General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How can I improve my meditation when at the dentist?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) December 22nd, 2019

I have cavities filled on Dec 30th. Last time I focused on the weather network and everything went well.

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7 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Is nitrous oxide a option at your dentist?

My insurance didn’t cover it but I could pay 35 bucks to get some gas. A little bit of nitrous and everything is alright.

I have had more fillings than I have teeth. I liked getting fillings since I got high as fuck.

And really, the noise is the worst thing about fillings. Your dentist should properly numb you. Headphones and loud music and closing your eyes should do the trick if you can’t get properly gassed.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Just focus on the pain. Keep telling yourself, “I don’t like pain, pain hurts.” Works for me. But I haven’t been to a dentist in years so what do I know?

Pinguidchance's avatar

Focus on your breathing and think about nothing but OM with the M upside down.

LostInParadise's avatar

Meditating while having dental work done is challenging. Meditation requires that you focus on how you are feeling and to accept it. First try practicing meditation at home.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Square breathing might help you.
Begin by slowly exhaling all of your air out.
Then, gently inhale through your nose to a slow count of 4.
Hold at the top of the breath for a count of 4.
Then gently exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.
At the bottom of the breath, pause and hold for the count of 4.

SEKA's avatar

Nitrous would e a nice compliment to your meditating. You could also focus on your friends on Fluther or maybe on the ones who aren’t necessarily friends. Since you’ve managed to do it before, it shouldn’t be that difficult this time

nightwolf5's avatar

Well, that is tomorrow! I wish you well. I’ve had a few cavities filled before just as well. Maybe bring some music and headphones with you to help you relax too.

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