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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think any authorities should become involved in this? (Video in details.)

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 21st, 2019

This video of a baby falling off a counter.

How stupid can a parent be?? I’d put my baby on a counter when checking out, but I was always directly in front of him or her so they couldn’t fall.
I say someone should contact that idiot and make her take some parenting classes.

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The long term safety of the child has absolutely nothing to do with being on the counter and avoiding head injury by that man catching him. The greater danger is living in a house where the mother has firearms. Kid will be lucky to make it to 18.

Inspired_2write's avatar

wow! young mother distracted and more interested in firearms then protecting her baby!
I imagine that someone has already jumped on this mistake and will be interviewing her.
Imagine if that baby suffered permanent brain damage???

chyna's avatar

I am not a parent but I’ve been around a baby or two in my time. That baby clearly could not sit up on its own.
And I watched the video a few times. It looked like the light haired woman, the one closest to the baby and holding the rifle just went on about her business. I may be wrong about that as the clip ended as she was gently laying the rifle down. With more care than she gave her baby.
Yes, I think someone should be involved as this woman doesn’t seem to know much about babies.
Also, this made me sick thinking how it could have ended.

johnpowell's avatar

My first thought was, would have a field day with this. But then, sadly I realized the FrontPage barely covers today. So I thought I would do a search for “baby”

Jesus fucking Christ.

jca2's avatar

The lady with the red shirt acted like nothing big just happened.

The mother was very, very lucky.

Sad. Hopefully it’s a lesson learned for her.

MrGrimm888's avatar

From my observations, babies try to kill themselves. I don’t know why, or what evolutionary cause it serves. You have to be constantly monitoring them, or they’ll die.
I’m kind of divided, on how to deal with the guardians…
They’re tasked, with dealing with a person who is constantly trying to kill themselves.

I guess it comes down to attention. If you are not paying attention to them, they will probably die. If you you have a moment, when you can’t, it’s hard to fault you.

My nephew, was constantly eating things. Anything.
One time, we didn’t see him, for a few minutes. He was in the pool, and drowning. We got him out, and got him breathing. But, it was like 3 minutes, and he managed to fall in the pool.
You can’t take your eyes off of them….

It’s kind of like handling a bomb.
But, it’s a bomb, that seemingly wants to go off…

I guess it depends on the scenario.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She had no excuse @MrGrimm888.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. I agree. I’m just saying kids, are tough to keep alive.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Especially the kids with idiots for parents.

MrGrimm888's avatar

You can be an idiot, and reproduce.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We have ample proof of that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh yeah. Idiocracy.

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