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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

What is the most peaceful place you know of?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) December 23rd, 2019

Do you go there often?

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32 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The most peaceful place I know of is in the Emigrant Basin Wild Area of the Sierra Nevada. But it is a three day hike to get to where I like.

The most peaceful place that is accessible and nearby is a beach out by Point Reyes. I go there a few times a year.

The most peaceful place I get to regularly is the “back area” of the reservoir near where I live.I go there a few times each week.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@zenvelo -That’s nice to have something nearby. Do you see a lot of wildlife there?

zenvelo's avatar

There is quite a bit of wildlife: deer and turkeys all over, an occasional coyote, wild bunnies. and lots of birds.

One time I was on a trail and saw what seemed like a very well kept coyote, As I got close it hid in the brush, but keeping an eye on the trail. As I got near, turned out it was a beautiful silver fox.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@zenvelo – Do you bring a camera? I have tons of photos of the birds (mostly but not always) I’d see on my walks.
That fox sounds beautiful!
I’d see them once in awhile, never a silver one though. My husband got a picture of one and it reminds me of an impressionist’s painting.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The Edisto River.
It’s black swamp, and can have difficult areas. But it feels good. I used to kayak it, but I feel confident swimming, now. I will feel comfy, swimming miles, with others. Nothing bothers us. It’s just formidable. But, nothing other than tiny fish, will bother you. They just bite you’re leg hair. You see bigger, scarier animals, but they stay away…

Inspired_2write's avatar

In the mountains and wooded areas ,I love the open space and feel free in nature’s playground.

Fresh air, not feeling boxed in with city/town life,wildlife, birds, waterfalls,rivers,pristine lakes..its beautiful!

I went in the Winter and also took beautiful photographs unexpected , of the ice breaks and the blue water among them, it felt like I was way up North among untouched territory.

It felt peaceful and I was glad to had witnessed this scene and many more after that.

No wonder people travel the world .( for the experience) one with nature?

Perhaps really they are searching for peace?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write – I love it too and it can be found out there, unless you’re being chased by a grizzly.
Just take someone slower than you. :)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Have never encountered a Grizzly as they are way up the mountain and stay away from humans since they smell the scent much sooner.

Had only two encounters of black bears while hiking but they were about a half block away and I saw them first before they were aware, I yelled and the mother and cubs ran away.

I also carry a “banger pen” its a device that looks like a fat pen on a necklace that I have on when hiking.

It has a safety pin to unlock quickly and when it it projected high above ones head it sounds like a blast of a loud shotgun!

This scares the bears and they run for it.

I have never had to use it as here the wildlife is wary of humans since the Park wardens have conditioned them through the years to leave humans alone.

I prefer to go hiking when there are thousands of tourists hiking and thus the wildlife stay at bay more so.

Also going out way early in the morning before anyone else will guarantee an encounter!

I go a little later instead.

Safety first.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write-They might smell the scent sooner so they can call their friends for dinner! Bears are my nightmare animal. They (black bears) are not too close by where I am at but I have seen them up close and they can run as fast as a dog.
That surprised me.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@josie That’s not what your neighbors

Inspired_2write's avatar

I don’t get the reference? What does the Beach boys have to do with this thread?
By the way had you read the comments under it…WOW Wilson brothers had a rough childhood!

SEKA's avatar

The corners of my mind. I have permanent residence status

LadyMarissa's avatar

@josie I get it!!! I stayed locked “in my room” when I was about 13–15. It was the ONLY place I could go where NO ONE fucked with me…except my parents when they noticed how long I had been in my room & they forced me to exit!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

LLL. I see a wonderful world . The worst thing I’ve see, is an intoxicated man, with a gun. It’s worse than any wild animals. I’ve had a gun pulled on me about 3 times. Once, it was was my father. About 5 feet away from me. It was a . 44 magnum, super redhawk. He had adjusted the trigger, to be a “hair pin.” I fired the pistol myself, several times, and it took a slight pull, and it would shoot, normally twice, as the recoil, would accidentally make it discharge again. It was a formidable weapon. He pulled it on me, when we had an argument, when I was 19 years old. At that point, I could handle him, hand to hand. He was ex-special forces, ARMY . But he taught me how to defend myself. He knew he was outmatched, so he brought out the big gun. He pointed it right at me,and I knew I was in deep shit. He talked a lot of shit, and could have intentionally, or accidentally, killed me. He cocked the weapon. Making it easier to fire….
My mother came into the situation, and wrestling with him, came away with the gun. I was terrified. The gun could have went off, at any time. I have never looked at my father, the same… I didn’t talk to him, for months, after that, and to this day, I’ll drop him hard, if he feels we need to have a conflict. If he was anyone else, I’d have killed, or disowned him…
It was definitely one of the worst moments, in my life…
I know he’s a Vietnam War survivor, with PTSD, and more, but NOBODY puts a gun in my face. I am still a bit confused, when I meet him… We don’t talk much, and never have.

He used to be a ridiculously big, and stong, man. Now he is in his late 70’s, and can barely move.
I’ve fought him, multiple times. But, now, it’s stupid. He still challenges me. But, I hold back.
He’s a stubborn, old drill sergeant, and special forces guy . I give him a long rope, and plenty of patience.
If he wasn’t my father, I’d put him on the ground, and let him think about his disrespectful ways….

But. You can’t choose your family.

What do I see? A world in need, of people being taught how to treat others… Or suffer ramifications…
Often times, a bully, just hasn’t been punched in the mouth. A trait that’s obvious, with Trump…

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I go to the Michigan Upper Peninsula (UP) at least a couple of times a year, and camping in Colorado every fall.

Both places where the only noise is the river, you can almost read by starlight when the moon is down, and I have worries or responsibilities.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve been to the UP too. I suggest a 4×4, or AWD, vehicle. Otherwise, have a blast.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Conditioning in the army especially the special Forces would had taught him to act on impulse instead of rationalizing the situation perhaps. It was fortunate that your mother stepped into the fray to divert his impulse.
Sorry that you had to go through that and understanding that situation and his PTSD I hope that you can forgive his lapse of reality.
Now in old age perhaps have a gentle conversation with him and I bet that you would find that he has forgotten or was never aware at that time?
You at that time was just another adversary to battle in his reality then.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay -It’s beautiful in the UP. The furthest I have been is the Porcupine Mountains.
The last trip was a weekend at Tahquamenon Falls. Very nice time.
@MrGrimm888 -Don’t forget your bear spray…

Sagacious's avatar

The Appalachian Trail is generally peaceful, like other trails in large mountain ranges. The beach is where I find comfort and feel reassurance that time and life (and the tide) go on beyond whatever trial or predicament in which I might find myself.

Jons_Blond's avatar

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan along the south shore of Lake Superior. Specifically the Porcupine Mountains.

RabidWolf's avatar

The woods. It is pretty much untouched by man. It has yet to be all screwed up.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Inspired_2write . My father, is a prideful man. Once I turned 17, I routinely dominated him, in sparring matches. I was training in boxing, at the time. After that, our relationship changed forever. He was no longer the loving father, who taught me how to fish, and hunt. Who protected me, and taught me how to drive, and how to ride a motorcycle, etc.
I was rebellious, and always in trouble. I had a huge problem with authority.
So. A former drill sergeant, and a kid, who hated being ordered around, clashed… His most famous saying was, ” if I tell you to jump, you say’how high?’ “If I tell you to shit, you say ‘what color.”
He rarely beat me, and when he did, I’m sure I deserved it. His father was a super asshole, and would beat him relentlessly. He was a cop, in downtown Charleston. He had a reputation for being a violent man.
When my family and I moved back from Germany (we lived there for several years,) we moved in with my grandparents.
We lived there, for about 7 months. It was a bad neighborhood, and I routinely got my ass kicked, for being the only white kid there. My grandfather (asshole) spoke one sentence to me, in the 7 months we all lived together.
I had been beaten up, by multiple kids on the bus, and wasn’t allowed to get off at my stop. The bus driver, did nothing. So. I had to walk a couple miles from where I was finally let off. I got within a hundred yards, of our house, when I noticed my grandfather standing in the doorway, glaring at me…
He scared me. He never seemed to pay attention to me.So. as I walked up the steps, I said “I’m sorry, I was late getting back. ..” He interrupted my excuse, and said “I never asked you, why you were late,” walked off. That’s the only thing he EVER said to me. EVER. Interestingly, his middle name was Hugo. He died just a couple of months, before Hurricane Hugo, destroyed most of Charleston, and many other places. A strange coincidence, that I have never fully wrapped my head around. I am an atheist, and don’t have any superstitious thoughts. But…. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that storm, was his rage. His last violent act, from a terrible man…
My grandmother, was essentially his slave. She’d get up, at 4AM, and cook a huge breakfast, and start cooking a huge dinner around 4PM. It took her hours, each time, to cook all that food. The, my grandfather, would sit down at the table, and be served. If he didn’t like what was served, he’d slam the plate to the floor, breaking it. And he’d say “clean that shit up, and cook———, instead.” My grandmother would get on her hands and knees, and apologize, and clean up the mess. Then, she’d cook what he wanted. She was a sweet little woman. I looked at him , with rage, every time he did that. I didn’t divert my eyes. If he touched me, my father would have violently murdered him. He didn’t like the loss of physical dominance either…
My father used to curl 100 lb weights, in each arm. He was 6 feet tall, and about 280 lbs. I saw him beat many men up, as I grew up. To me, growing up, he was the baddest man, on the planet. We traveled a LOT. And he beat men to a pulp, in dozens of countries.
As his age advanced, his strength declined. I was the next one up. At first, he seemed to take pride in showing me what he knew. We had two pairs of 16 ounce boxing gloves, and all the other stuff, like weights, a 100 lbs heavy bag, etc.
He taught me what he was taught, when he was special forces. Put me in karate classes, since I was 5…
Eventually, he just couldn’t beat me hand, to hand. That seemed to bring out his father, in him. He grew distant, and spiteful. So. When we would argue, he would go for a gun. I realized quickly, I couldn’t let that happen. So. I would immobilize him, if I thought he was going for a gun. That didn’t help things. As he got older, he lost strength. Bit, he could still damage me. So. For years, we would come to an all out fight. I have not fought him, in about 10 years. I just quickly take him down. It breaks my heart, every time. But I’ll NEVER forget when he pulled on me. And, I’ll never let it happen again.
Every couple of years, he goes for a gun, and I take him down. It has severely damaged our relationship. And with all due respect/love, to him, NOBODY puts a gun, in my face…

I’ll see him tomorrow, on Christmas day. We’ll see how that goes. Will it be my loving father, or the killer? I never know. But, I’ll have to hurt him, if he tries something. It’s a hell of a way, to celebrate a holiday…

Sorry for the length of my tale.
But, it’s just a keyhole.

I appreciate your opinion, but the war killed my father, long ago. What’s left, is a manic individual.
War, is Hell. That’s why I’m so against it…

Coolhandluke's avatar

It’s deep in the woods on a cliff overlooking a river. No one can see you, no one can hear you. No one, absolutely no one is there besides you.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

I’d say in my dreams, falling into a ritual slumber completely relaxed, and drifting, with a good imagination almost anything is possible. I guess you can call it a meditative retreat.

Harper1234's avatar

HEAVEN…and I can’t wait!

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