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elbanditoroso's avatar

Will you be getting on the highway this weekend?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) December 20th, 2019

I live fairly close to Interstate 85 in North suburban Atlanta. The traffic people are predicting that starting around noon today, the highway is going to be packed with people traveling north to the Carolinas. And it it’ll be packed for several days before Christmas.

Are you hitting the highways? How do you plan to avoid traffic?

(I’m not going anywhere. But the kids are…)

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19 Answers

chyna's avatar

I have to get on the highway today to get home from work. I hope it won’t be bad.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I won’t be getting my motor runnin’
Or heading out on the highway
No lookin’ for adventure
Or whatever comes our way
No Darlin’ not gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space I might do the last three

elbanditoroso's avatar

Methinks that @lucillelucillelucille has too much free time.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@elbanditoroso -You are correct.
I got ahead of my timeline to get the big things done and now I sit here in shock.Don’t hate! :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@elbanditoroso – That’s good and happy holidays to you! :)

ucme's avatar

It’s called a motorway over here in englandtown & I will be motoring along several.
Have to see a man about a dog…

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ucme I have always admired the British road system, having driven on it a number of times.

The M roads (blue signs), then the A, B, C roads with green signs. The greater the number of digits after the A, the smaller the road actually is. Your signage is excellent.

Now about those darned roundabouts….

zenvelo's avatar

I will be driving on the freeways around the SF Bay Area this weekend, but not going any long distance. Just to Marin and then into the City tomorrow.

josie's avatar

But not me. People are coming here.

zenvelo's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille You’re a true nature’s child
you were born, born to be mild….

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@zenvelo – Since I’m never gonna die, I have that much more time to procrastinate on future projects!
Life is good!

Demosthenes's avatar

@zenvelo I’m heading into the City tonight; family tradition to visit Union Square around Christmastime. And everyone was absent last year so we didn’t get to do it then :(

Otherwise, I’m not planning on getting on any highways for a while. I’m glad to be spending Christmas at home. There is a chance I’ll visit friends in L.A. after Christmas, though.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso I prefer to call roundabouts by their real name…

stanleybmanly's avatar

The freeway is crucial for trips even within the city, and down the peninsula. 7—10 minute hops are routine. But holiday long distance freeway trips—only the wife is crazy enough to do the driving. Christmas Day we will be on the road to Petaluma by noon for an afternoon and dinner at her sister’s house. If the wife doesn’t talk me up, I’ll sleep all the way there and back.

tedibear's avatar

We will likely go a non-highway route to the in-laws and a highway home. I don’t know why my husband prefers this way, but it’s fine with me.

@ucme – I am a horrible roundabout driver and will do whatever I can to not have to go through one. Even if it means driving two or three miles out of my way. Better that than angering people who can deal with it, or crashing my car. Yes, I’ve come out unscathed when I have used one, but it is white knuckles the whole way.

ucme's avatar

@tedibear This amuses me :D

jca2's avatar

Nothing major before Christmas. Today (Sunday), we’re taking the train into NYC, which is about 90 minutes each way. Otherwise, before Christmas it’s just going to be trips of less than 10 miles each way. We may go to IKEA on Monday, but we’ll take the back roads through CT.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

He’ll to the no. I try hard not to travel on holidays. Sucicidal.

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