General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Could we ever have a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) December 19th, 2019

article in Wikipedia

or is law enforcement just too good 80–90 years later?

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10 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

We don’t have a sympathetic rural population any more, and visual surveillance is too prevalent.

In California, a lot of small towns in my area have license plate readers monitoring the roads, and if a scanner picks up a highly wanted license plate, police are alerted within seconds.

An Amber Alert was issued 2 days ago in San Jose CA; the car was spotted at a gas station in Cambria CA, 185 miles/3 hours away, off the normal high traffic highways. People boxed the car in and called police.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I recently read an article about how there couldn’t be a current version of Ted Bundy. Bundy identified his victims at, and abducted them from, very public places such as parking lots and sidewalks. Today, there’s surveillance everywhere; he’d be recorded committing the crime, leaving the area, and driving elsewhere. His “career” would end very quickly, not after the dozens of murders attributed to Bundy.

Consider the 2013 Boston Marathon attack. The two bombers were photographed and videographed from every angle and identified that same day.

Given this omnipresent change, the idea of a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde doesn’t seem possible.

kritiper's avatar

Possible. Not very likely that their run would last as long as the originals. People back then (during the Depression) didn’t like the banks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Nope. Even in my small rural city, you pass at least 7 camera’s, not including private business cameras, ATM’s, banks, etc….

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MrGrimm888's avatar

I agree, with the video jellies. You are probably on camera, when doing something wrong. Even some LEOs, have body cams.
I just read an article about a guy, who stole over $80,000, from his employer. The dumbass, then put video of himself, with handfuls of cash, on his social media.
It’s just easier to get caught in the crime, these days…

Inspired_2write's avatar

Its all done digitally now and undetected through scams.(cyber attacks).

anniereborn's avatar

Also, “the laws” can now cross state lines, and police cars are much faster :p

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

I’d like to see another Botch Cassidy and Some Dunce Kid.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@anniereborn . You can outrun a cop car, but you can’t outrun the radio.
I was coming back from bike week, in Myrtle Beach, decades ago. There was a club on crotch rockets, that flew by me. I myself was doing 120 mph. A cop car came up behind me, and I slowed way down. He passed me. About 20 minutes later, I saw a road block. They got almost 60 bikes. There highway patrol cars, and black and whites everywhere. A LOT of people were in hand cuffs…

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