Social Question

jca2's avatar

Do you give out Christmas cards?

Asked by jca2 (17074points) December 19th, 2019

I’m talking about Christmas or holiday cards that are printed (boxed or individually bought).

Do you give them out? Or do you do only social network or virtual cards?

I’m mailing mine as we speak. I do a lot – maybe 70 cards plus another 10 or so handed to coworkers.

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8 Answers

ucme's avatar

Yes we do.
I think It’s a lovely gesture & well, it just feels good to give & receive one you know?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No I don’t. And I feel guilty.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Up until last year I did, but stopped the practice as very few respond likewise.

I hate receiving a long drawn out letter outlining a cousins year of travel and fun and updates on each grandchild ( of which I did and don’t know)?
A distant cousins wife does this EVERY year and I stopped writing her last year for that I realized that it was really a journal of her year.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yes, my parents (read: my mom) send out a family Christmas card to various relatives and friends. It includes a family photo and a blurb about us. They don’t go into exhaustive detail about everyone, but there’s a cursory statement (okay, maybe better than “cursory” but it’s not an essay). I think it’s a nice thing to do. We receive a lot of Christmas cards as well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My mom, the artist, used to go out and find a dead tree branch and find a way to make it stand up on a table. Then she’d hang all the Christmas cards we got on it.

YARNLADY's avatar

We give Cards with checks in them to the 16 closest relatives, plus two December birthdays. We send out a dozen or so other cards.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, it was very retro cool.

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