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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

What is your favorite piece of artwork?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) December 12th, 2019

What attracts you to it?
This has been my favorite for as long as I can remember.
I love the size, colors, medium, skill and subject matter.

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12 Answers

josie's avatar

Other that some of the things I have seen that you do :) ...
I’ve always liked Irises by Vincent Van Gogh

rebbel's avatar

My favorite, for this moment, is the following:
>>>, by Vermeer.
It’s an obvious one, but the way the light hits the scene is spectacular.
I also love the color of her ‘dress’, and her expression is spot on, I feel.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@josie -Oh, go on! XD
I like that one as well.
@rebbel -I love the way the subject is lit. She liked her whiskey :)

raum's avatar

@rebbel What about this particular Vermeer makes it stand out from his other work for you?

rebbel's avatar

@raum See above, I just added it to my answer to @lucillelucillelucille.
It’s beautiful, in the flesh, stunning really.
His “Girl With The Pearl Earring” is of course beautiful too (I’ve seen it multiple times in Den Haag), as are all his works (at least the ones I’ve seen myself), but there’s something to the girl reading the love letter that brings a spark in me.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel I can see why as it is beautiful

josie's avatar

I forgot to say why I like it.
I like the colors
I like the composition with the white flower off to the left in front of the background flowers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@josie Me too. Have you seen his work in person? I am assuming you have

raum's avatar

@rebbel Woman in Blue is actually one of my favourite Vermeers as well. :)

I was curious because Vermeer has another painting, Girl Reading A Letter at an Open Window. Same artist. Similar subject. Yet evokes a very different feeling.

josie's avatar


I saw a couple, including Starry Night Over the Rhone ( also a favorite. I just sort of like Van Gogh period), in the Musee D’Orsay

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