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Dutchess_III's avatar

How much longer can we ignore Trump's obvious, increasing dementia?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 24th, 2019

“I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. They’re noisy. They kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill someday. You’ll see more birds than you’ve ever seen in your life.”

“But they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything.”

“You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything, right?””

”“You see all those windows. They’re all different shades of color,” he said. “They’re like sort of white, but one is like an orange-white. It’s my favorite color, orange.”

“You know what they don’t tell you about windmills? After 10 years they look like hell. They start to get tired, old,” he said, lamenting that owners of ageing windmills not replacing them without government subsidies was “a really terrible thing”.

Pick your source:

The Washington Post


Huff Post

NY Mag.

The Hill

The Guardian.

OR, Straight from the horse’s mouth on Youtube

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76 Answers

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rebbel's avatar

I don’t see Breitbart listed.
Ergo, can’t be true.

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johnpowell's avatar

If you watch videos of him 20 years ago he isn’t like this. If my mom talked like this I would call the DMV and suggest they look into if she is still fit to drive. And I would also be looking into becoming her representative payee for her social security benefits.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If you have ever been under a windmill you’ll understand what he is saying about birds. They’re noisy but not bad. It would be incredibly annoying to live near one though. The pulsating shadow would be a constant nuisance along with the noise. I think he is trying to explain the extended carbon footprint from their manufacture which is not insignificant considering the resources, complexity and logistics compared to the relatively small amount of power they produce (typically ~1.5 MW). An average hydro generator produces power in the range of 30 MW. If not actively maintained yes they do start to look like hell after about ten years or so.

I have said it many times though, I do believe Trump is in the beginning stages of dementia. It’s not what he is saying but rather how poorly he says it.

Zaku's avatar

I was aware of his dementia before he was elected.

The scariest part for me is that there are still people who are (or pretend like they are) not aware of it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was aware of it too, before the election. I can not grasp how anyone wasn’t.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did you see in his last rally he all of a sudden went on about dish washers, the crowd just got quiet, another he was asked a question about climate change and went off on how you have to flush some toilets ten times, and the water comes out of the tap very quietly like HUH??
I know his loyal sheep will claim it’s all because we hate him, but lately that is all his loyal sheep have to defend him.
Another thing that gets me is how come his loyal puppies can’t see he is without a doubt Putin’s bitch?

Yellowdog's avatar

He was talking about dishwashers that save energy and water that are not very efficient, and the water-saving toilets that have to be flushed multiple times. And that having to run these appliances multiple times, or flush multiple times, wastes more water and energy than the older ones (a point which could be debated). Not exactly a ramble. And Trump doesn’t take questions at rallys

He was referirrng to EPA regulations on appliances and light bulbs. Mercury Vapor is banned because it contains mercury, but we are supposed to convert to mercury-filled twisty florescents or expensive LEDs—and things which need special places of disposal. People can still use these, or they should have the option of using the older type incandescent bulbs which have been banned in the last ten years or so.

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, it was a very coherent talk, for a world leader (who’s very concerned about environment and climate change and is still in the Paris Agreement. Wait, what’s that? Oh, he pulled out?).
Talking about his dump not get flushed after ten flushes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I have seen old videos of him and he wasn’t the way he is now. He was coherent. I’m not sure it it’s just dementia or if his lifestyle just drove him mad.

Inspired_2write's avatar

He is rambling on and on to divert the medias attention on the impeachment.
This keeps the news floating with his inconsistency .
In short he creates new topics to bury the previous ramblings.
He has the media by the coat tails since they hang on to every word.

kritiper's avatar

A study of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra might be in order for an adequate answer.

Yellowdog's avatar

Of course we pulled out of the Paris Accord,

Trump and his supporters do not advocate the regulations that do not do what they perport For instance, electric cars still need energy from fossil fuels to get a charge, and take an unrealistically long tie to take a charge, It only takes 2–3 minutes to fill your gas tank. It takes an hour or more to charge your electric car after it goes sixty miles.

With the Paris Accord, we were giving billions to countries to develop clean energy.but were not bound to any progress for 5–10 years, and would probably just take the money and do nothing.

Trump actually does extremely well at rallies. During debates, the democrats are rambling about putting CEO’s of petroleum companies in prison, and giving medicaid to anyone and everyone who crosses our border.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This kind of logic slays me “He is rambling on and on to divert the medias attention on the impeachment.” as if the media is going to report on that and nothing else.
The media is still reporting on the impeachment process. Pelosi is not being diverted. Neither is the Senate. Those are the only ones who matter.

He’s blathering because he’s an idiot.

Yellowdog's avatar

You may not realize it yet, but the impeachment process has already failed, like everything else. And never was a concern to Trump or his administration.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh Joy, now he is free to abuse his power of office for himself another day.
Plus do Putins biding another day as well.

Yellowdog's avatar

Putin LOVES all the discord the democrats are sowing.

Russia, China, none have done more damage and discord to the nation than the democrat party. But they highly approve.

Darth_Algar's avatar

A modern day Don Quixote, this guy. Only with a slightly less stable grasp on reality.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No kidding. Tilting at windmills, for sure.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You have to remember about windmills they cause cancer ,and kill birds.
And it’s still all the democrats fault.

Yellowdog's avatar

Windmills impact on the environment greatly outweigh the good that comes from the amount of energy they produce.

The only clean energy source is nuclear energy, But if you open that can of worms, you might as well be talking about nuclear holocaust.

Getting rid of cows, charging batteries, disposing the toxic waste of the batteries, these proposals do far more damage than they’re worth,

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Your right about nuclear and who cares if the byproduct horribly dangerous for a thousand years yup good and clean, we should go back to coal like your orange god promised who needs clean air or water as long as we have cheap energy.

And if anything goes wrong it’s still the democrats fault.

Yellowdog's avatar

Clean-burning coal is still an efficient source of energy, as is petroleum from fracking. The United States is energy independent for the first time in many decades.

Most of Europe condemns us for this, and buys their gas and oil from Russia. I suspect that’s the real motive of the democrats.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “The United States is energy independent for the first time in many decades.”

We really aren’t, as we still consume more than we produce.

johnpowell's avatar

Well, we are sort of energy independent, if everyone stopped driving. We could live on what we produce if all energy was equal. But until your car can run on natural gas we are not.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m well aware of cars that run on all sorts of shit, from french fry oil to hydrogen.

Asking people to ride in car with a tank of natural gas is like asking me to ride a bike that is a pipe bomb.

It might be safe.. But yeah, not doing it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You’re forgetting one huge thing @Yellowdog….we have to find alternate sources because we will run out of fossil fuels. And we will run out in the not to distant future. Estimates give us until 2060. That’s in our children’s and grandchildren’s lifetimes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh but in the mean time @Dutchess_III there is still time to totally screw the the North American driving public out of hundreds of millions of dollars pumping more profit into corporate share holders.

jca2's avatar

You think coal mining is good for the land it’s mined from? You think fracking is good for the land it’s taken from, @Yellowdog ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You have to remember @jca2 if their Republican leaders say it does no harm,then by God it does no harm, regardless of what any highly educated scientist says.

Harper1234's avatar

Too bad you can’t impeach a president over a little dementia…..
Everything else he has said and done has been racked over with a fine tooth comb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We did impeach him.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah but that is as far as the republicans are going to let it go, they will acquit him as fast as they can screw facts, or witnesses .

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar U.S. oil production was estimated at 11.7 million barrels a day during the week ending November 16, over 2 million barrels per day more than during the same time period in 2017—a 21-percent increase. For perspective, the increase is almost equivalent to all of Mexico’s production in 2017. The Energy Information Administration expects oil production to average 10.9 million barrels per day this year and over 12 million barrels per day in 2019. U.S. oil production has doubled in the past eight years due to oil produced by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in shale basins.

*Earlier this year, the United States had overtaken oil production in Saudi Arabia and Russia on a monthly basis, making it the world’s top oil producing nation.
In less than a decade, U.S. companies have drilled 114,000 wells in the Permian Basin of Texas alone and many of them could turn a profit with crude prices as low as $30 a barrel.

The obstacle then will be export capacity, as most of the incremental output will need to be exported. With export terminals nearly full, oil from the Permian Basin could be held up at the ports of Corpus Christi and/or Houston. New export facilities, however, are in the works: Enterprise Products Partners wants to build an offshore crude oil loading terminal 80 miles off the coast near Galveston, and Swiss commodities trader Trafigura wants to build one 15 miles offshore near Corpus Christi. The Port of Corpus Christi is planning a $1 billion onshore export terminal on Harbor Island, near Port Aransas, and the Oklahoma pipeline company Magellan Midstream Partners is evaluating building an oil export terminal on Harbor Island.

seawulf575's avatar

I guess you see what you want to see.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And you trumpers ignore what’s right under your nose.

“But they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything.””

Those are not the words of a normal human being.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You forget that it was the Democrats in Congress who failed to include any facts, or the testimony of witnesses in the hearings, in their two articles of impeachment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog how do you keep a straight face when you make shit like that up?!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think he knows it’s bullshit @Dutchess_III he just wants to get a rise out of us.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Your point? We’re actually the world’s largest oil producer. Yet we still consume more than we produce. As long as we continue to consume more energy than we produce we are not, and will not be, energy independent.

Yellowdog's avatar

Article One: Abuse of Power: There is not a single fact witness who has testified to this. Sondland, the only fact witness who was even permitted to testify, when he asked Trump what he wanted from Zelensky, he said, nothing, no quid pro quo. I just want him to do the right thing.” If your star witness says the opposite of what you are alleging, you have no case.

Article Two: Obstruction of Congress: Disputes between the Administrative and Legislative branch are settled by the judicial branch. It is they who will determine whether the White House has to surrender anything, or comply with congressional subpoenas.

There is nothing here to base a trial on. I can’t help but believe this was deliberate, so that when it is thrown out, they can say it was political bias.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But Sondland did say there was a quid pro quo.
Trump’s own press secretary said they do quid quo pros all the time.
I know you think Trump is better than the second coming, but he a sleazy business man who thinks he can do what ever he wants.
He is still profiting from foreign dignitaries staying at his resorts( oh quickly now deflect it saying his sons are running his empire) but it is still him raking in the profits.
The way he is cuddling up to Putin is almost disgusting, and yet you see no wrong.
He gives huge tax breaks to the ultra rich,and cuts tax breaks the working class were getting did you know he cut meal deductions for long haul truckers,(but hey the rich got theirs).
And if anyone says anything against this hero of yours you again deflect to your just about hate.
You really should try other news sources Fox will never say anything wrong, he really could walk into the street and shoot someone and Fox would instantly spin it saying it was the victims fault for getting in the way of Trump’s bullet.

kritiper's avatar

@Yellowdog The types of coal used for electrical generation are not exactly “clean” coal. Such as lignite (brown coal) and bituminous (soft coal). These two types of coal deposits are more numerous, hence the reason they can be used extensively for electrical power production.
Anthracite (hard coal) was used in steam locomotives because it burned clean, as in no clinkers to clean out of the firebox, and deposits are not as abundant as the first two mentioned above, and, because of the vast amount needed, is not used for electricity generation.
All three types, when burned, still produce excessive amounts of CO2.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If God didn’t want us to burn coal then he wouldn’t have put it there. God bless coal – the magical choo-choo fruit of the mountain!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Our refineries are not built for the light shale oil, so we export it instead of using it. Even the Dept of Energy says at this point, it’s hard to calculate usage vs export, as we ship some of what we import, out again. If they can’t determine it, we are unlikely to make sweeping statements such as yours, unless you have a source higher than the Dept of Energy.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m not talking about usage vs export. I’m talking about production vs consumption. The United States produces around 17 million barrels of oil, per day, and consumes around 20 million barrels of oil, per day. It’s a simple equation – if you eat more than you grow then you must source from elsewhere to meet your needs and thus aren’t independent.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We need to find a better way.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think we’re getting there, but you’re right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’re going to run out. trump is too stupid to understand that, and the evangelical Christians insist that God put the oil and coal there by magic, and he’ll keep on doing so as long as we need it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So? Reserves run out too. Is the attitude, “As long as I got mine, to hell with future generations.”?

Darth_Algar's avatar


So? We’re still consuming more than we produce. What part of that is difficult for you to understand?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Our usage and dependence is decreasing rapidly, posted the link earlier.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because of the efforts of everyone who came before trump.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Your link only claims “less reliant on”, not “independent of”. Energy independence isn’t something that’s really going to be feasible for us. Or even necessarily desirable (depending on your stance on geopolitics).

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar I gave you a GA, but since things have apparently slowed down recently (yes under Trump), I’m not sure if this is still accurate.

It forecasts the United States will be energy independent by 2019 and oil independent in 2021. That does not mean the United States will no longer buy foreign oil or energy commodities. It means the United States well sell more oil and energy products overseas than it imports.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Sondland DID say there was no quid pro quo. When their star witness, the only fact witness you will permit to speak, does not support your narrative, you have no case. The Senate cannot bring that to trial. There is nothing to base the charge on.

Here is Sondland, your star witness, in his own words.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wow and in this video he very much admits there was indeed a quid quo pro

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “When their star witness, the only fact witness you will permit to speak”

Once again your claims do not align with the real world. Several witness were subpoenaed by the House. Trump did not allow them to testify.

An innocent man wants people to testify in his defense. A guilty man is afraid of testimony and will do everything he can to prevent it.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar “An innocent man wants people to testify in his defense. A guilty man is afraid of testimony and will do everything he can to prevent it.” Unless the innocent man realizes he is facing a sham from a group that will do anything to screw him over. Then the wise man plays no part in it.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Yeah, make no defense whatsoever. Always a brilliant legal strategy.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar The Dems have already shown they will ignore facts and cherry pick viewpoints to try pushing their agenda. They have shown they will twist things all out of shape to try desperately to make something out of nothing. Why would any sane man give them any ammunition at all? Admit it…the left only wants Trump to fight back so they can try finding more things to twist. If they could get him to testify, they would twist things until they could claim perjury. We see how they do that with pretty much everything he says as is. Remember the Charlottesville statement of Trump calling White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis “very fine people” Yeah…that was a statement taken entirely out of context, applied to whatever the left wanted to push and then repeated over and over, hoping no one would actually go back to the source to find out that he denounced the WS and N-N not once but twice in that same discussion. He even specifically said he was not refering to them when he said “very fine people”. But did the left care? Nope. So yeah, not giving a sham investigation any help at all is a great legal strategy. When it gets to an actual trial, he can then call upon whomever he wants or no one at all. Here’s the part you are also missing: he isn’t required to prove his innocence in anything. It is up to the Dems to prove his guilt. And so far, in my opinion, they have failed miserably…not even being able to show an actual crime he has committed.

Yellowdog's avatar

Back to the original point, the Left, the News, news magazines, were regularly reporting by supposed experts who had never met Trump, that he was in the intermediate stages of dementia. However, that was 2–½ years ago. And there are still no signs.

Mueller, Hillary and Biden have showed significant mental decline. Maybe you should focus there.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Yellowdog They’d hate to lose TWICE to a crazy old pervert WS, with dementia and no respectable credentials. If he’s everything the left says he is, it should be much easier to take him down. Hmm…

seawulf575's avatar

@Yellowdog I think they are focusing on that…it’s called projectionism. They are accusing others of what they are already doing. When Biden and Hillary and Mueller are all getting a bit dotty, they accuse Trump of it so that they don’t have to deal with it in their own people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“They’d hate to lose TWICE to a crazy old pervert WS, with dementia and no respectable credentials.” And you forgot, “Depraved.” What kind of people would actually vote for a person like that?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess People who feel Dem policies will be worse than his, I suppose. Realistically, thats a lot of people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think ALL dems have ALL THE SAME policies, just like not ALL republicans are batshit crazy and are willing to destroy this country for personal gain.

I’d love to see Nancy Pelosi run! .... I posted that then realized I don’t even know if she’s a Republican or a Democrat. I just know she’s smart. Then I checked….

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