Social Question

ucme's avatar

What might be an "I bet I couldn't do that again" moment you had recently?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 20th, 2019

Something that happened by chance that was either clumsy, lucky or skilled.

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3 Answers

ucme's avatar

Okay, so I just tossed an empty plastic bottle in the general direction of my dawg, he likes to play with them see.

Anyway, the bottle bounced off the floor where he was lay, tumbled through the air, landing right way up on my daughter’s laptop :D

This amused me a touch as It’s raining out & well, I got bored!

Pinguidchance's avatar

I’m in the habit of going to the toilet and

bouncing the finished toilet roll on the floor to make it rebound and stand up on its end.

When it finally happened I thought

“I bet I couldn’t do that again”.

At the next attempt it happened again and despite many further tries, nevermore.

More recently I’ve started ignoring words like “recently” in questions and could do it again.

MaisyS's avatar

Hitting a G5 note. My highest is an E5, an F5 if I push it, but I got a clear G5 yesterday and yeah, I know it is never happening again.

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