General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you make a deal with the taxi to drive you a certain moneys worth towards your destination?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25155points) December 12th, 2019

I have $6 and my trip would cost $8—$10. Can I go most of the way to my destination, and walk the rest?

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9 Answers

janbb's avatar

Sure. Just tell them a destination that you know is cheaper.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes, be honest and tell the driver.
Or Walk and keep the six dollars. Or bike. Ask a friend for a ride.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. Just let him know up front that you can’t afford more than $6. You could tell him stop at $5 if you want to tip him. I’m just worried $5 or $6 won’t get you very far. The first ¼ mile might be $4 off the bat, since sometimes there is a fee to start the meter. Check how the fares work.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Just watch the meter, when it hits $6 tell the driver to let you out there.

However, I’m wondering – if you can’t afford the full trip there then how are you going to get back home?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Darth_Algar Edit Sorry I gave to much info. I am just curious. Just To be prepared in case SHTF.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RedDeer You should watch Doomsday Preppers. They grade people on preparedness very well.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Oh. Well to be honest in a shit-hits-the-fan scenario I kinda doubt taking on passengers is going to be a priority for the cab driver. He’s going to be worrying about him and his family, not you.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have done that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

As a former hack pilot, I can say that most will be fine with it if you tell thrm

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