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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are the chances that, in the impeachment hearings, some Republicans are giving lip service, pretending to side with the president, but have every intention of voting to impeach?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 18th, 2019

Are impeachment votes private?

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42 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Between zero and zero.
Voting to convict this criminal would be worse for them in the election, than siding with this criminal, and their primary goal is to stay in power.
Moscow Mitch already announced “I’m not an impartial juror”, despite him having to take an oath to be impartial.

Coolhandluke's avatar

Seriously? NO CHANCE.

KNOWITALL's avatar

They are NOT private.

I would love to think that some Reps will flip, but I’m afraid like the two Dems, more will stand with him. From what I’m hearing and seeing, they didn’t expect Rep voters to be pushing back in Trumps favor, but they are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t believe the crap coming out of the Republican’s mouths. They’re saying “You want to impeach him because you don’t like him!” like it’s some middle school spat.
They are willfully ignoring or obscuring facts.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think Rep Gohmert answered that clearly.

Inspired_2write's avatar

It is possible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Twice now the Republicans made a claim that wasn’t true.
They said “There were no Republicans in the closed door hearings.”
That is not true.
“Well, ok. There were Republicans there, but only the ones who were on the Democrats preapproved list.”
There was no preapproved l list.

Someone said something interesting. People are whispering in the shadows of the White House that they know what the president is doing is wrong, but publicly are coming out in favor of him. I got the impression he was speaking directly to a couple of the Republicans.

filmfann's avatar

No. It might happen in the Senate.

mazingerz88's avatar

Republicans, politicians and voters are living in a fantasy world where trump is a victim. Either that or they just don’t give a crap about the Constitution and taking a dump on it. trump is their puppy and their attack dog. And we know Americans love their dogs.

josie's avatar

Is there a way to make zero bigger than zero?
Don’t get excited but I also heard personally from Steve Scalise -Zero



Yellowdog's avatar

@Dutchess_III It seems there is a lot that you don’t know about what has been going on the last eighty or so days. You might want to reaccess your sources.

No, there won’t be any republicans supporting impeachment. There will be several democrats who oppose it. And Adam Schitt did keep very tight controls on who was allowed behind closed doors. Don’t you even remember when the republicans entered and were thrown out and the news described them as a mob?

This is the most fatal mistake the dems have made, and will cost them dearly in 2020. Dems in 31 districts Trump won pledged to support or at least work with Trump and oppose Pelosi, which they did not do.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Republicans are in the unfortunate position of having hitched their wagon to the Turd. There is no legal recourse excusing the fool, so they will let him off the hook simply because they can; the hope being that popular opinion will sustain the travesty. But the Republicans are doomed because theirs is the regrettable task of having to defend the proposition that the turd is not a turd. He will be up on other charges for impeachment before these 2 can be dismissed.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog You love saying Dems’ fatal mistake. Here’s the fatal mistake. Republicans not voting to impeach trump in the Senate. There are more sane and decent Americans than you think.

mazingerz88's avatar

Yes, finally. Done. On to the Senate. The real great America is BACK!

1 decent Independent voted to impeach. Awesome.

Yellowdog's avatar

@mazingerz88 Without a crime, evidence or a crime, or witnesses of a crime, it won’t go anywhere in the senate.

kritiper's avatar

1%. Give or take.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog the problem is that the turd has more crimes under his belt than can be addressed in his lifetime. He may get off this time, but before the Senate even begins his trial in January, more evidence will emerge enforcing the validity of these charges while the House ramps up the NEXT impeachment for money laundering, tax fraud, emoluments violations, etc. From here on out, it’s a life of perpetual impeachment for the fool, and no one is more deserving of the hell that is going to rain down on the turd and his party!!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog Come back into the real world please.

Yellowdog's avatar

Its hard to believe any of you are that delusional.

Zero crimes have been committed. Zero evidence of crimes. Many crimes on the Democratic side have been uncovered and are being investigated. Many you have chosen the double standard of ignoring actual crimes.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog Wake your brain cells up. Read thoroughly on it and stop watching and mimicking
Fox News.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ignoring actual crimes? Tell it to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Gates, etc. Instead of talking about Stinky’s dreamscape of supposed Democratic criminals, let’s look at the actual convictions of the certified and PROVEN criminals. How are the dems doing there? Delusion is YOU standing here pretending the jumbo turd is not a turd, while all stained by his very touch are marched off to jail?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Little, to none. The impeachment, will not lead to his dismissal.

JLeslie's avatar

None. I’ve been saying this for 4 years! Most Democrats don’t understand Trump supporters or conservatives at all. They don’t stop and listen to their perspective. Democrats have been hitting their heads against the wall, ripping people like me apart who try to explain the conservative perspective (and I am not a conservative except on a few fiscal issues I lean that way, but I have always been a registered Democrat).

I do however listen to what my conservative friends have been saying, and I do watch Trump at length once in a while rather than just clips that are cherry picked by the media.

How are we going to get him out of office if we don’t understand the electorate?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I respect that answer and attitude, more than almost any here in my 7 years.

Understanding and agreeing are two different things. Seeing you treated so poorly in a few threads (by your fellow Dems) for some objective thinking, was hard to see.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve listened to the Trump view. I completely understand. They are all sacrificing the majority of their own ethics, for a few issues. And then there are idiots, who believe Trump, over any source. And then there are backwards idiots, shooting themselves in their own foot, to go to war with the brown/non-Christian people of the world.
That’s all folks….

stanleybmanly's avatar

For tragic irony, nothing compares with the relationship between the demagogue and the essential factor enabling it all— the great unwashed or “common” man. Future generations will view the footage of Stinky spewing his palpably inane dishonesties before crowds stacked like cordwood in a sea of red hats. What should one think of so many blissfully unaware that the slogan on those hats in relation to the lying buffoon in front of them renders the catch phrase a glaring declaration of“I am an idiot”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t grasp it either.

mazingerz88's avatar

Hard to grasp when it seems all of a sudden trump worshiping Republicans switched into having retarded souls.

And for what, an obnoxious, corrupt, cruel and pretentious blowhard play acting the role of a leader who loves America —— who they happen to see as the Great White Hope?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I mean, you can say what you want to about Trump. But, he’s got his base, wrapped around his finger….

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s true, and it’s because his base just isn’t that smart. You can almost tell by trying to read what, and how they write, whether a person is a trump supporter or not.
The other day I read “Infat car seat for sell. Some tares in the fabric.” << Ten bucks says that was a trump supporter.

Yellowdog's avatar

Well, most Democrats live in New York, New England, and California, and are the wealthiest demographic in the county. Most of it they get from fundraisers that rely off the poor who are stupid enough to support them, but most of the voters are very, very rich and established and well educated. The Trump base reaches all demographics.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, trump reaches the other demographics. The ones who are poor and not well educated.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. There’s a reason why colleges, are majority liberals…

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s a REAL problem for conservatives that institutions of learning somehow turn out to be liberal factories.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You mean, like, concentrated groups of people thinking for themselves? Oh, the horror!

Yellowdog's avatar

It is true that the I.Q. of those who teach and administrate in colleges and universities are well above average. But that does not mean they are the only high-I.Q. people in society,

@Dutchess_III “Liberal factories” and ”...“think for themselves” contradict each other.

The Indoctrination of pre-“age 25” minds is not letting them think for themselves. Many of the selfsame professors and other administration live in a world of ideals which they, in turn, were indoctrinated with. They may control what students learn, who depend on them for a good grade and perceived future success in life with their degree, but they do not exist in real society, business, or economics. Most people do not truly think for themselves unless they go against the grain of what they learn in college, or are at least in their mid to late 20s.

MrGrimm888's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

^ Right?! We took my son’s family out for breakfast this moring (at 2 pm.) We went to a diner that serves breakfast 24/7 and everything else too. Sandwiches, burgers, etc. On the way I started asking the kids if they wanted pancakes or waffles. 4 year old Coopy said “Pancakes!” I asked the oldest girl, who is 8, whether she wanted waffles or pancakes. She said, “I’ll just choose from the menu.” Damn children. Already thinking for themselves. We must quash that tendency or they might become atheists!

MrGrimm888's avatar

The true idea of college, regardless of major, is to teach people critical thinking.

You have free will, to choose most of your courses. The idea, that the students are being forced to be liberal, is bullshit.

When people start learning more about the world, they lean left…
Those, who don’t know more about the world, listen to others, and lean right….
It’s just that simple…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I belong to a FB group called “Remember the 70s?” Coloma is a member too. We were chatting about how depressing so many of us old people had become. What happen to the wild open mindedness we had in the 70s? So many of us became curmudgeonly and self righteous. “There is only one RIGHT way to raise a child, and that’s the way I was raised, at the end of a belt and the slap of a hand or a punch of the fist!! Today’s children are so spoiled!” To that I say, “Um, today’s children are the ones YOU raised.”

And the other one is, “Bring Home Ec back to school!” Home Ec is STILL taught in schools. It’s just called Family and Consumer Science now.
They still teach shop.
They still learn to read an analog clock.
They still learn to count change back.
The kids can pray in school if they want to. It’s the same as it’s always been.

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