to debate the rules (and the question whether it’s okay to do it in the first place).
After 24 hours we can start by really starting to ask questions (as the other Jelly).
So that’s 24 hours from now (I’ll give the start sign, in ways of an announcement in the thread).
This might be fun, or a total dud… :-)
Observing members:
Composing members:
79 Answers
Is it ok to use tung oil on one’s beard? that’s all I’ve got:)
@lucillelucillelucille I’ll take that as a yes (I want to join)?
If I am correct, you may play tomorrow, after, potentially, some others have said they want to participate too!
At least we can impersonate each other, as we are so far the only ones that are willing to :-)
If we give permission, is it for everyone or only to our trusted friends?
@KNOWITALL Only to those that have come to this thread, stating that they want to play (thus giving permission to also be impersonated themselves).
If you say yes, I’ll play, we would be with three, so far.
You can then choose to either ask a question, a la @lucillelucillelucille, or a la @rebbel.
There is, theoretically, a chance that your arch enemy also decides to play, resulting in the possibility he or she is going to ‘do you’...
Keep that in mind!
I’m in, do your worst ya filthy animals!
I will participate ONLY if loli enlists.
Fine, four people I like signed up. Permission to razz is granted. Best of luck mates.
I’m pretty sure I already know how I’m perceived but on the other hand I knew it would be a tough job when I took it.
Deal me in!
@josie May be good for a laugh at least!
@josie Believe it or not, but some of these loons perceive me as a negative pervert :D
The polar opposite is in reality the truth but hey, let’s laugh at them…a lot!
Has the game started? Any rules I need to know?
I’ll be in and out so I’ll check back.
The game starts in three hours from now (it’s now 10 am East Coast, 7 am West Coast)
Until @Jonsblond comes back and clarifies her response, let’s rule her out of participating.
I’m not sure if it is good, or bad, to state who gets impersonated….
Shall we don’t say, and let others guess?
Or do say who we do?
Oops I started too early.
Asked as @rebbel :
Which of these tools would be the best choice to shave the most manliness of beards?
Axe, Bandsaw, Hammer and chisel, @ucme ‘s sharp wit, or @KNOWITALL piercing eyes?
Now that Jolly Boris has won the elections in Great Britain, who do you think will be the scorer of the winning goal in the World Championship Football (that’s soccer for you Yanks :-) ) against Belgium?
& will this be in 2030 or 2042?
Much more fun to try to guess than name who you’re asking as.
^^ rebbel asking as UCME.
as @ucme
Do you turn your knickers inside out and wear them for one more day before you do laundry?
Why do you dislike the Buckeyes?
as @rebbel
When you meet your fishing buddies ( men or women) do you hug them or just shake hands (assuming you have affection for them and they do not dislike to be touched)
What would you think of someone with a MAGA tattoo?
as @Coolhandluke
Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
@Josie rocks this game!
Spot on (for mine anyway)!
I hoped you would like that (assuming you would check in on the thread)
as @cookieman
Is it true that the more things change, the more they stay the same?
as @chyna
Is it OK to rub a dog’s tummy if they haven’t given consent?
@rebbel Yeah, sorry. I was going to play but I work this weekend and won’t have time to Fluther.
@Jonsblond Nice!
No problem, the thread will stay open indefinitely.
As @josie -Do you accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory?
@josie That’s a good one, I would ask but I already know the answer…haha!
Which lesser known artist made the best cover of a Beatles song, written by George Harrison?
While you crack your brain have a listen to this >>>!
Does my gorgeous girlfriend and my perma-5-O-Clock shadow make me too sexy for Fluther?
- – - -
If Fluther opened a merch store, would they carry hoodies for boxers?
- – - -
If “measure twice cut once” is good, is “measure with my mind and cut with my heat vision” better?
If an obese bank clerk living in Prague jogged to work, would that mean the Czech bounced?
Does anyone know where I can get holiday slippers that fit over flippers?
If you met me in Boston, would you bring me a cookie?
My staff has rebelled and refuse to stand at attention or perform at all — even for the wife! What can I do? It’s bloody barmy!
- – - -
How can I keep my teddy bears warm on this ice flow while they sit as I paint their portraits?
- – - -
My friends tell me I’m reasonable, thoughtful, and caring — I think I might be a Democrat! Can you help?
@chyna: Very nice (and very true).
@josie: I don’t get it. (I realize I’m possibly not self-aware).
If I threw a dance party where I went around and hugged everyone (one at a time), would you attend?
- – - -
If I dyed my hair red to support minority gingers, would my username still make sense?
Oh my staff will always stand proud, no worries there.
@ucme: :^)
@all: Where’d everyone go?
Jacob Clogs Windmill Feyenoord Cheeses!
Can you guess where I’m from?
The Jacob got me confused, but I’m thinking it might be me?? :-)
Pronounced yacob as the dutch do!
Response moderated
Oh my goodness. I just wandered into this thread.
Ask away.
Response moderated
Do you have any recipes that will make my brain tingle, challenge my sense of justice, and appeal to my big, warm heart?
Response moderated
Just to state again: in this game it is not allowed to impersonate Jellies that haven’t given consent; only those that stated that they want to play can play (and be played/impersonated).
Otherwise there’s a risk that someone, potentially, does someone in a mean way, and/or someone taking it in the wrong way.
I mean, you’d think folks would read the bloody details, not rocket science & has been clarified twice since!
Who has some nice, traditional, ethnic recipes containing ground gold leaf, saffron, and sun dried female goat milk, to celebrate Midwinter?
Preferably dessert recipes, that go with my homemade Glühwein – Marshmallow cocktail!
-Sorry guys, I got a horrible virus, took me down. My apologies, catch it next time.Go Chiefs.
I’m raising my hand. I’ll play. Do your worst. (Within Fluther bounds of course.)
Oh what fun I’ve been missing! I’m in. I’m wishing to see answers for some of the questions above.
Help! My foxes have all moved to other parts. What do I do with this pile of squirrels I shot?
<Details> the squirrels would require a box with approximately four cubic feet of space. Can I mail them somewhere? How much would the delivery cost be? Does anyone here have any hungry foxes around?
When I visit the states, what are my chances of seeing a raccoon? <Details> If I see one, is it safe to feed them?
….. ...................................
Dog lovers only <details> I’m going to visit family for Christmas. I will be gone for four days. Is there some way I can reassure my dogs that I will come back when I leave them with the sitter? Should I give their presents to the sitter to be opened on Christmass, or should I give them the presents when I get back home?
@rebbel, is there some kind of goat milk other than female? If you have been milking the wrong kind of goats, i think you won’t want to drink that. ;-)
How many crunches do you do in a day?
Have you seen the calendar with the 12 sexiest Dutch men with beards for 2020?
Would you like to know how to create a flashlight with just a ball point pen and a paper clip?
I sure am predictable! The answers were correct 100% of the time. :-)
Who said something about something in the 20th century?
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