General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Is there a limit to how many people can send you friend requests?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13798points) December 21st, 2019

I don’t know why I can’t seem to find a clear answer. Some say 1000 some say more.
I have 902 friend requests from people I don’t know. I have it limited so that only people who are friends of my friends can add me (which I wanted it to be no-one, but the only option was everyone or friends of friends) These people are all weird, spam accounts of people who aren’t even in America and we do have mutual friends (that are very real people I know in real life)

902 friend requests in literally 3 days is pissing me off. I had to disable email notifications because I got 295 emails in my inbox! How do I stop these spammy friend requests and is there even a limit? The number sort of fluctuates, it was 932, then it was 928, then it went up again (I assume these accounts are getting blocked). After declining a few it was 900.

I have no idea where the hell these came from, and it LITERALLY happened overnight! I’m frustrated!!!

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9 Answers

jca2's avatar

If I were you, I’d make my settings to where nobody can send you a friend request.

It seems like maybe your profile is being passed around to spammers.

I accept no friend requests unless I know the person in real life, or maybe if I know them from a group, from interactions with them (like Fluther).

Even having mutual friends is not a guarantee that they’re legit. About two years ago, I accepted a friend request from some military guy who had two mutual friends. I figured since these two mutual people are both upstanding individuals, the military guy must be ok. He started pm’ing me and asking me personal questions, and this raised red flags. Silly me, I didn’t ask him how he knew our mutual friends, but I was suspicious. He was really handsome, about 60, and in great shape. I googled him and he was high up in the US Army, leading troops in Afghanistan, and married. I was wondering why he was interested in me. I told him google says he’s married and he said it was incorrect. I was still doubtful. Within a few hours of being his friend, I googled more and found out that this person’s profile was one commonly used by scammers. I unfriended him right away. I was annoyed at myself for being trusting and accepting a friend request just based on mutual friends, who obviously have no clue that it’s a fake profile.

Most random friend requests that I receive are men, and when I look at their profile there are only a few photos, the status often says “single” and it’s just an obvious scam. I reject the request and mark it “spam” so they can’t try again.

Another thing I changed was I make my friends list where only I can see it. I don’t want any friends being able to see who else I’m friends with. Of course, FB shows mutual friends but nobody else.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Facebook and twitter are actively cancelling fake politically motivated accounts. There has been a flurry of fake account activity by The BL .They are setting themselves up for injecting spam fake news closer to election.
Don’t just delete them. Flag them as spam so Facebook can take a look. And tell your duped mutual friends

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@jca2 I wasn’t given the option to block everyone from friend requesting me, how do you do that?

@LuckyGuy yeah, I’m marking as spam as well

jca2's avatar

@SergeantQueen: In your settings, one of the choices is “who can send you a friend request?” You can choose “everyone” or “nobody.”

jca2's avatar

Settings to “Privacy settings and tools” to “Who can send you friend requests?”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@jca2 huh. I have two options “Everyone” or “friends of friends”

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Don’t know.. All I ever get are “Drop Dead” requests. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

jca2's avatar

@SergeantQueen: Sorry – make it “friends of friends” and then if you keep your friends to your real friends (people you know or trust pretty much), then you won’t get any random spam requests.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@jca2 Just did. Going to clean out my friends list tonight. Thank you!

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