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LostInParadise's avatar

About how many irregular verbs would you guess that there are in English?

Asked by LostInParadise (32294points) December 15th, 2019

Without doing a Web search, what would you guess? I took a guess off the top of my head and then I started to make a list, and it became clear there were much more than I initially came up with. I made a second guess and it turned out to still be too low. Check your guess with the list given here.

I did a Web search for other languages, but could not get any numbers. From what I was able to gather, other languages also have large numbers of irregular verbs.

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2 Answers

rebbel's avatar

If I think of it from the top of my head I would say it’s probably also to low, do I would say thirty X twenty about.

I have to work on either my English, or on recovering irregular verbs from my brain…

Demosthenes's avatar

I was going to say about 300, so looks like I was a little low. Other languages may have varying degrees of regularity; Latin, for example, has very few irregular verbs. As few as 10 by some counts, as many as 30 not counting compounded forms, but even with those, there’s still going to be far less than English.

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