Are you concerned with the religions of others?
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19 Answers
Not at all.
I’ve never met a religious person who did me harm.
So far the ‘worst’ I’ve been treated was by Jehova’s Witnesses, who came (a few times) to my door with some lecture and some words.
I friendly declined.
And my neighbor’s son who gave me some little books about islam (he wanted to convert me, because he liked me and felt sorry I wouldn’t go to heaven).
Being born and raised a non-religious person it didn’t happen (it wouldn’t, I told him as soon as he gifted them to me, but I read them nonetheless)
We had some long talks about religion though.
Mainly only when it leads to violence and abuse… and political manipulation.
Only insofar as that other religion is a threat to my liberty and freedom in general. Otherwise, no.
I may not respect their beliefs, but I don’t really give a crap about their theology.
And if they want to kill themselves (Jonestown, anyone? Waco, anyone?) – as a result of their religion, have at it. The world would probably be better off.
To the extent that it is a personal pursuit, not at all.
Otherwise, it just might be a problem. Or maybe not. Depends.
No, I am only concerned about how I live my life and my relationship with God.
I am always concerned about the misinformation and lies of religions.
Yes, to the extent of how they affect my country and my world.
No. Unless they make an issue of it for me. And I 3rd KNOWITALL
I do not have the luxury of being unconcerned. Religion is actively used to discriminate against me and my fellow LGBTQ people. Having said that, it’s not something I go out of my way to think about. When I’m walking down the street, I give no thought at all to the religion of the people I pass.
It’s the word “Unless”” that disqualifies it from being a firm “Yes.”
I don’t care about the religion of others as long as they’re not racists, puts kids in cages, hates illegal immigrants, extremely hypocritical and would kill in the name of their religion.
I don’t care about other people’s personal religious beliefs in that I will not try to change anyone’s religious beliefs. I may be interested to know what their beliefs are, but that is the extent of it. I do care about religion’s role in law and politics. I am also interested in religion in general and enjoy studying and learning about various world religions, their teachings, and what and why people believe what they do.
Nope. As long as they aren’t pushing their beliefs on me, I could care less. And if they are trying to push their beliefs on me, it isn’t their religious beliefs that concern me, it’s their attitude. And I’m not talking about merely trying to “spread the word”, I’m talking about demanding I follow their rules or their beliefs. A simple Jehovah’s Witness is just spreading the word in my world.
Only to the extent that they make it public and try to impose their religious beliefs on me or others such as being against women’s right to bodily autonomy. Or if they believe that we live in a “Christian country” (or Muslim or Jewish) and that that gives them the right to dictate morality to me.
Actually, I don’t care what they believe as long as they keep it between them and whatever God they follow.
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